
Mortal Kombat X Cassie Cage, Kotal Kahn revealed, First Select Screenshot

NetherRealm Studios Ed Boon showed some of the new characters in Mortal Kombat X today, Cassie Cage, who is Johnny Cage and Sonya Blade's daughter, and she has a combination of moves from both characters.

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LackTrue4K3645d ago

So, Johnny scored with Sonya after all!!!


zeee3644d ago

Cage. Kahn? So I'd the later one the son of Shao Kahn and cindel or something?

mrpsychoticstalker3644d ago

She's so hot! Persistence. It takes u places. Lol

zeuanimals3645d ago (Edited 3645d ago )

Finally. Attractive female character designs. MK9's were just... Ugh. Cassie Cage isn't super scantily clad either. I mean, I'm fine with it but Sonya's design in MK9 was just laughable. I much prefer the female character designs in here.

The male designs are pretty cool too, no idea why Kotal Kahn is teal though. Scorpion/Sub-Zero are as bad-ass as ever.

coolfool3645d ago

Couldn't agree with you more.

Snakefist303645d ago

Is Kotal Kahn Shao Kahn's Brother?

DxTrixterz3645d ago

Wouldn't be surprised it he was his son.

MrSwankSinatra3645d ago

I really hope that isn't the theme of this game. Replace all the recognizable characters with their offspring. That would be pretty redundant imo, essentially they would be doing exactly what happened with games like Deception & Armageddon an creating just a bunch of clone characters.

MrSwankSinatra3645d ago

Dude he looks like he could Ogre's brother from tekken lol


Rute3645d ago (Edited 3645d ago )

Kotal is the love child of Shao Kahn and Motaro.

DxTrixterz3645d ago

MrSwankSinatra Soul Calibur 5 exacly did that. I don't think it ended too good even though SC5 was a solid game. Still I miss Talim :{.

Tdmd3645d ago

Cassie Cage looks great! Can't wait to see her in action. I also loved D'vora's design, she seems to be a lot fun to play as.

Storm23977d ago

Cool. Wanted to play Hell Let Loose and I always enjoy a good golf game. Mortal Kombat X should have been 11 IMO though.

NoFanBoy977d ago

HLL seems a bit of a mess on console, I hope it improves but didn't have fun with the beta.

EvertonFC977d ago

Same was looking fwd to the beta but it was not a great experience

1nsomniac977d ago

Yea HLL is great on PC but is really hard to enjoy currently on console.

NeoGamer232977d ago

Ya, I really wanted to play PGA 2K21 but didn't want to pay the price.

Eonjay977d ago

Agreed. MKX should have been 11. I will play PGA though. Haven't played since Tiger Woods. This month feels lacking.

Ashunderfire86977d ago

I know right lol!!! Mortal Kombat X is free on PS5, but I understand PS4. Heck the PS4 version should be easy to get for just $20 or even less $10 dollars on ebay or selling stuff apps.

Profchaos977d ago

You can play it right now open beta is live and free

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 977d ago
SegaSaturn669977d ago

MKX was already in PS Plus Collection. This is the second time they've double dipped. Thank god the golf game lets u hit balls into the crowd.

BrainSyphoned977d ago

At least twice this year they have double dipped into PS Now games as well.

Christopher977d ago

Two separate services isn't double dipping. People do understand that, right? Subscribing to one or the other doesn't give you benefits to the other in any way.

jznrpg977d ago

Fine with me I don’t sub to PS now

ocelot07977d ago

You don't know PS Collection is not available to PS4 only owners right? Only way they can claim this is by buying a PS5 or logging into a PS5 and claiming them.

So am pretty sure a fair few of the 100+ million PS4 owners are thankful.

Knushwood Butt977d ago

Mortal Kombat X was never released in Japan so this is another one that won't be included in the lineup for Japan and will probably be swapped for some crap but I'll remain optimistic.

Silly gameAr977d ago

I'm pretty sure MK has never been on plus. In the US anyway.

Not sure what PS Now has to do with PS Plus.

Profchaos977d ago

Lee carvello: may I suggest a putter
You have chosen driver.

CorndogBurglar977d ago

You win for your Simpsons reference.

BLow977d ago

And like clockwork, you always have some complaining. Happy Gaming

Ozzy2407977d ago

Only PS5 owners get the PS plus collection which majority of playstation owners don't have

TheExecutioner977d ago (Edited 977d ago )

Not every one have ps+ collection

When u will stop thinking like a child

Knushwood Butt976d ago


Japan gets Castlevania Requiem instead of MKX

Not crap then!

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 976d ago
kneon977d ago

3 games I won't play even when they are free

lipton101972d ago

Really? They’re all legit good games

kneon972d ago

I've never liked those kinds of fighting games so mortal combat is out. Golf? I don't know why such a game even exists. the last time I played a golf game was on the Apple ][. And finally hell let loose looks like just another in the endless stream of ww2 shooters, I already have enough of those in my backlog that I will probably never play either

SurgicalMenace977d ago

You know when you actually buy your games you wouldn't be so ungrateful for the free ones. Just a thought.

LiViNgLeGaCY977d ago

This month just didn't appeal to ME personally. If it's a good a good month for others, hey more power to them. And please, I'm willing to bet I've bought more Playstation games than you have. Probably shouldn't make assumptions about people without really knowing them, just a thought.

SurgicalMenace977d ago

How much you willing to wager, sir? I've purchased just over 20 games this month alone. Have over 830 games in my digital library 250 on my shelf and that is only the PS4. We'll skip the PS1, PS2, PS3, PSP, VITA, and PS5 just to keep it fair. Who's counting though?🤷🏾‍♂️

976d ago
LiViNgLeGaCY975d ago

Whatever you'd like. Since the PS1 days, my collection is in the thousands, just on Playstation alone. Pissing match aside, again, you shouldn't make comments in the future where you look stupid (ex. Telling someone you don't know that they don't buy games)

SurgicalMenace975d ago

Or perhaps, since you have such the healthy collection, stop whining about the charity. If they don't give it, then buy it.

Pocahontas971d ago

WhT do you do for a living to afford 20 games in one month

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 971d ago
RedDevils977d ago

Shit games this month. Mortal Kombat X is already on PS+ Collection what the point of have it again. Throwing some indie and would be more happy.

Ozzy2407977d ago

Because the PS+Collection is only for PS5 owners which majority of playstation owners don't have

KyRo977d ago (Edited 977d ago )

Hell Let Loose looks great but it's not a casual game and a bit of a acquired taste. It's nice for people to dive in a d try it though. MKX is already on PS5 for free with the PS collection so that bad for PS5 owners and it was only two months ago everyone complained about a sports title being included as a game but yet they follow suit with another one 🤦🏻‍♂️

PS Plus started so well at the beginning of the year too.

SurgicalMenace977d ago

I never thought I'd see a day when people complain about what they get for free. Hey, there is another great alternative to settling for free games, BUYING what you want.

How much do you think a market leader is going to be willing to cut into their own pockets? How many games do you actually purchase or do you just wait for them to hit plus?

We actually are grown enough to know that we have to pay for greatness over here. You have an option to go to MS if you'd like as well. Otherwise, add it to your library, say thank you, and move on. How old are we here?🤔

KyRo977d ago (Edited 977d ago )

I've been subbed to PS plus since the very day it started when all we'd get is PS1 and minis on PS3. PS Plus as a service was always about the games. Now they've made it a requirement for online play you mistakingly think these games are the bonus. They're not. We pay for access to the games via the subscription. They're not free so before running your mouth and giving it the big one, please educate yourself before calling people out.

SurgicalMenace977d ago (Edited 977d ago )

Well sir, I too have been a PS+ member since it's inception and own well over 3,000 games on PS3, 1200 of PS4, and close to every game available on PS5. I speak from a supporting standpoint and I'm strongly against people who do more talking with their mouths than their wallets.

If you've not invested into the best experience possible, then why should your opinion be acknowledged? Plus is 70 dollars a year that equates to about $6 dollars a month....what do you expect to get, a choice?🤣

The day that beggers become choosers is the day that gaming dies. How many of the new releases have you purchased? If the answer is none, be happy with what is given. When you're playing the latest, you have little concern for the hand outs. Just a thought, champ.🤣

976d ago
Kurt Russell977d ago

Personally I am looking forward to Hell Let Loose. I don't think I would have dived in with a purchase for that one, but I am dead curious to play it... I am hoping it is just the kind of MP I have been hoping for since R6S went doolally.

KyRo977d ago

Yeah it looks great for sure. I've watched a few people play it on PC and I'm interested to know it's transitioned to console.

outsider1624977d ago

Yesss!! Played HLL open beta and it was amazing. The immersiveness, the one bullet shot, you can't just go running around shooting like in CoD or Bf.

NoFanBoy977d ago

The beta has a low framerate, lag, loads of pop in textures, flickering shadows etc. It felt horrible to control and aim. If they could improve it then there potential.

Majin-vegeta977d ago

Thry are aware.They made a post yesterday

FPS_D3TH977d ago

It’s not really optimized too well on pc yet either. Lots of flickering

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Martial Arts Experts Take on Mortal Kombat X Fight Moves

Two martial arts expert attempt to recreate some of the moves from Mortal Kombat X.

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Skuletor1271d ago

What's up with the tags? No MKX on Xbox 360, PS3 or Arcade.


Mortal Kombat X Update 1.16 and XL Update 1.06 Makes Minor Interface Changes

Mortal Kombat X and Mortal Kombat XL received a minor update today that is apparently related to some interface changes as per the patch notes.

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