
Final Fantasy Creator's New JRPG Terra Battle Is on Mobile; Could Come to Consoles; Music by Uematsu

Tomorrow Final Fantasy‘s Dad Hironobu Sakaguchi Will Reveal his new RPG Terra Battle at Japan Expo in Paris but the latest issue of Famitsu already provided details.

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-Foxtrot3627d ago

Mobile...What a waste of talent, not just Hironobu Sakaguchi but Nobuo Uematsu aswell

christian hour3627d ago (Edited 3627d ago )

I miss Uematsu's music making its way to me through quality games, the last time we really got that was Lost Odyssey :(

Can't speak for this game as I know nothing about it (though I'm about to embark on research), the fact Sakaguchi is behind it gives me hope, but hearing the word "mobile game" just puts a sour taste in my mouth.

"The game will be free to play. Players will be able to complete the story without spending a dime"

This part gives me hope, but also makes me uneasy as we've heard it before but never seen it truly delivered on a mobile platform, bar the free ad versions of angry birds, and they're just glorified flash games we've been playing on newgrounds for the last decade and a half more or less.

-Foxtrot3627d ago (Edited 3627d ago )

Yeah Lost Odyssey was the last good thing these guys made...you know in my opinion. Everything after was pretty average, alright games but it didn't have that spark

Mistwalker need to make a multiplatform game, I know Hironobu Sakaguchi had beef with the PS3 but I don't know if it was the console or who was in charge. Something went on...

Anyway it's next gen, things have moved on and if he wants to make an amazing RPG game to shove in Square Enixs face then your going to have to wipe the slate clean and get on with Sony. Microsoft and JRPGs just don't mix, Sony is where he's main audience lies.

christian hour3627d ago

Agreed, square enix is a shadow of two companys former selves, it's a shame. I was cleaning out my parents attic last week and came across this, i HAD to take a picture.


may regret linking to my personal shit but its worth taking off privacy for a few hours just to share this pic with anti-squeenix folk :P

HarvesterOSarow3626d ago

I have to comment on this because I clicked your instagram link.

Star Ocean Second whatever has one of the dumbest endings of all time. I bought and played the shit out of that game. I got like all the extra shit and grew to enjoy the characters for the most part, and then the end came and I wanted to strangle myself with my own dick. Seriously, if I could have wrapped it in to a noose I would have pulled the ladder out of my garage as a kid, tied my dick to the chimney and jumped the eff off my roof.

That was the worst ending to any video game I have ever played and I will never forget that rage I felt when it ended.

All that being said, the combat was sweet and it's probably worth playing...

christian hour3626d ago

@HarvesterOSarow Em, it has 52 different endings :P It was more about the journey than anything

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3626d ago
Magicite3627d ago

These were exact my thoughts when I wanted to post my comment.

sonypsnow3627d ago

Hironobu Sakaguchi was horified and terrified by PS3 cell architecture, he moved to the Wii & mobile.

Unless Sony/Nintendo/Microsoft fund Hironobu Sakaguchi next game, he'll probably stay on mobile, 3DS, vita.

My Sony Xperia Z2 is ready!

DragonKnight3626d ago

That's not why. He and Ken Kutaragi didn't get along, that's why.

sonypsnow3626d ago


"Hironobu Sakaguchi: [in English] Ah, Kutaragi-san's architecture...seven DSPs and a low-powered CPU. I don't like the PS3's architecture."


Number-Nine3627d ago

why the hell! mobile gaming blows.

nope1113627d ago

Please stop with the mobile.

maximus19853627d ago

they wont, in fact the more you say no the more they give you....theyre into that sorta thing

Summons753627d ago

On mobile meaning nobody cares and the reason you want it on consoles is to see actual sales. Cut out the unnecessary and just put it on consoles. Also go to Nintendo see if they will fund Last Story 2 or a brand new Jrpg. Better yet get the rights for Lost Odyssey since clearly MS doesn't care and bring it to WiiU

StealthPandemic3627d ago

"get the rights for Lost Odyssey"

Yeah like that's ever gonna happen.

Summons753627d ago

I know it's a crazy dream but Microsoft clearly doesn't care about it. One can always hope right?

Also love how I get disagree but nobody has an argument against me.

StealthPandemic3627d ago

"I know it's a crazy dream but Microsoft clearly doesn't care about it. One can always hope right?"

How exactly do you know? THEY NEED TO MAKE GAMES TO MAKE PROFIT. So Nintendo doesn't care about it's franchises too. Metroid, etc!

Activemessiah3627d ago (Edited 3627d ago )

Waste... Square will learn from this once they get burned... just like Capcom.

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Notice of Termination of Terra Battle Service and Energy Sales

Today Mistwalker announced the upcoming closure of another of its mobile games, Terra Battle, produced by Hironobu Sakaguchi himself.

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Knushwood Butt1468d ago

I wonder if MS will throw him a lifeline.


Hironobu Sakaguchi Comments on Nintendo Switch; No Plans for a Terra Battle Port

Hironobu Sakaguchi comments on the Nintendo Switch, but there are no plans for Terra Battle on Nintendo's console at the moment.

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OtakuDJK1NG-Rory2531d ago

Forget porting that Hironobu.
Go talk to Nintendo about The Last Story 2.

CDbiggen2530d ago

Haha My first thought too.

Gemmol2530d ago

I would preorder right now if they announce it

JunMei2529d ago

I don't really care. Sakaguchi san, all of your console games have been amazing! Please take your talented group of people and make more proper games, again!


Hironobu Sakaguchi Talks Terra Battle for Consoles: Story and Pre-Production are Almost Complete

Final Fantasy creator Hironobu Sakaguchi gives an update on the development of the promised Terra Battle for consoles.

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TheOttomatic912530d ago

Considering his last game was on the Wii I wouldn't mind if it came on the Switch, hell im sure making a game on the Switch would be a cheaper option for him since he doesn't have the Square budget anymore.

TheOttomatic912530d ago

Sakaguchi doesn't seem to have a lot of faith in console gaming and that's not surprising considering he lives in Japan but I really hope he changes his stance and if Terra Battle is successful in console we get more of his games on them.

2530d ago Replies(2)