
Amanita Design’s Botanicula Gets 5-Stars and Goes On Sale

Grab It is reporting that the excellent adventure title Botanicula from Machinarium developer Amanita Games is currently enjoying a sale.

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SlappingOysters3628d ago

Awesome game!! If you haven't got it yet, you should definitely check it out.


Amanita Design Interview: 4 Games in the Works Including Disturbing “Not for Kids” Horror

Amanita Design's Jakob Dvorsky discusses his creative process, how the company is growing, their upcoming psychedelic horror game, and more!

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Jackhass1651d ago

Keep an open mind -- all their games have been good to great.

TGG_overlord1651d ago

I like horror games, so I'll keep my eyes open for it.

Jackhass1651d ago

Horror done in Amanita's style should definitely be interesting.

theshredded1651d ago

Machinarium was my first ps plus game (EU) and I've been supportive of these devs ever since.


Amanita Design – The Adorable Side of Puzzle Games

Sallvation - I’m not really much for puzzle games, mostly because I’m too stupid for them … well okay, that is the way I summarize the situation, but in most cases I’m either too lazy to think or I get stuck and get irritated really fast and when I’m annoyed I’m very prone to just opening a walkthrough and cheating. No regrets. Well, despite that, I still enjoy a good puzzle here and there, especially when I’m “in the mood” to actually solve it by myself, despite the lack of patience, be it in this specific genre of games or in another one, subtly sneaking inside, trying to lure you in.

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Venoxn4g2232d ago

i love their games..so much passion puted inside.. I dont play most point and click games anymore but come back to these ones..so much charm and gameplay is solid..especially Machinarium and Botanicula..still need to try Chuchel one day


REVIEW: Chuchel | GRADERS.cz

Chuchel (Khoo: Kel) is the latest incoming title from Amanita Design who are behind more cartoon platformers like Samorost, Machinarium and Botanicula. New titles are of the same genre, 2D point and click platformer. The developers always show their creativity and engage players' attention with a remarkable story which is sometimes associated with a humour, every kind of sounds, odd sounds and with creative animations. In the latest title Chuchel, we have gotten something surprisingly special. What do you imagine under the word "Chuchel" which means tangled mass?