
Giant Bomb Hiring Ignites Gender Issues in Games Journalism Debate

8CN: If you've been active on Twitter lately, you've probably seen that there's some controversy in the Giant Bomb community. The disagreement is over the site's latest hires, who are white males, and whether this represents a diversity problem in game journalism.

Eonjay3632d ago (Edited 3632d ago )

I know all sorts of people of all types who play games. So I can say that games don't represent a large number of people who play them. Gaming isn't exclusively white males.

ShaunCameron3632d ago

Maybe not, but White males seem to be the only people who care about gaming enough to pursue a career in it either in video game development, publishing or media journalism. Hence, their overall domination.

Bimkoblerutso3632d ago (Edited 3632d ago )

Well it's just a vicious cycle, then. White guys grow up playing games starring white guys, and read articles about games written by white guys, and decide to get into the industry to write articles about games starring white guys or make games starring white guys.

Even if you feel like white guys have no obligation to diversify the industry, you have to at least be getting tired of seeing so many goddamn white guys in the industry.

...for the record, I am a white guy.

SilentNegotiator3632d ago

I, for one, am proud of my fellow white guys working so hard to get parts in the industry.

Eonjay3632d ago (Edited 3632d ago )

No, its not because they care more. but I understand your empirical observation. And for the record, gaming appeals to everyone. The best case and the most beneficial for the industry is one where gaming attracts and draws in every type of human being.

DragonKnight3632d ago (Edited 3632d ago )

"So I can say that games don't represent a large number of people who play them. Gaming isn't exclusively white males."

For starters, no one anywhere has ever said that gaming is exclusively white males. That is except for the Social Justice Whiners, Feminists, and their White Knights who create controversy by saying the industry is indirectly proclaiming that it is.

Secondly, RACE IS UNIMPORTANT! I would love to see anyone prove that skin color equates to quality, because that's what this b*tchfest boils down to. Someone asked Samantha Allen "what if he was the most qualified person for the job?" And her reply was "Go f*ck yourself."

This shows us that the 3 groups I mentioned before don't care about the betterment or quality of the industry or gaming journalism, they just want their feelings acted upon and they don't have any misgivings about shaming anyone and everyone into submission.

This is yet another pathetic scenario created by the "I live in the First World where I have access to work, new clothing, food, and shelter, so why not show how much I love living my privileged First World life by b*tching that a white guy was hired for something" people that make up the 3 groups above.

Illusive_Man3632d ago (Edited 3632d ago )

They only seem like they are only ones pursuing gaming journalism because they are the ones getting the all the jobs. Yes, the industry has a diversity issue. White males aren't the only gamers.

Some of you are so naive. It's not always the most qualified who gets the job. Sometimes it's more about whose the most well connected. That is why networking is so important. A lot of people would choose a slightly less qualified candidate that they personally know over some better qualified unknown. This happens all the time.

FamilyGuy3632d ago

Why does their race or sex matter? I really doubt that they say down interviewing and had "Caucasian" and "Male" as part of their check list.

gaffyh3631d ago

I've never read so much bullshit in my entire life. I'm not white, but would you hire a non-white female, just because of the way she looks, so you can tick the box that says you don't have all white males working for you? What if they are the best candidates, or were the only ones that applied?

It's more racist and sexist to suggest that men or women deserve to work somewhere based on their race or gender IMO. The candidates chosen should always be those who have the skill set that the employer requires, suggesting otherwise is discrimination in itself.

GCO Gamer3631d ago

That's one of the stupid comments I've ever read. It's actually because white males are more marketable in the medium then black males, period. I should know, I've been apart of this industry for going on 7+ years.

LarsoVanguard3631d ago

@GCO Gamer

Writing a blog does not make you part of the industry.

jsslifelike3631d ago


Pssst... It's video games. Video games.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 3631d ago
showtimefolks3632d ago

if i was running a company i would hire only male gamers(black,white,Asian etc,)

I feel like gaming is something male domniated, developers/publishers. You look around and if a girl is working on a gaming site, its usually because she is a eye candy


look at these comments, almost everyone is commenting on boobs and stuff and not on actual reporting

also this is what i don't get, if i am interviewing 10 people and looking to hire 5. What's wrong with it if 5 of the most qualified people are white males?(BTW i am Asian)

isn't job market about getting the most qualified people to your company?

karlowma3632d ago

"isn't job market about getting the most qualified people to your company?"

It was.

And then, affirmative action.

ITPython3632d ago

Nowadays hiring somebody because of their race or gender is considered the least racist and most diverse thing to do. Which is completely moronic and is counter-productive to having a world that is more 'colorblind'. Because instead of companies hiring for talent regardless of what somebody looks like, they are now forced to look at somebody's race/gender and make a decision largely based on that. And may even hire somebody over another just because they are black, Hispanic, Asian, female... basically anything besides a straight white male. Even if that person is significantly less qualified than the white male.

In other words, in order to be less racist and more diverse, companies are required to be more racist and gender biased. Anybody notice the glaring flaw in this plan?

Am_Ryder3632d ago (Edited 3632d ago )

You know why you "feel" like gaming is male-dominated?

Because in the late '80s, Nintendo decided that to make games sellable, they had to rebrand them as toys aimed at boys.

Before the release of the NES, gaming was marketed, produced by, and developed for men and women equally. The videogame crash of the mid '80s led Nintendo to rebrand it as a male-only thing to boost sales.

It is a complete lie that gaming is male dominated from a customer perspective. In the industry and journalism, possibly because of Nintendo's rebranding of the whole culture. But in terms of gamers? No way. Perhaps white males edge out on the largest numbers, but they definitely aren't the majority. Heck, most of the planet isn't "white male" and we know almost all countries on the planet play games.

Also, the people commenting on that youtube video are the vocal minority. That's what taints this whole discussion. Vocal minorities make lots of noise and visibility- we will never know representative numbers on that until studies are done.

But yes, hiring people on merit is what matters, so 5 white guys getting the job is okay. I think this article's a little facetious and I don't disagree with you there. But I had to address the incorrect assumptions in your post.

UnHoly_One3632d ago

Yeah affirmative action is awesome, isn't it?

NFL and NBA teams should have to recruit white guys to make up half of their teams.

It's only fair, right?

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3632d ago
ITPython3632d ago (Edited 3632d ago )

According to this nifty Census chart, whites in 2012 made up 77.9% of the population in the US.


I wonder what the diversity loons think about all the Asian people working in.... gasp.. wait for it... China!! I bet when you walk into a business in China, my guess is that most of the people will be, again wait for it... Asian!!! Oh my!

I demand more blacks, whites and Hispanics working in China right now! And we should shame any company in China that hires another Asian person, and require them to hire at least 50% non-Asian people in the name of diversity even though non-Asian people make up a very small percentage of the entire population. Come on, who's with me!

Sadly in this day and age, the minority dictates to the majority. And even when that minority becomes the majority, they will still be calling all the shots.

Back-to-Back3631d ago

Emotionally unstable women starting drama online? Why am I not surprised.

CaptainObvious8783631d ago

Here's a very radical idea for all those SJWs out there.

How about instead of focusing on someone's genitals, how about we hire people based of theirs skills. *mind blown* I know that simple idea won't be able to be comprehended by a lot of the SJWs, but try.

Some people need to understand equality of outcome is not going to be the same as equality of opportunity.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3631d ago
SpiralTear3632d ago (Edited 3632d ago )

People on Twitter are already taking sides before any of them know the full story. Do we know how many people who were not "white males" that were turned down writing positions at Giant Bomb? Do we know the reasons that anyone was turned down a position? I don't see how anyone can start making claims like this without being an employee at Giant Bomb and knowing the real reason as to why this happened.

I believe that the "go **** yourself" line was extremely unprofessional on Allen's part, especially considering that the user who tweeted that really didn't do it maliciously. However, the amount of childish backlash from the "community" is a problem and it's why people don't take the gaming culture as seriously. Those people need to grow up.

As the article writer said, this was handled poorly from both sides. The trolls need to stop being immature and avoid slinging the slurs around online, and Allen herself needs to consider any kind of response when you tweet something that's purely intended to be something incendiary.

This is just one big mess overall.

DragonKnight3632d ago

"Do we know how many people who were not "white males" that were turned down writing positions at Giant Bomb? Do we know the reasons that anyone was turned down a position?"

No we don't, and it would be irrelevant to know unless the answer to your second question could be proven to be racism.

The fact is Samantha Allen is racist and misandrist. Ironic considering Samantha is a transgendered person.

As for trolls, I say there is a limit at death/rape threats and docsing (sic?) but SJWs prove the level of their maturity with the controversies they choose to create and the language they choose to use. They are undeserving of civility when they choose to abandon it from the start.

HyperBear3632d ago


Yeah, I have to agree with your comments and most of the comments on this article. I grew up with all the guys from Giantbomb, even from way back when in the old Gamespot days and they have never EVER been racist, derogatory, discriminatory, homophobes, etc. They are an awesome group guys who love gaming and are great at what they do.

In fact, the only time Giantbomb/Jeff Gerstmann have ever been in major "negative" headlines was when Jeff got fired from Gamespot for providing an honest review of Kane & Lynch, which the publishers of said game did not perceive it too kindly. I think this "professional woman" is just looking for her 15 minutes of fame and just started blaming Giantbomb for something that's not even an issue to begin with.

I love this part: "Allen later clarified that she had not applied for the position, and this was not an issue of her feeling slighted for losing a job opportunity."....Moving On Then!

DefenderOfDoom23630d ago

to Dragonknight/// Funny thing is you get mad at people crying racism But you do the same thing by calling out people, looking to be treated fair, racist ! I think this subject needs to be talked about! I think the world is getting better everyday ! It is going too take a long time, before all people are treated as equals , but we will get there! The city in the USA, i live in, the white person is the minority! By the way i love JEFF GERTZMANN and the GIANT BOMB crew BRAD , VINNIE , PATRICK and RYAN DAVIS (RIP)!

DragonKnight3629d ago

@DefenderOfDoom2: First of all, wtf are you talking about with this?

"Funny thing is you get mad at people crying racism."

Where have I ever done that?

Secondly, this person IS racist. Read how Samantha composes herself, and the idea that a non-white person should be hired just because they are not white is racism. She doesn't care what the qualifications of the person are, she only cares about their skin color. And this is hilarious to the point of being ironic when you know that Samantha was born A WHITE MALE!

One would think that transgendered people of all people would know what it's like to live both sides of the spectrum, but Samantha instead decided to be a feminist, bigoted, racist, misandrist idiot instead.

She didn't bother looking into anything, she just pounced on the fact that something didn't happen that she wanted to happen and proceeded to act like an a$$ on twitter.

If your definition of equality is a forced hiring system whereby quotas are increased regardless of qualifications, then you don't know what equality is. No company should be forced to hire someone based on their skin color or gender. Period. You will never be able to make that equality. That is fascist and is wrong.

Dolf0453632d ago

Was just listening to IGN's Podcast Beyond and they were discussing gender issues in games rather than games journalism but they brought up some good points about fan reaction which you can really see in action here.


Robochobo3632d ago

As one twitter poster wrote, what does it matter what color and gender they were if they were the most qualified for the position?

SJW's need to get a serious grip on reality.

its_JEFF3632d ago ShowReplies(3)
ShaunCameron3632d ago

And that reality is women and minorities just simply don't care about the position enough to apply themselves and develop the credentials necessary to make themselves qualified for it in sufficient numbers.

SilentNegotiator3632d ago (Edited 3632d ago )

For the people disagreeing with you:

"We'd love to hire more women but we can't find enough of them to hire, especially in engineering... If women don't join this industry because they believe sexism will limit them, they're missing out."
--Gabrielle Toledano, executive vice president and chief talent officer of Electronic Arts, also - GASP! - a woman!

Actually, you know what? Armchair experts probably know better. This Gabrielle woman is probably just sexist. /s

gamerfan09093632d ago

The problem, from what I gathered, is that there's no diversity in their hiring process. Ok one guy is more qualified for the job. But when the MAJORITY of your staff is made up of one gender and one race then that's weird and it should be a talking point.

annus3632d ago (Edited 3632d ago )

A job should be about the better person, not hiring someone worse simply because of their skin colour or gender. Racism/Sexism goes both ways.

ShaunCameron3632d ago

@ annus

But affirmative action is precisely about favoring one over the other because of gender/race despite the credentials just so the company doesn't get accused of discrimination subject to fines, lawsuits and more government intrusion.

DragonKnight3632d ago

"But when the MAJORITY of your staff is made up of one gender and one race then that's weird and it should be a talking point."

Not it shouldn't. You have no basis to know why the majority of the staff is made up of one race or one gender. It could be that no one of any other gender or race applied for the job. It could be that few applied and were less qualified. It could be the fact that companies are generally their own entity and can hire whomever they want to. They shouldn't be forced into hiring minorities and women just because they are minorities and women.

The job should always go to the most qualified. Period.

its_JEFF3632d ago

@DragonKnight totally agree! Look at it this way, if it was your business, your MONEY on the line... wouldn't you hire the most qualified applicant? No matter who or what they are?

Spotie3631d ago

I wish you would stop bringing up affirmative action. It was enacted because of active discrimination in this country, particularly here in the South. Though it's abused now- mostly as a scapegoat, since it's rare that companies get caught being intentionally sexist or racist- the purpose is still the same.

What's it's NOT for is forcing minorities into positions if they're not qualified; it's for giving them a legitimate shot when they ARE. Naturally, if there are a smaller number of minorities applying, their odds of getting the job will be lower.

thricetold3629d ago (Edited 3629d ago )

Really gets old hearing AA is the downfall of all things for white folks when you don't have any idea WTF you are talking about. Its really simple, AA is to ensure that NON whites are given the OPPORTUNITY to apply for said job.

The Rooney rule was set up for this very reason, to force teams to at least LOOK at other NON whites who were QUALIFIED, when before they'd just hire the next white guy. So get it straight you twats, its only an opportunity not a guarantee based off your skin or gender as you all are trying to do to twist it to make others look like beggars instead of what it really is. Like usual.

Nowhere is it written that you HAVE to hire a certain number based on skin color or gender. But no, lets blame the people who have been overly qualified and overlooked because billy knows bobs uncle.

Lets blame the people who are just as motivated but dont EVER get a real shot at what should be based off qualifications.

You want to bring up sports? You mean the same sports that said we weren't good enough to play just generations ago? You mean the same sports that said blacks and whites weren't equal? White athletes didn't lose their job because of AA, they lost because someone other than whites was given the OPPORTUNITY to show that others can be better when given the OPPORTUNITY.

Heaven help us if someone other than whites are successful in anything, the world might fall apart.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3629d ago
jkendrick3631d ago (Edited 3631d ago )

What constitutes more qualified? Gaming journalism has gone down the tubes. You cant trust anything journalist say do to all the money circulating in the industry. And for the person who brought up affirmative action, unfortunately we live in a world where all things arent equal. When going to a job interview some people still treat you as second class citizen even though your qualified for the job.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3629d ago
CaptainPunch3632d ago

How about hiring the most qualified person, whether it's a woman or a man. So sick of these petty ass people complaining all the time. You want equality, then start treating others as equals.

its_JEFF3632d ago (Edited 3632d ago )

No, that's too simple and easy. They don't actually want it to be that simple/easy.

There is definitely a double standard, both ways.

karlowma3632d ago

This is my opinion... call it an observation.

Groups who have historically been discriminated against claim they want equality, but really they want vengeance.

They want to put the discriminators in "their place", so they "know what it feels like".

They also expect things to change RIGHT NOW.

How many prominent females were there in the games industry 20 years ago? Ten years ago? How about now? The number increases exponentially as time goes by. As the industry adapts. As more women pursue a career in the industry.

Is the video games industry historically misogynistic? Yeah, sure. Just like EVERY OTHER INDUSTRY. We've come a long way, and we have a long way to go. But we're getting there.

Show all comments (94)

Giant Bomb Veterans’ Departure and the Loss of Figurative Comfort Food

Half-Glass Gaming: "On May 4, 2021, Giant Bomb veterans Vinny Caravella, Brad Shoemaker, and Alex Navarro announced they would be leaving the site at the end of the week. It was a heartbreaking moment to watch as the podcast was livestreamed on Twitch, and it resulted in an outpouring of support from fans and Giant Bomb alumni."

Read Full Story >>
Rebel_Scum1131d ago

Pouring one out tonight for them. Really sucks to see them all go.

TheSanchezDavid1130d ago

Yeah, it took a while for it to really sink in. It's definitely the end of something special.

TheSanchezDavid1130d ago

Ryan is and will forever be missed. I still enjoyed GB up until the end, and it was seeing the different directions it would go in over the years while still staying true to that original feel that hooked me in to begin with.

CrimsonWing691130d ago

I 100% agree with this. He was the best balance in the group and really brought out the laughs from everyone especially when Jeff became too cynical. Once he died it just wasn’t the same.


Giant Bomb’s Jeff Gerstmann on E3, the State of the Industry, and Scorpio vs. PS4 Pro

"On this week’s episode of The1099 Podcast, Giant Bomb co-founder and former GameSpot mainstay, Jeff Gerstmann, joins host Josiah Renaudin to talk about the past, present, and future of the games industry. The two discuss Giant Bomb’s focus on video over written content, what the company would look like if it started in the age of Patreon, the possible storylines to come out of next week’s E3 conference, how console half-steps like Pro and Scorpio have changed the industry, what Microsoft needs to do to succeed moving forward, and what you can expect from Giant Bomb for the rest of the year."

Read Full Story >>
2561d ago
2561d ago
Bigpappy2562d ago

Scorpio is the story going into E3 and it will continue to be after E3. It is just a very interesting product, that could change the industry drastically of it performs way above it's weight. Console will be much more powerful and may even use recent mid-range PC components.

Eonjay2562d ago

How does that change the industry? I think the power of Microsoft's next console has been overly dramatized as an end within itself. I played Last of Us on the PS3 and it is generally better than any game on any system regardless of power. The story of the show will spoil quickly if the games that come along aren't equally as impressive. They will eat it alive.

optimus2562d ago

Are you seriously comparing a game from last generation made by some talented developers to a console that can do anything you saw last generation with very little effort?...Scorpio can change the industry because developers haven't had the means and technology that the Scorpio provides....you talk AS IF you've already seen or know everything the Scorpio can do without even seeing a single game for it. It's more than just optimizing current games like you would see on buying a new graphics card on a PC. It's the Xbox infrastructure as a whole that has the potential to change the industry.

traumadisaster2562d ago

Idk about change the industry but I think he means with more power that changes the purchase choice of the pc crowd that happen to be at an upgrade point in the cycle. I for example went 4k before the X1 was even revealed. I played all of the PS360 multi plat games on pc in 4k or 1080/60 but now I'm coming to a point where I need to upgrade my gfx card, already upgraded cpu/mb last year and the rest of the components are fine (psu, case, cooling, etc.).

So I can buy a $500 card or Scorpio. If SW Battlefront 2 will by 4k/60 on Scorpio then I will have to reevaluate things because I will need a new card to do that on pc.

OB1Biker2562d ago

While waiting for E3 I spent some time watching previous E3 and other shows from different sites and Giant Bomb too.
Interestingly they were excited with the Xbox 1 reveal but found Sony E3 2016 weird and boring. Enough said haha

Bigpappy2561d ago (Edited 2561d ago )

@Eonjay: I am sure Last Of Us was a good game, many PS fans have pushed that point. But it being the best game is subjective by a mile. That has nothing to do with the influence of a very powerful console like Scorpio, if it meets expectations.
traumadisaster's response is I good example of who the potential buyers are for the Scorpio and why the power and ability to run many games at native 4K is being understated by the PS only crowd.
But my point, as he and optimus saw and you missed, was that it now puts Sony in a position where it minimal spec can't be 4K30 native and may even have to innovate more on their new console whenever that is released. To accomplish make a next gen statement with that new console, is going to require some impressive tech since we are already hearing of some games running at 4K60 native on Scorpio already. Add to that possible improvements in the VR realm and load times, and we have a very formidable console which sets the bar way higher than what the PSpro and switch were aiming for. Tech like that allows for developers to do much more impressive stuff that anything you have seen on your PS3... that's why you upgraded to PS4 and don't care to play "old games".

JackBNimble2561d ago

Some of you seem to talk about Scorpio as if it's next gen, how far are dev's really going to be able to push it while also having to cater to the xb1?

If you want to see the true power of the Scorpio then MS needs to forget about the xb1 and push Scorpio to the next gen.

Death2561d ago


Devs don't have to target the Xbox One, Scorpio or even PC for that matter. Windows 10 is the target and it will scale games across all three platforms. Devs can choose to target the metal so to say, but then like you stated they will have to target multiple platforms. You need to look at how PC's handle games with their vast amount of GPU and CPU options to have a better idea of what Microsoft is trying to achieve.

Armyntt2561d ago

I think it will change the industry. It only has to be a moderate success to change the whole industry. Console gaming, atleast on Xbox, will mirror more the PC world and a little cell phone. New consoles every 3 years, and every game BC.

2561d ago
Bruh2561d ago

Yeah but the TLOU was also a technological marvel when it came out due to the hardware prowess of the PS3 lol, I get its story was incredible, but it isn't exactly an example of weaker hardware portraying its advantage through software

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 2561d ago
bez872561d ago

Just no to most of you on this topic, how will it change drastically?? do you really think a console is going to truly have native 4k??? My PC with a i7 cpu, a top of the range M7 gaming motherboard, 32gb DDR4 ram, GTX1080 GPU can only just about push 4k out at under 30fps that costs near 2000 to build. I give scorpio credit and from what digitalfoundry says it's good but the only thing we have seen running at 4k is Forza, a genric racing game where the main world is static and only the car has moving parts, nothing like a halo or gears, plus the leaked document stating that developers may want to use a form of checkerboarding upscale to up other aspects, tells me it's more likely a beefed up version of a ps4 pro.
Even then some here seem to forget games are where it's at and looking at there line up of games, it has nothing but a racing game, a fps game, a third person action game. 3 of which are always the same franchises. If you ain't got a solid first party line up with a bunch of diverse games it will not do well. PC gamers won't care for it, due to the fact every game on a microsoft console can be bought on a PC now anyway and are pretty well optimized as well for PC.

rlow12561d ago

Dude you sound desperate.

Shadyceaser2561d ago

Lucky for me .i only like racing games as I am shite at every other type of game

_-EDMIX-_2561d ago

Trust me it's not going to be much of a story ,that's like saying the new latest GPU being released is going to be the biggest Story of the Year

at the end of the day it's content that drives this industry ,it's whose publishing the best games that's determining Victory and at the end of the day even the weaker PlayStation 2 beat the original Xbox simply because Sony had the games they still have the games this generation regardless of performance the vast majority of Gamers actually don't care they simply just want to play good games.

noksucow732561d ago (Edited 2561d ago )

PS2 did also have over a year head start. Not to mention the Xbox didn't stay in the market long before moving forward to the 360. I do agree with you about games though, and that's really all that matters. That's why I love my Dreamcast so much. It had such great games in such little time.

_-EDMIX-_2561d ago

@nok-the year Headstart is completely irrelevant you have to understand that they already had most of the support from the previous success of the PlayStation and worldwide appeal.

That doesn't explain why the PlayStation 2 went on to sell 150 million units while the Xbox only sold 24.

The Wii U had a year head start ahead of PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, is it moving Mega units?

I'm not even going to try to entertain that the 360 success is simply due to a head start ,they did a lot of smart things with the 360 to get where they were at so I don't necessarily believe in headstarts determining the next five to eight years of gaming that's a bit ridiculous.

The Xbox has been continuously beat by the PlayStation because Sony has a stronger first party, they have stronger third-party relationships in they have worldwide appeal.

In order for the Xbox to start to gain those sort of sales they need to actually build a stronger first party.

frostypants2561d ago (Edited 2561d ago )

If Scorpio is such a big story why is Microsoft's E3 presence looking so weak? Their floor space reservation is tiny compared to Sony and Nintendo.

DashArrivals2561d ago

I think you're completely delusional

paulogy2561d ago

Scorpio won't "change the industry" if all its games still have to run on Xbox One as well.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2561d ago
Bronxs152562d ago

Awesome. Can't wait to listen to this. Jeff is awesome and has great insight.

spaceb0y2561d ago

Is anyone here a premium member of their site?

spaceb0y2561d ago

What is the single most important thing that keeps you subscribed?

TheROsingleB2561d ago

A bit of everything, honestly. Unprofessional Fridays have always been fun and the Giant Bomb East play dates. As for recent series, their Yakuza 0 play through (Beast in the East), Murder Island (PUBG Team games) are great, as I'm not likely to play either of these. Former premium offerings like Metal Gear Scanlon, and classics like Thursday Night Throwdown and Whiskey Media Happy Hour are great to go back to (RIP Ryan Davis). I watch their E3 Live coverage which is always a blast with everyone together.

As for the single most important thing? The crew, man. I love the blend of personalities and shenanigans. If they weren't the entertaining bunch that they are, the site wouldn't have been what it is now.

DefenderOfDoom22561d ago

I still miss RYAN DAVIS , RIP . One of the co-founders of GIANT BOMB.

NarooN2561d ago

All of this. I just love how they all have such strong personalities and aren't hindered by bullshit obligations to shill out for various publishers and companies. It's nice that they're 100% impartial and honest. Been a fan pretty much since the site's inception.

TheOttomatic912561d ago (Edited 2561d ago )

I became one last year but only have the time to listen to podcasts but I don't regret it at all.

LordJamar2561d ago

it definitely has potential and i believe it will deliver on most of it ppl are loving to hate xbox and down play it i would love for xbox to prove them wrong would be a great time and see them eat there crow also it would be better for gamers underdog Microsoft is best Microsoft dont underestimate xbox

noksucow732561d ago

N4g is so full of Sony fanboys it's ridiculous! Anything to praise xbox 1 , Scorpio, or anything xbox and you get down voted. It's laughable. I know most of Sony's userbase is fine, but its their rabid fanboys that are alive and kicking on this site.

LordJamar2561d ago

yep im already getting tons of down votes

frostypants2561d ago (Edited 2561d ago )

It would help your cause to come with more than generalities and wishes. The knock on Scorpio is Microsoft's ongoing struggles with intriguing software. Yes, Scorpio could on paper do some awesome things, but unless devs make such things, it's all for naught. What have you seen to counter this? I mean, you even say you'd "love for xbox to prove them wrong", but that's another way of saying you haven't seen anything yet that MIGHT prove them wrong. We haven't even heard whispers of anything that generates such hope, and that is a bad sign.

From an objective perspective, there's plenty of reason to be skeptical. I'd love MS to give me a reason to get back into their ecosystem for the first time in a couple of years, but that would involve them pulling something incredibly unexpected and soon-to-be-tangible from their posterior at E3. If the best they can do is a Crackdown update or "hey look it's CoD in 4K", they are going to get absolutely ravaged by the media.

LordJamar2561d ago

meh ppl like you who wont be please no matter what you are not the target audience you expect xbox to fail no matter what why would they target you? you dont want a xbox an dont plan to get one or play one i mean look how cynical you are if i was like you i would just stop gaming tbh im excited about new hardwar and plenty of potential also stop putting words in my mouth pretty sure they have more then crack down way to down play a game you never played are you sure your a gamer? just admit your bias your one of "those" kinda people wont be happy until xbox is out of the market huh

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Vinny Caravella on Giant Bomb's Future and the Balance Between Written and Video Content

On this week's episode, the head of video for Giant Bomb and the host of the Giant Beastcast, Vinny Caravella, joins host Josiah Renaudin to discuss the progress of Giant Bomb East, the importance of personality at Giant Bomb, Drew's departure, the balance between written and video content at the website, how special the Giant Bomb community has become, the current trends in games media, and what you can expect from Giant Bomb this year.

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Criti-Choco2645d ago

gotta love vinny, hes a gem to the giantbomb team

CrimsonWing692645d ago

I know this is going to sound bad but ever since Ryan Davis died GiantBomb lost the balance of personalities in the group. Like I love Jeff Gerstmann but he's also kind of an a**hole when it comes to what games are good and what isn't. I mean this dude gave Catherine a 2/5 and I'm pretty sure it's because it was too "Japanese". I know Ryan didn't always agree with Jeff on games and would kind of call him out in a friendly way.

Now it's lost that balance. Like they had some of the best dynamics when it was Ryan, Vinny, Brad, and Jeff. I stopped listening to them now so I'm not sure if the new blood has made the site better or not. I do have mad respect for Jeff even if I don't always agree with him.