
Miyamoto calls this the "Year of Star Fox"

Miyamoto says "this is gonna be the Year of Star Fox"

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Metallox3643d ago

The Year of Luigi never ends, sorry Fox.

Moonman3643d ago

Good one, but this is exciting he said this! :)

Cyb3r3643d ago

Luigi died this year aged 72

randomass1713643d ago

Hey, show a little respect. His name was Danny Wells, not Luigi.

Baka-akaB3643d ago

the year of Luigi truly started with MK8 and the awesome Stare meme

3-4-53643d ago

* Lets Investigate:

* When it was " Year of Yoshi", How many games was Yoshi featured in ?

* Let's then use that to get a rough estimate as to how many Star Fox related games we may see in 2014/2015.

Not saying it will be = or exact, but it should be a good start.

admiralvic3643d ago

Wasn't the "Year of Yoshi" just an assumption people made for this year (following the Year of Luigi), which is now "year of Star Fox?"

If you're talking about the Year of Luigi, then he actually got a lot. In that "year" we got Dark Moon, a special edition 3DS XL, New Super Luigi U, Luigi Bros (in 3D World), Dr. Luigi, Super Luigi Bros (NES Remix 2), Luigi selection CD (CN Japan), New Super Luigi U pin (randomly awarded to people that bought digitally), Year of Luigi coin, Luigi hats (Best Buy events and other such places), Luigi Nendoroid (still no Mario one), Luigi poster (platinum reward prize) and more.

Obviously Star Fox will not get the same amount of stuff, but they certainly did a lot for the "year of Luigi."

TekoIie3643d ago


Yeh the year of yoshi was an assumption. Especially considering that Yoshi's Woolly Yarn got pushed back to 2015.

I have to say that "The Year of StarFox" Sounds exciting! I dont think it'll be on the scale of the year of Luigi. Either way I look forward to seeing whats in store :)

Also doesnt he mean 2015?

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3643d ago
R00bot3643d ago

Super exciting! Wonder if Fox will end the year with a game featuring death stares as well?

mcstorm3643d ago

I just thought as you said that fox has never been in Mario Kart. Come on Nintendo put the starfox team in Mario Kart.

Benjaminkno3643d ago

I would've been more excited for Metroid, but I'll take it.

I didn't care for SF:Adventures, so don't make it like that.

MrSwankSinatra3643d ago

Either they make it like Star Fox (SNES) or Star Fox 64. If it's anything like Star Fox Adventures, Assault or Command then I'm not purchasing it. I will give credit to Adventures because the game was good, but it just wasn't star fox. Command & Assault on the other hand were just horrible. Those games are the prime example of what excessive outsourcing can do to a franchise.

Venoxn4g3643d ago

I would love Platinum Games make game like Star Fox Adventures :)

MNGamer-N3643d ago

Probably both, they seem to be doing that more often it seems.

Summons753643d ago

They already announced a Star Fox U, maybe a 3ds title that interacts with it. That'd be cool.

3643d ago Replies(2)
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Five Things Nintendo Needs To Bring To E3

StarFox, mobile and a hint of NX. Bring it, Nintendo.

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Moonman3283d ago (Edited 3283d ago )

If Star Fox has online multiplayer that would be so awesome...even local...

Fin_The_Human3282d ago

Nintendo really needs to stepbupbwith the online gaming.

The only reason I bought a Wii was becuae if Zelda and its looking like the only reason I will buy a Wii u is becuase of Zelda.

gangsta_red3283d ago

A new Starfox with multiplayer co-op would be absolutely bad a$$. An open world space dog fight with squad base team action. Voice chat would definitely be required for this.

A Zelda trailer featuring more gameplay would also put their conference over the edge.

Not really interested in their mobile future...they could save that for another time, not E3.

As for NX, I wouldn't mention t. Focus on WiiU and get some more people to want to buy that system. Why talk about a future console when you have a struggling console to sell right now.

deathtok3283d ago

I'm really looking forward to this E3! Star Fox for Wii U, potential Metroid titles... should be a good presentation by Nintendo.

OtakuDJK1NG-Rory3282d ago

mobile and a hint of NX


Did journalist not listen to a word Iwata said.

wonderfulmonkeyman3282d ago

Pissing you off a bit too, eh?
I'm sick of people saying they're expecting it.
Wall-punching has occurred over this, for me.
If I fully vented over it here, I'm sure I'd probably get myself banned for foul language...
Willfull stupidity just irks me to no end...

themonado3282d ago

It's really starting to get ridiculous. It's like these people live under rocks or something.

voodoochild3463282d ago

Why on earth would they announce their next system now? So they can end up like Sega? People are so shortsighted when it comes to Nintendo it's ridiculous.


Star Fox Wii U: Managing My Expectations

Star Fox 64 blew me away when it was released in 1997. The title was a complete package on the Nintendo 64, complete with full voice acting, replay value, multiplayer, and the Rumble Pack. I was hooked on this game for quite a while and even, at one point, had the game's dialog completely memorized. I couldn't wait for a sequel.

Years went by and those sequels came. However, I felt like each new entry in the Star Fox series didn't live up to the standard set by Star Fox 64. I wouldn't call these post Star Fox 64 games bad, but they surely did not live up to the legacy of Fox McCloud’s Nintendo 64 adventure.

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greenmiker3284d ago

Star Fox is a great series, I can't wait the Wii U version.

3284d ago
iplay1up23284d ago

It is supposed to be out this year. Nintendo has also talked about Starfox being "very cinematic" and "beautiful". I found that to be interesting for a Starfox game.

I am sure it will be at E3. Can't wait.

OtakuDJK1NG-Rory3284d ago

Star Fox Assault was very cinematic.

deafdani3282d ago (Edited 3282d ago )

To date, all Star Fox games have been pretty cinematic, for their hardware. The amount of "live" dialogue on Star Fox (SNES) wasn't common on an action game, Star Fox 64 was Nintendo's foray into voice acting, and it had awesome cutscenes (for the time), Star Fox Assault was pretty cinematic overall as OtakuDJK1NG above me said, and even Animal Planet had pretty nice storytelling and cutscenes (even if it wasn't a Star Fox game initially).

I can't say anything about Star Fox Command because it's the only Star Fox game I didn't play. I tried it, but didn't like its controls at all. :(

ZeekQuattro3283d ago

I hope they make it more like the first two entries and nix the on foot parts. I tried to like it but I just couldn't. Assualt was still a good game however.

ChickeyCantor3283d ago

if they can pull it off like Vanquish though...

ZeekQuattro3283d ago

If the on foot plays like that game I wouldn't mind. Sega used to publish some great niche games. Now I want to dust off my PS3 and play Vanquish. lol

deafdani3282d ago

Sometimes I feel I'm the only one who actually loved the on-foot sections and the sections where you had the freedom to fight on all means (arwing, landmaster and on-foot).

I honestly believe the hate those sections got was undeserved. I feel like people ONLY wanted Star Fox to be 100% on-rails arwing combat ALL the time, so they weren't receptive of the other gameplay styles on Command. Which is a shame, really.

I hope the Wii U version tries this again, and refines the formula so that everyone (miraculously) likes it. :P

ZeekQuattro3282d ago (Edited 3282d ago )

I wouldn't mind having the Land Master or Blue Marine back. I liked those missions. On foot wasn't all bad for me. I did enjoy ridding on the wing of a Wolfen fighter for instance. I just remember wishing there was more of a focus on flight.

gleepot3283d ago

If they made a good blend of 64 and Adventures, that would hit right about home with me. Have a non-linear galaxy to explore that leads to on-rail missions while traveling between areas. Once you reach the planet, go down on foot and do some on foot, dungeon-esque stuff akin to Zelda.

FallenAngel19843283d ago

I really wish they would make Fox and co. seem like true mercenaries for once. They're more like soldiers since they always take missiles through the space police via General Pepper

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E3 2015 Wishlist: What We Want From Star Fox Wii U


We’re still not sure what Star Fox really looks like or how exactly it will play, but pending any surprise delays we know it is coming this year, which makes E3 2015 the perfect platform to show it off. It’s been a long time since we’ve played a first-party Star Fox title (the last one was Star Fox 64) and we’ve got some hopes and aspirations for the series.

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Moonman3284d ago (Edited 3284d ago )

Great informative article from Game Informer. Everything they suggested sounds great. Nintendo should include Star Fox 2 as an un-lockable or part of the new "Club Nintendo" prizes.

jsslifelike3284d ago (Edited 3284d ago )

Nintendo SHOULD have been leveraging their back catalog this whole time. Digital eShop purchases should have been met with an email offering a Virtual Console entry in that same series. This accomplishes (2) things: (1) it builds anticipation and, who knows- maybe it even fills in back story and educates younger gamers and (2) gets consumers accustomed to using the service for their retro needs.

Nintendo is perhaps the most fortunate in the gaming space to have so many back catalog games associated with them --both first and third-party-- and they SHOULD use that to its fullest potential.

Germany73284d ago

Nintendo could explore more the universe and the characters, like the article said, it's interesting to know what happened with the original Star Fox Team: Fox's dad, Peppy and Pigma, side-quest missions would be great for that matter.

I would like missions on feet with the squad again, i liked that feature from Assault, of course the missions with the Arwing should be the main feature of the game.
Let's hope for a release this year, there are not so many details about it, but Nintendo said they will release before Zelda, so there is still hope.

The 10th Rider3284d ago

People may hate me for this, but I wouldn't mind if the foot missions took cues from Metroid Other M's style of gameplay. You could switch out between the different squad members on the fly, each with different abilities, speed, attack power, etc...

Either way, any foot gameplay really needs to nail a good fast paced action tone.

N4g_null3284d ago

The only thing that bother me about other m was the story really. It was like gears of war in a weird way.