
Alien: Isolation Makes Me Want to Throw My Controller - 1985fm

It's hard to even talk about Alien: Isolation without first mentioning Colonial Marines. Gear Box's first-person-shooter left such a stain on the franchise, that Isolation has to not only be a good game, but also has the burden of making up for the absolute failure of the game that came before. It's the atmospheric, survival game that gamers expect when developers use the Alien franchise in the modern era. But does giving players what they want necessarily translate into a good game?

hiredhelp3631d ago

You either barrel or sneak forward towards a predefined path, hoping to God you won’t have to revisit everything you just past. If it represents anything we view as hardcore gaming, it’s the artificial game time old school games created by having to redo levels until you find the perfect recipe for success. Personally, I’m past being interested in that kinda game design.

But ths is how it should be games today full checkpoints and save points..
This is a survival horror survival being key word if you die your dead simple having restart for some maybe a pain and i understand that.
But im also comming from a eara when days were u had no saves checkpoints had feeling sucsees when beat a Boss or level you had no second chances.
This to me is Hardcore period.

KendrickLamar3631d ago (Edited 3631d ago )

Pretty powerful speech man :)

Yeah I agree with you, same thing is happening with "No Man's Sky"; it has perma-death (1 life only, no more). If you want to challenge your inner-gamer self, get this game and get that old-school gaming feeling.

Systemshock23631d ago

Thats akumu mode for you in TheEvilwithin , the right answer, also in October. :)

SINISTERGENESIS3630d ago (Edited 3630d ago )

Agreed, almost gone are the days where perseverance was the only way to get better and actually progress to the end of a game. Demon Souls was a great surprise on how they set up the rules for progression. Too many people wonder why these experiences seem to be getting easier and shorter without questioning a few key things, and one of them being difficulty ( trial and error formula ). I do like my progress saved but not at the expense of the fun factor being drowned out due to saving my game after I die, only to retry & then be placed slightly ahead of where I was. None of this helps coupled with weak & under developed AI either. I can go on but I don't wanna right a book. Bubs up hiredhelp well said.

3631d ago
BABY-JEDI3631d ago

He should have stuck with Colonial Marines! I'm all for Alien Isolation. Old school all the way. No hand holding thanks
; D

Trekster_Gamer3631d ago

Seems like it would get old fast....

I really hope I am wrong.

theshredded3631d ago (Edited 3631d ago )

movie games are bad just stay away.A single enemy throughout the whole game is just worrying,they must have impressive AI and good design.
The evil within for me,this game seems to be limited in gameplay like outlast which gives u no replayability at all.There should be some balance in the game.Father of survival horror is back baby!!!

gantarat3631d ago

Alien: Isolation Have Android and Human Enemy

KonsoruMasuta3630d ago

There ware multiple enemies throughout the game, this was confirmed a while ago. There is just one Alien.

theshredded3630d ago

@gantarat never knew about that,that's great news!

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banger8854d ago

Alien Trilogy is great as well and still holds up good even today.


Why Alien: Isolation 2 Should Be the Next Entry in the Franchise

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Rebel_Scum230d ago

tbh it doesn’t need a sequel. Fantastic game but not something to make into a long running series.


PlayStation Plus Game Catalog for October: Gotham Knights, Disco Elysium, House of Ashes

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crazyCoconuts238d ago

Good month imo. I'll play Gotham Knights and House of Ashes. I'm finishing up Disco E on Steam right now - that's a superb game.

cthulhucultist237d ago

House of Ashes was weird but one of the good weird ones! Really enjoyed it

238d ago
Lexreborn2238d ago

I really enjoyed Gotham knights playing with my friend

238d ago
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