
Super-Cheap PS4 Officially Licensed Racing Wheel Announced Just in Time for Driveclub

Driveclub is just a few months away, and in order to enjoy a racing game properly a racing wheel is always good to have. The problem is that most tend to cost an eye and a half, but Hori came up with a cheap solution.

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XiSasukeUchiha3631d ago (Edited 3631d ago )

Sweet racing wheel, and with driveclub my collection is complete!

AgentSmithPS43630d ago

Even a cheap wheel can make a game more fun (as long as it doesn't fall apart too soon obviously). When I played Midnight Club 2 on PC I doubt my wheel turned more than 180 degrees and I didn't want a clutch. I like having the shifters on the back of the wheel and having buttons that are easy to reach. If this game inspires me to be a more serious racer I'll spend more on a better one.

NextLevel3631d ago

"The most obvious difference is that the steering angle is only 180 degrees, compared to the 720 degrees or even 1080 degrees featured by more costly rigs. As usual you get what you pay for, and if you’re a casual driver it’s probably going to be more than enough."


Is the PS4 supporting Logitech yet? If so grab one of their FF wheels for under $200. Probably even find one of Ebay for $100.

Abriael3631d ago (Edited 3631d ago )

No, it doesn't. Or better, it's logitech that isn't supporting the PS4 yet.

Driveclub's Director explained that the problem is on manufacturers' end.

NextLevel3631d ago

I know they don't make console peripherals anymore, but you'd think they would still want them to be used.

Rik_Mayall3631d ago

Is this the same director who says 30fps is best for a racing game?

And before you say Forza Horizon is only 30fps, my retort is I thought the PS4 was 50% more powerful than the Xbone?

Destrania3631d ago (Edited 3631d ago )


Smh, just a worthless troll.

@Everyone Else

Move on people, nothing to see here.

rainslacker3631d ago

The Logitech Driving Force GT will be compatible with Drive Club according to Drive Club's director. Wouldn't be surprised if they used it during testing since PS4 wheels weren't available.

I'm not sure about other wheels, as none have been specifically mentioned except that one. If so, without drivers, or specific game implementation(like with GT5/6) some features may not work.

Not sure if it's compatible with any other game. I never tried it with NFS:R even though I have it for the PS4.

The wheel itself runs about $150 now, and it's sufficient for those that are more than casual, but don't need all the super driving experience of the more expensive wheels.

Honestly though, a wheel with 180 degree is terrible. Means they'd use a lot of oversteer for the edge of that 180 degrees in order to mimic when you happen to have to turn the wheel hard...like spinning out and facing the wrong way.

I would never expect Logitec to support something they don't manufacture anymore. They drop support pretty quick...always have. It's not a big issue for their mice or keyboards, but most of their controllers don't receive updates for new operating systems on the PC. They use to sign drivers to a specific version of windows, which was annoying. It made the user have to use a generic driver. It's gotten better for PC since they created a centralized driver service, but for consoles they'd probably prefer to have people buy a new product...which is where they make money.

memots3630d ago

i am praying that my g25 gets supported, DriveClub director said a while back that all wheel working on ps3 would work with DC.

I am not buying a new wheel just for this. I refused to do it on the 360 and i refuse to do it on the ps4.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3630d ago
Dee_913630d ago

I wonder what the FFB feels like.Looking at the thumbnail I thought the wheel was rubber, now I see its that hard plastic. I guess you get what you pay for.Good for people whose on the fence about getting a wheel I guess.

Rik_Mayall3631d ago (Edited 3631d ago )

lol... no clutch, 180 degrees.

Abriael3631d ago

Eh, what do you expect for 80 bucks? :D

Nekroo913631d ago

The cars are american we all know they cant drive with that

SpinalRemains1383630d ago

Right. The country who revolutionized the auto industry doesn't understand standard transmissions.


I can understand typical 'Murica bashing, I do it myself a lot, but lets not be ridiculous. The nation which gave the world the muscle car era, which we all loved, and still do, dam well understands how to drive a standard transmission.

grashopper3631d ago

180 does kind of suck. DFGT wheels are commonly under 100 and they are 900 degrees of steering ... they are just taking advantage of being the only one available. Hopefully it won't be super twitchy.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3630d ago
nfl3631d ago

Would have loved to have been able to use my current expensive fanatec csr and elite pedals with this. Still, its gr8 on the ps3 and 360.

objdadon3631d ago Show
Nightfallen3631d ago (Edited 3631d ago )

I still use Logitech G25 which is really old. Obviously because of pricing, but without clutch and stick it's just not worth it. Too bad they don't support PS4.

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Kerppamaister1306d ago

Sony, your turn to get on board.