
Bungie Weekly Update - 07/04/2014

Deej Writes: "This week at Bungie, we marched seven days closer to Beta.

There were homework assignments to ready us for your onslaught on every platform. I love take home playtests. Destiny is available at my desk every day. I watch urk and OJ play from the corner of my eye while I patrol our social graph for wisdom or evil. For some reason, my favorite place to play Destiny is on my own couch. The experience just feels more real there, in that place where I’ve waged countless battles with old friends."


Forget the RTX 4070 Super, it's now the perfect time to grab a RTX 4070

This 1440p beast could soon be an absolute steal.


I’ve got a 4070 in my PC and it does a great job. I won’t be upgrading until I have a real reason to.


Forget Nvidia and buy AMD graphics cards. Their drivers are great and they're so much more gamer friendly. They support their cards for longer and how they even give away their Fidelity effects for free to older Nvidia generations that have been abandoned by their maker.

jmac53133d ago

$50 less for 20% less performance isn't an absolute steal.


RTX 4080 Super vs PS5: how does Nvidia's superstar compare to PlayStation's flagship?

We've had a look at the key differences between the RTX 4080 Super and the PS5, so have a look at what we think.

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Number1TailzFan143d ago

AFAIK this Super refresh isn't really all that good, in fact most of the regular 4000 series cards were poor price to performance unless you splashed out on the top end 4090, there were also a couple of deals with vouchers going around some months back making some 4090's only a bit more expensive than a 4080. The new generation of cards are also due later this year or early next year and these refreshes are not looking all that good IMO. Unless of course a good deal turns up.

Next generation will likely make just about all of the cards below a 4080 look quite poor, unless Nvidia keeps pricing high again which they may well do.

VincentVanBro142d ago (Edited 142d ago )

5% increase to CUDA cores vs standard 4080, but a reduction in price from $1200 to $1000 is welcome. It was mostly a price correction w/ a small bonus to core count.

KeeseToast141d ago

It is now much closer in price to AMD's 7900XTX. 4080 and 7900XTX are usually on par when it comes to shader-based performance, while the 4080 offers much higher RT performance and the benefit of Nvidia's proprietary and more advanced upscaling techniques.
This means that AMD might lower the price of their flagship GPU which hopefully brings down pricing of all mid-range GPUs below it.

142d ago
Sonic1881141d ago (Edited 141d ago )

"The new generation of cards are also due later this year or early next year"

I'm hearing they're going to be push pack to Q2 2025 which can be from April to May release. I hope it's just a rumor

anast142d ago

"the PS5 as its price-to-performance can’t really be beaten."

peppeaccardo142d ago

Another of those articles in which after many lines of specs, numbers and mumbo-jumbo, states the obviuous conclusion: if u want an all in one system to play go for the PS5 otherwise if you have time and money get the 4080 super and build ur own PC. ... a joke !

EvertonFC142d ago (Edited 142d ago )

I watched someone play star citizen the other day with a beast of a system and they still had to put it on low/medium settings 😂🤣
Imagine having a £2000 plus rig and the games stuttering everytime you open a door etc.

EvertonFC142d ago

To those who disagreed, watch a YouTube video of it and there is more than one out there.
You wouldn't think people on here knew videos and the internet exist.

KeeseToast141d ago

What is your point here? Star Citizen isn't available on any other system. I'm definitely not a fan of SC and especially their monetization, but there is no doubt that they are pushing a ton of technical boundaries and developing systems for stuff like gameplay, physics, planetary rendering completely from scratch.
SC seems far from being finished so ofc it is gonna run bad even on a high end system.

You could have made a much more valid point with talking about some of the atrocious ports that PC has received this year. Some of those have shader-compilation or traversal stutters that even the most high-end systems in the future won't be able to fix. In those cases console gaming is by far the best choice for a lot of gamers today.

Zenzuu142d ago

What a stupid pointless article.


Why even make these kinds of comparisons?

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Nvidia RTX Remix Will Let You Remaster Your Own Games

ESTNN writes: "Nvidia RTX Remix provides the tools needed to bypass hard-to-access game files, arduous programming workflows and time-consuming asset creations that are usually encountered in the modding process.


porkChop144d ago

If you can share/download other people's remixes this is going to be huge. There are plenty of great older games that will never get a remaster or remake.

PitbullMonster143d ago

A nightmare for many Publisher and developer.

anast143d ago

This is a good idea. This way devs and pubs can't sleep at the wheel an throw out a cheap remaster for $80.