
Sony announce new Ratchet & Clank for PlayStation Network

We can read at HardGame2, one of the most important Spanish (and european) web of videogames, that Sony announce a new Ratchet & Clanck game series, with the name of Ratchet & Clank: En Busca del Tesoro (aka, Ratchet & Clank: Search of Treasure).

This story has been translated by Google translator pages:
"After its premiere in PlayStation 3 with Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction, Sony just announced the return of this nice couple in their latest console, only this time destined to be a downloadable title from PlayStation Network. At the moment we don't know many details of this game, except his name: Ratchet & Clank: In search of treasure, and you can see the logo at the bottom of this new."

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Batusai5814d ago

Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction is one of my favourite games on PlayStation 3. I think this new title can be a interesant adition to the PlayStation Store.

issa30325814d ago

This is not a new title but rather add-on content for Ratchet and Clank Future. Read my post below...

Tomdc5814d ago

lol we knew this for like ages... we saw it on that leeked spreadsheet of upcoming psn titles. It was also announced by insomniac's podcast after their forumers peiced together the hidden messages within the insomniac recruitment video...

Sev5814d ago

Yup, this is Quest For Booty PSN title. "Search for treasure"

There is more than one PSN title coming too.

Silogon5814d ago (Edited 5814d ago )

Another bad move on Sony's part. This is a premier franchise and to dumb it down into a store download is terrible. It has to be an add on or something there is no way this can be 20 gigs like R&CFTOD was and not maintain the quality. What is going on there at Sony?

Drekken5814d ago

You should send in your resume to Sony. I am sure they would love to hear about all of your brilliant ideas. I hope they accept you, cause the demise of Sony would be a sad day.

Condoleezza Rice5814d ago

Because if he honestly believes the Ratchet & Clank series will only be available as a download from the PSN Store from here on out,then I'm not sure what to make of such logic.

gambare5814d ago

that means the new R&C must be developed with a new Dev team, focused in PSN titles.

"Anyone suspect he is POG?"

yeah, I do, yesterday he has 5 bubbles, but today he appears with 7 bubbles, he used something that POG uses to not lose bubbles.

alster235814d ago

its not a full on game its probly episodic content

Drekken5814d ago

Condoleezza Rice, I am pretty sure he is not joking. This guy pretends to like Sony, but he bashes them every single comment.

If he is POG, that would be funny stuff.

Silogon5814d ago (Edited 5814d ago )

I have no clue who you all are talking about and what trick are you guys talking about losing bubbles? I don't even know what those bubbles are for really. I'm not against sony at all. I love Sony but just because you disagree with me doesn't mean I'm a xbox 360 fanboy what's wrong with this site? How come I can't have an opinion against something Sony is doing and still like & support them? Do you not understand that you all are being the fanboys but not acknowledging Sony's faults?

LJWooly5814d ago (Edited 5814d ago )

Gambare, it's called fellow 360 fanboys, that's what PoG uses.

But, I think you're all being a wee bit harsh on silogon here, he just misread, that's all. Better than most other people on this site, who don't even bother to read the actual article at all.

Btw, a few days ago, I went down from 9 bubbles to 7 in a few minutes. Earlier today, I noticed the same thing happened, but I went back up to 9 this time. I have no idea why, maybe a substantial amount of people just agreed with me on a comment?

Tomdc5814d ago

its a add-on... no episodic content, not a new game, just a add-on.

and btw wat is a POG?

Lord_Ash5814d ago

POG = Power of Green, he was a user who supported Xbox 360 and when I say support I mean bash anything PS3 related.

LJWooly5814d ago (Edited 5814d ago )

"Was", Lord Ash? I can assure you he's still well and truly active among our N4G community :D

Drekken5814d ago

Yeah you can disagree with some of Sonys tactics, but you come off as a pretender who is hating. Every comment you make is like that. That is why you are being called out. All I know is I wouldnt of spent $600.00 on something I hate, made by a company I cant stand. But hey, I guess everyone doesnt have my standards of purchases!

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 5814d ago
jkhan5814d ago

Yeah I think thats what Quest for Booty is. May be from now onwards Ratchet series will sell via PSN in episodic format. Like they are doing with Siren. May be. Or may be it can just be a rumor.

issa30325814d ago

Guys...I think this is DLC for the Ratchet & Clank Future Game.
BTW I don't know if you noticed but "Quest for Booty" and "Search of Treasure" is the same thing. So this is the same DLC add-on that was mentioned a while back!

Drekken5814d ago

Quest for Booty sounds so much cooler!

issa30325814d ago

Yeah it does but only Americans and maybe U.K people understand "Quest For Booty"
This is like when they re-title some movies so they make sense in foreign markets.

Drekken5814d ago

lol, it sounds like a B-rated porno tbh. Break out the WD40! hahaha

kewlkat0075814d ago

then just as DLC for GTA4 on the 360 will do just as good.

Time for DLC FTW!!! saying lol

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D+PAD Magazine: Ratchet and Clank Future: A Crack in Time Reviewed

D+PAD Magazine writes: Is comparing Ratchet & Clank Future: A Crack in Time, the latest adventure for everyone's favourite (and most likely only) Lombax, to the globe trotting exploits of Nathan Drake in Uncharted 2 a good idea? We just can't help ourselves...

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GrandTheftZamboni5279d ago

"Insomniac have a gift – the ability to forge games of such a high quality – and to ask them to stop would be a crime against gaming humanity."

As long as they keep doing so, I'll keep buying R&C. Hopefully, this is not really the last one.

hulk_bash19875278d ago

I have always been a Ratchet and Clank as well as Insomniac supporter and fan. I bought Resistance 1 and 2, and R&CF:TOD day one but I found myself letting ACIT slip off of my radar. I blame it on the Modern Warfare 2 effect, lol. But i will definitely get this for myself as a Christmas gift before yrs end.


Insomniac: No Ratchet & Clank 360 or Wii 'anytime soon'

ConnectedConsoles: There have been many rumors hitting the internet concerning platform exclusive's and whether they'll be heading over to different consoles. Especially with games such as Left 4 Dead 2, which has recently come into the headlines with rumors that it will be heading to PS3 as well as Xbox 360 and PC. One [PlayStation 3] exclusive, Ratchet & Clank: A Crack In Time however, won't be seeing green or white any time soon.

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Jamegohanssj55304d ago

Lol, well Insomniac even said that they're staying Sony exclusive in a interview aboot a month or two ago.


Bodyboarder_VGamer5304d ago


Do you actually know that Insomniac is not part of Sony right? They are a private company and if they wanted they could do tittles for other consoles beside the PlayStation...

blackmagic5304d ago (Edited 5304d ago )

Also in the news: Rachet and Clank going to 360 wasn't even a rumour until we wrote this 'article' stating that Sony owned ip won't be going to the 360.
Stay tuned next week to read our main feature: Rumour dispelled, Mario, Zelda and Metroid games not going to the 360 either!

Who wrote this 'article'? lol

Hoolock5304d ago

the title says no Mass effect on 360, wii "Anytime Soon". I guarantee this thread would be very different =/

calis5304d ago

"Do you actually know that Insomniac is not part of Sony right? They are a private company and if they wanted they could do tittles for other consoles beside the PlayStation..."

And do you actually know that Sony OWNS the property for Ratchet and Clank therefore it will never, EVER be released on a non-Sony console.

Danja5304d ago

Well considering that Sony owns all the IPs Insomniac makes ... Should state that these franchises are never gonna be seen anywhere except the PS....

Another failed article ...

sikbeta5304d ago

"Do you actually know that Insomniac is not part of Sony right?"

You know Insomniac is recognised as a Second Party Dev, share information and tech with ND and the 2 Dev Teams are like friends and I think Ratchet IP is owned by Sony, High Impact Games made Ratchet and Clank Size Matters for PSP and PS2, is not like only Insomniac make Ratchet games

darthv725304d ago

Insomniac is like Bungie in that the games they make are given first crack to Sony. To think they haven't tried their hand at something for the ds or wii is asinine. Sure it may never come out but still.

Why would it matter if they did make a game for a competing platform? Chances are it wouldnt be anything of significance that people associate with Insomniac (R&C, Resistance, etc).

Insomniac may consider themselves an independent but I would classify them as a second party. Not owned by sony like a first party studio but still getting all the benefits from them in making games and giving sony first bid on what they make.

WenisWagon5304d ago

Kwl! thx 4 beta testing droids!!!!1

morganfell5304d ago (Edited 5304d ago )

Well bodytborder you are another one of those people that fail to comprehend the manner in which IP ownership functions and how it affects the platform availability for titles.

Besides, the article concerns R&C, which will never EVER see the light of day on a MS or Nintendo platform.

What is the next article, no Halo on PS3 anytime soon??

LtSkittles5304d ago


Scroll down, and look at that SCEA logo,because that means you'll never get them.

badz1495304d ago

R&C and Resistance are the properties of Sony and even if Insomniac decides later that they will go multiplat, they'll have to come out with a new IP - not those 2!

Anon19745304d ago

However, 360 owners seem to turn their noses up at these kind of games. Just look at the sales for Banjo: Nuts and Bolts. It got some pretty decent reviews and it was an established franchise and 360 owners couldn't have cared less. I bet Rare's missing the ole Nintendo days.

Don't Microsoft have them on strict Natal duty now? Anyone wanna guess how that's going to turn out for Rare?

jjohan355303d ago

Honest question: If the developers don't own the IP, who does? The publisher? So is it true that Ratchet & Clank sequels cannot ever be made multiplat? I'm just wondering how did the FF13 end up being multiplat? I'm pretty sure Sony published several of the previous FF games. I don't understand the legality too much. Any explanations would be welcomed.

calis5303d ago (Edited 5303d ago )

"Honest question: If the developers don't own the IP, who does? The publisher? So is it true that Ratchet & Clank sequels cannot ever be made multiplat? I'm just wondering how did the FF13 end up being multiplat? I'm pretty sure Sony published several of the previous FF games. I don't understand the legality too much. Any explanations would be welcomed."

It depends who owns the property (ie. the name, ideas, characters etc)
For example, Sony own's pretty much all its IPs for exclusives (Uncharted, Resistance, WipeOut, R and C etc etc) therefore Sony gets to chose which consoles it goes on and obviously it will stay Sony.

But, Gear of War, while exclusive to Microsoft, is property of Epic Games. Epic own the property, characters etc and can chose to release it on whatever console they want.

As for Final Fantasy, while Sony may have published some of the games, it is own wholly by Square-Enix.

coolfool5303d ago

when we see Insomniac develop for a console other than a Playstation.

SaiyanFury5303d ago

The Ratchet & Clank license is owned by Sony so it will never see an iteration on someone else's platform unless Sony decides to sell the rights. Insomniac isn't owned by Sony, but in many interviews Insomniac is quite happy to remain Sony exclusive. They've constantly raved about the creative freedoms that Sony gives them with their games. On top of that the R&C franchise is much loved by Sony gamers, including me. It's profitable for Sony to hang onto the license and I seriously doubt it'll be sold to another company for distribution on other platforms other than the PlayStation brand.

frostypants5303d ago (Edited 5303d ago )

This "article" sums up everything that is wrong with N4G. For every thoughtful piece, there are 10 stupid/sensationalistic/poorly written ones. Submissions need to be moderated for idiocy...

The fact that Sony owns this IP is common knowledge in the video game industry.

+ Show (17) more repliesLast reply 5303d ago
PirateThom5304d ago

Plus, I believe Sony own the IP, like all of Insomniac's IPs anyway.

militant075304d ago

Insomniac games' Bryan Bernal confirmed this in an interview with PSU saying : " (Sony owns the Ratchet & Clank property) so it's safe to say you won't be seeing our heroes on Wii or Xbox 360 anytime soon."

PirateThom5304d ago

I know now, but I couldn't load the page when I typed that, but thank you.

Saigon5304d ago

they are a second party dev for sony...anytime sony is shown a new IP before any other publisher means they are a second party dev...if sony rejects the new ip Insomniac is free to shop around for another publisher if they still want to make the game...this is why son so far owns all of their IPs...

Kain815304d ago (Edited 5304d ago )

Ratched and Clank are Sony trademarks!


scroll a bit down, and you will see it

militant075304d ago

they mentioned that in the article...

militant075304d ago

are they planning to buy the IP, whatever i would really care since i dont like it (but own Ratchet&Clank FTOD)

Tripl3seis5304d ago

that is never going to happen if they want the game get a ps3 period.

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Ratchet and Clank Reaches Top Three Sales at Retailer

YourEMGN Writes: "Ratchet and Clank Future: A Crack In Time seems to be in high demand, reaching the top 3 sales in the video games category yesterday on retailer - Amazon."

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Madusha5308d ago

This is such a mint game, I love all the great new additions, it's perfect!

andron5307d ago

Ratchet and Clank is the best action platform series. Too bad it's often under appreciated by reviewers.

But luckily gamers know quality when they see it, and Ratchet and Clank have many faithful fans...

Kriller5307d ago

Madden of platformers. bleh. I'll still take it though since there aren't many left.

kissmeimgreek5308d ago

i know the gams gotten good reviews but ive seen absolutely no advertising. oh well, hope it sells good.

Battlefield5308d ago

It's a brilliant game. Didn't know Ratchet and Clank could be so perfect. I'm also surprised it made #3 on Amazon, but, it definitely deserves it.

sikbeta5307d ago

Ratchet is pretty well known since the PS2 era and the Weapon Testing ads

f7897905307d ago

It has a good sized fan base (including me) that will buy every new Ratchet and Clank because we love Insomniac.

Aquarius5307d ago

I'm sure it will be advertised.

I was suprised to see an EYEPET advert just the other day.

Nathaniel_Drake5307d ago

It was advertised, the dear playstation one, it was on last night, and really funny. It had this dark committee where you can't see their faces but talking to that guy in all the ads that they wanted to purchase those weapons. And the guys was like those are not real and the committee thinks the guys is saying that so he won't get caught and asks again and the the Sony's guys face is priceless

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 5307d ago
Sevir045308d ago

It's awesome. i'm still buying this game though because there's no way the Signed limited edition is going into My PS3... these guys are way too humble and down to earth. I'll be supporting this game with a game purchase. as for the proof.. check this out


Dutch Boogie5308d ago

Wow that's awesome homie. Glad you got to meet one of the best developers in the world. I can't wait to get my copy also.

Madusha5307d ago

0.0 thats awesome! Wish I could of been there.

Young Capwn5307d ago

It seems anyone who owns a ps3 is alot happier, and everyone is positive and nice to one another. n4g use to be hell on earth for ps3 fans, now eveything is right.

That said, this game rocks.

sikbeta5307d ago

Man 1 word resound in my head: "ENVY" lol

Great man, take care of that signed copy, you never know what can happen
muahahaha muahahaha /jk

Now really, you have a awesome piece for collection, congrats

Sarcasm5307d ago

Not stealing thunder from your comment or anything, but I got my Resistance 2 copy signed from Ted and some of the other guys.

I even made a joke "So when's Resistance 3 coming out?" and everyone laughed.

Real down to earth guys.

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