
Report – Destiny PlayStation-Exclusive Content Will Remain Exclusive Until “At Least Fall 2015″

MP1st - An exclusive multiplayer map, a strike mission, and sets of armor, weapons, and ships were among those items that would come first to Sony's platforms, before making their way to the Xbox One and Xbox 360. Now, thanks to a listing on Amazon, it appears we may have more details on the duration those items will remain exclusive.

Abash3613d ago

Sony really is making sure that PS4 is the console to play Destiny on

loopygames3613d ago (Edited 3613d ago )

PS4 is lead development platform for Destiny. Bungie also helped develop the design of the PS4 and the Dualshock 4 controller.



ramiuk13613d ago

a quote from one of those link loopy

"We have to make some inroads with Sony fans, who haven't really experienced any Bungie games before," he said.

what they didnt realise is the fact that 35% of ps4 oweners went from 360 to ps4

Gazondaily3613d ago

That would be a quite a long period to have exclusive content. I expected it to be a couple of months.

Money hatting like a boss.

bouzebbal3613d ago

exclusive content really isn't and will never be a choosing factor to me. it's more overall performance that is the deciding factor when i have to pick up a game.

awi59513613d ago

I dont know i think this game will flop after 6 months. If bungie continue with their bullet sponge characters i dont see it lasting.

truefan13613d ago (Edited 3613d ago )

All we heard was how moneyhats were bad, but now it's ok. That is perfectly fine with me, because Sony can't win a moneyhatting vs MSFT. Couple months cool, a year is a little long. I will day we'll played though by sony, but in the long run they can't keep that up.

It will funny if this game seems just as much on XB1 with the smaller install base. This isn't a single player game and we know playstation gamers love their single player. Not to mention XBOX gamers are familiar with Bungie.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3613d ago
AngelicIceDiamond3613d ago

Money hatted all the way into 2015.

ltachiUchiha3613d ago (Edited 3613d ago )

EA will understand why Titanfall not being on a playstation platform was the worse decision they ever made. Watch Dogs is proof that Titanfall would have been EA's 1st game to maybe compete with COD. I guarantee Destiny will not only sell alot on all platforms but will also move alot of ps4's. I dont really like Activision but they definitely know how to make money. Business wise they are making smarter decisions then EA.


Im actually grabbing that Destiny Bundle for my wifey. Too bad she can have my black ps4 haha.

Gazondaily3613d ago

Haha Angelic. I posted my comment above and didn't even read yours until now.

Ye seems like a big trend now eith devs. Titanfall, Dead Rising 3, this, Far Cry 4, No Man's Sky etc etc. It goes on...

mkis0073613d ago


With that sick white ps4 bundle you better believe it! I am tempted to sell my launch ps4 and buy the white bundle to match my white ps3 and ps2.

I don't usually lay fps's, but the alpha for destiny had some good feelings coming away o i preordered it.

AngelicIceDiamond3613d ago (Edited 3613d ago )

@Septic Yeah MS started it and still money hatting. Sony caught a big one with Destiny.

As much as I don't like it, its something Imma just gonna have to get over. Its a dirty practice but this industry or any industry isn't perfect so its whatev.

I agree it goes on and on and will only get worse but that's how it works these days.

Volkama3613d ago

@Septic Dead Rising 3 and Titanfall aren't really quite the same, as both games were funded by MS rather than just straight moneyhatted. It is quite conceivable that we wouldn't have these games at all otherwise.

The most direct and obvious counterpart to the Destiny and Watch_dogs deals are COD and The Division really. And Battlefield+Fifa, but I'm not sure EA have an equivalent on the Sony side (yet)?.

These are cases where the money just lines some greedy b******'s pocket, and a set of gamers get a lesser experience as a result.

MS started it, Sony must compete with it, Activision positively get off on it, and we all get shafted.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3613d ago
3613d ago
showtimefolks3613d ago

good job sony, give people a reason to buy ps4 to play destiny. Its funny when xbox fans complain about this stuff, COD,Fallout DLC

GTA4 DLC anyone? 50 million

sony learned a lot from MS and now sticking it to MS, also MS paid big to get Titanfall(which was suppse to kill COD LOL, how's that working out?)

welcome to true next generation where almost every game will get a season pass announcement way before the game is released. This is also the place where we here about indies launching on ps4 or xbox one first. As a added bonus we will also get meaningful dlc as console exclusive

if people think right now is bad just wait, its gonna get way more worst. And thanks to MS for starting all this

also i for one find it Hilarious that Bungie chose PlayStation brand over their xbox fans, just like how Insomniac chose xbox one over PlayStation

answer to all this MONEY and a lot of MONEY

rdgneoz33613d ago

"also i for one find it Hilarious that Bungie chose PlayStation brand over their xbox fans, just like how Insomniac chose xbox one over PlayStation"

In Bungie's case, they're trying to appeal to a fan base that may have never played their games, while still letting their original fan base play their game. Insomniac just chose xbone over ps4.

AngelicIceDiamond3613d ago

"(which was suppse to kill COD LOL, how's that working out?)"

Ok well that's media overb lowing it There's no way one game that's a new IP will kill a 7 year running franchise. Wishful thinking for allot of COD haters.

"answer to all this MONEY and a lot of MONEY

That's what its all about and always will be about.

ltachiUchiha3613d ago (Edited 3613d ago )

The only difference between Insomniac & Bungie is Destiny will obviously have a bigger fanbase. I feel like Destiny might be what Bungie wanted Halo to be but now they can spread the love to all platforms. I loved Insomniac but their last few games weren't so good. Hope they can get their mojo back with their xb1 exclusive & get back to making top notch games.


Thats exactly what I felt when they left MS. See the difference with Sony & MS is most of Sony's 1st party studios enjoy being under Sony because of the FREEDOM they have to create their games & if they need help Sony has alot of backup support with their other 1st party studios to help out. Bungie like most other devs that create games for MS dont really get much help from MS but MS makes up for it with having phat pockets but doesn't give as much FREEDOM as Sony does. Hopefully that changes this gen with Phil Spencer at the helm.

mkis0073613d ago (Edited 3613d ago )


I kind of have a suspiscion that Insomniac thought Xbox one was going to be the console to beat just like EA did.


Doesnt anyone find it odd they had to leave MS to make this game?

showtimefolks3613d ago


i don't think it was a media overblowing it as much as xbox fans(i am not calling anyone fanboys) calling it just that. Reason being it's an exclusive


no doubt you don't have to look far, people like david Jaffe praise sony so much for the amount of freedom they get working with sony.

also i for one hope Insomniac can deliver with sunset overdrive. They really need to get their mojo back


actually sony wanted the IP and insomniac wanted control of their IP. It came down to just that. Now i read comments like sunset overdrive is only possible with cloud help for xbox one lol

mkis0073613d ago


Oh I know about that...I am just saying that if they believed Xbox one was going to do better than ps4, it may have made their decision to go xbox exclusive more sure to them. I wonder now if they don't regret trying to self publish.

shinrock3613d ago (Edited 3613d ago )

Actually Insomniac will continue to make sony exlcusives.but they will also make x1 exclusive.

LordMaim3613d ago

@showtimefolks: That doesn't make any sense. Fuse was multiplatform without Insomniac giving up the rights to the IP.

showtimefolks3612d ago

Lord Maim

i don't know what doesn't make sense? insomniac owns the Fuse ip and now they will also own sunset overdrive, so it means future games from both of these series could go exclusive or whatever insomniac likes

insomniac wanted the IP sunset overdrive but sony wanted to publish it and control it, MS let them have it. Future sunset overdrive games(if 1st is successful)don't have to be exclusive

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 3612d ago
Meltic3613d ago

im going to pay 12 month ps plus just for this online game

Magicite3613d ago

To a certain degree You can call this game a Playstation exclusive.

Sony and Activision must collaborate and advertise the hell out of this game.

I have a good feeling this will be biggest PS4 system seller to date (white bundle alone is worth a lot).

marlinfan103613d ago

how can you call it a playstation exclusive? lol nearly every game these days has exclusive content so are we calling all of them exclusives too?

jessupj3613d ago (Edited 3613d ago )

I like sony as much as the next gamer, but I wish this timed dlc and games would decease for both sides.

It's a waste of money to block content for the competitors consoles.

I'd rather they use that money to create real exclusives.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3612d ago
Nitrowolf23613d ago (Edited 3613d ago )

That's a lot longer than I actually expected, especially since it comes with a multiplayer map. I mean I could understand if it was the one strike, and then some armor, ships, and weapons, but a mp map IMO is pretty big

Mister_V3613d ago

That's crazy. Sony's after that exclusivity harrrd - trying to stick it to MS. I figured maybe a month, like Call of Duty DLC. One year? Dayum.

Death3613d ago

That would be Bungie sticking it to the fans that made them what they are. If I decide to pick up Destiny, it will be pre-owned so they don't get a nickel.

WeaseL3613d ago

It could have been worse like keeping the game exclusive to a console cough:Titanfall

mkis0073613d ago


Kind of like Insomniac making an exclusive Xbox one game after saying they have gone multiplatform?

Who made Insomniac what they are?

NemesisAU3613d ago


Yea but thats different if they made destiny a ps exclusive from the beginning alot of people wouldnt mind but every month there seems to be news about content thats ps exclusive or features like the recent alpha its just not right its like a slap in the face to xbox owners who bought their past halo games how can they do that and expect us to buy the game

liquidhalos3612d ago

Let's just hope this 1 year exclusive deal doesn't catch on. If this becomes normal then we're all going to be playing gimped games. Cos if Sony does it, Ms will too. It's bad for gamers and we shouldn't applaud it.

kingdom183612d ago

Well remember what Skyrim was like? Its not as bad, but really not fair.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3612d ago
Santana3613d ago

Yeah ... one year is way to long to for that content to stay exclusive.

PSN-JeRzYzFyNeSt3613d ago

thats why you Pick the Cheaper and better Console next time

Santana3613d ago

Console of choice has nothing to do it, in which I prefer the PS4 btw.

But what Sony is doing is pretty arrogant.

dirkdady3613d ago


Tbh with the exclusives being do limited/far and few between and nothing that's really a system seller, console of choice seems have mean less every day.

FarEastOrient3613d ago


Why are you throwing the Sony is arrogant line. Did you call Microsoft arrogant when they did the same thing at the beginning of the X360 era. Some DLC was a month to half a year before they came to PS3 and some games had to wait a whole year before release on the other console.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3613d ago
Majin-vegeta3613d ago

Hey MS started this now Sony is just playing fair.When it comes to shoving you gotta shove back.

Mister_V3613d ago

They deserve the exclusivity, especially after the deals MS struck with Activision and Call of Duty all last gen and even going into this gen.

I'm just not sure a year-long 'shove' back makes them look very good. It wouldn't make anyone look good. But, business is business.

StealthPandemic3613d ago


What do you mean they deserve it? Timed Exclusively sucks for everyone.

SideNote3613d ago

Sony were the evils during the Dreamcast era, buying up company's so they wouldn't put out games on segas platform. But lest we forget.

rdgneoz33613d ago

"buying up company's so they wouldn't put out games on segas platform"

So, buying a company to release products only for your system is as bad as buying timed DLC?

p.s. How long was GTA 4 DLC to hit the PS3? And MS paid 50 mill...

Gazondaily3613d ago

MS started it and Sony are playing fair?? AHAHAHA. Unbelievable lol. What short memories you guys have (unless of course you guys are quite young gamers, in which case all is forgiven).

Mister_V3613d ago (Edited 3613d ago )


I agree. It does suck for everyone. But one point of view - not necessarily mine - is that MS went hard with exclusive content last generation, so it's only fair Sony gets its chance this generation.

Still, it's stupid on all fronts, and it doesn't make Sony look good, even if they deserve it.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3613d ago
brandonb213613d ago

What about last generation with GTA 4 ps3 users didnt get DLC till a year later cause it was a microsoft exclusive. what goes around comes around

Kayant3613d ago

Well that's a moneyhat.... Man those deals need to stop on either side majority of the they are a wise of money.

Santana3613d ago

I agree, cause the only people it really affects is us gamers in the long run.

Outside_ofthe_Box3613d ago

Yup, doesn't really benefit anybody. Only hurts the people that have to wait. Either make it fully exclusive or don't bother at all.

Kayant3613d ago

Yep. forget my spelling :p.

Both Sony and MS can do all the co-marketing deals as much as they want but if they're going to have timed deals then bust. Either it's exclusive or it isn't. Not that exclusive dlc and stuff are great but it's better than timed content.

Volkama3613d ago

It benefits Bobby Kotick. And Bobby Kotick has the money to have you killed by somebody who has nothing. So buy your DLC and keep quiet, m'kay?

KakashiHotake3613d ago

Personally I don't agree with exclusive content but Microsoft started this game and forced Sony to play their hand. So nothing wrong with getting a taste of your own medicine.

Sheikh Yerbouti3612d ago

Still sucks...! They act as if they own us gamers.

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Destiny Made Over $160 Million In Microtransaction Revenue In Less Than 2 Years

Destiny has made over $160 million in MTX revenue, and these numbers only account the data from late 2017 to early 2019.

Sgt_Slaughter347d ago

That's extremely low for microtransactions, especially for a game that's essentially designed around it

LucasRuinedChildhood347d ago (Edited 347d ago )

This was back when the game wasn't free to play.

The figures are from November 2017 to February 2019 (1 year and 4 months).

Based on that projection, the MTX revenue for Destiny 2 likely would have been closer to ~$240m for 2 years.

Not sure if premium expansions are included in that figure either although ... I'd hope that they are though and that most of the revenue was for actual content like Forsaken.

People spend way too much money on cosmetics.

Rude-ro347d ago (Edited 347d ago )

Seasons($10 and just got bumped to $12) and dungeon keys($10 each, two a year) are through the eververse(micro transaction) store.
So for those two years, in order to play a season, you would pay through micro transactions.

Sonic1881347d ago (Edited 347d ago )

Bungie Marathon will be worse since it's designed around it as well

Kurt Russell347d ago

It makes me sad to agree... but at the same time I am looking forward to giving it a go. Destiny 2 is so far in, I find it difficult to figure out what I am meant to do first.

buffig347d ago

I think FIFA alone makes over $1bn a year from mtx

anast347d ago

FIFA promotes a worldwide sport. It should make more money than destiny.

CantThinkOfAUsername347d ago (Edited 347d ago )

Let's compare something similar. Apex Legends and its ridiculous $18/$40 skins make EA a billion each year.

z2g347d ago

For as much as ppl complain how much they hate microtransactions, they sure don’t act like it. No wonder they aren’t going anywhere.

spicelicka347d ago

By "people" you're referring to millions and millions of people. Obviously the ones complaining aren't necessarily the same as the ones spending all that money.

347d ago Replies(1)
347d ago
Father__Merrin347d ago

There's millions that purchase MTX and there's nothing we can do about it

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Stop Trying To Make Destiny

In Episode 1 of Spot On, a new weekly news show, Gamespot talks about the dangers of chasing a trend.

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Destiny 1 Becomes Playable on PC via Emulation

Playing Destiny 1 on PC has been something fans have been requesting for years. It looks like Destiny 1 is now playable on PC via the RPCS3 emulator.

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spoonard499d ago

I've been thinking about playing through D1 again before it goes away...

CobraKai498d ago

That’s the sad reality of a game like this. I bought it, invested lots of money, and it can go away at anytime. I still think this was more fun than 2.

jeromeface497d ago

prob because 2 is a grindfest slog

spoonard495d ago

That's the bummer of 'games as a service'.