
Psychic Truck Throwing Developers Return With A Touching Story

Julie Morley writes: "For My Brother is a 2D side-scrolling puzzle game built on the Unreal Engine 4, inspired by Metroid, Megaman, and Shadow of the Colossus, involving plenty of enemies in the environment and merciless bosses that grant additional powers upon defeat."


For Our Readers… For My Brother Interview with Crooked Tree’s Katy Levinson

Warp Zoned writes:

"Last year, developer Lat Ware and his team successfully launched a Kickstarter campaign for the brain-bending title Throw Trucks With Your Mind. Now that team is back under the guise of Crooked Tree Studios with a fresh puzzle platformer, For My Brother, which was featured in the latest edition of our monthly look at interesting crowdfunding campaigns, Kickstart This!. We chatted with Katy Levinson, the co-founder of ArcBotics and now Business Development Manager for Crooked Tree, about social media campaigns, art design, and Michael Bay’s The Rock."

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Interview With Crooked Tree Studios About For My Brother

Interview with Crooked Tree Studios discusses their game "For My Brother" A Metroidvania styled games with elements from Shadow of the Colossus.

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Kickstart This: It’s Just Not Cricket Edition

Warp Zoned writes:

"That’s right, it’s time for football (or soccer, for the average American reader and editor). World Cup fever has landed and is now in full swing like the Rio Carnival. It has been a tournament of surprises, with the current World Cup champions knocked out by the second game, along with perennial contenders England (but I’m Scottish, so the less said about Luis Suarez’s two beautiful goals, the better).

There are a number of great Kickstarter campaigns in full force as well, and instead of placing bets on goals scored or corners won, perhaps think about donating some of that cash to these fine projects. We have the amazingly named Catlateral Damage, top-down 2D action-adventure Midora, and 2D puzzle-platformer For My Brother. On top of that, there is also a side-scrolling space shooter known as Temporus, the stealth ninja mastery of Twin Souls, and the 8-bit existential journey of Glitch.

Let’s go for the goal!"

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