
TIME leaks 3 Nintendo games - Star Fox Wii U, Project Giant Robot, Project Guard

TIME has outed the existence of three Nintendo games coming from Shigeru Miyamoto ahead of the company's Digital Event today.

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Somnipotent3644d ago (Edited 3644d ago )

Bought the Mario Kart 8 bundle this weekend. Its been a blast!

randomass1713644d ago

Hehe, got mine just a week ago! I'm so happy I did! I can't wait for it all!

ritsuka6663644d ago (Edited 3644d ago )

Nintendo already win this E3 by default. Called it.

Concertoine3644d ago

Star fox itself looks like a tech demo more than a full game. Falco looks like he does in the 3ds remake of 64. I'll wait and see if any of this is actually announced as being "new games" because they all look like something Nintendo whooped up in a few months to prove the gamepads relevance.

Realplaya3644d ago

All you see is a fuzzy shot of the games from a distance. At least wait until the digital event to make a judgement on what they show. Plus Nintendo likes to show bad looking games and then when they do the direct the games look 100 times better.

mii-gamer3644d ago

I'm going to cry. Star Fox this is going to be great!

Reeze3644d ago


I actually don't have words for this right now

Gonna go cry tears of joy

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Future Of Project Giant Robot Is Still Up In The Air, Says Miyamoto

It now seems that the entire project is in limbo. Speaking to Time, Shigeru Miyamoto said:

"Project Giant Robot was something we started as a second project, and unfortunately we haven't yet decided to turn that into a full game."

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AizenSosuke3001d ago

Ok I want to see Project Giant robot badly though.

LOL_WUT3000d ago

Everyone was hyping up Project Guard which all it ended up being was a mini side game for Star Fox. I'd rather they implement these ideas, without the gimmicky stuff, into a new ip. ;)

superchiller3000d ago (Edited 3000d ago )

"...which features massive robots which can be customised for motion-controlled battles"

The reason is obvious; motion controls in gaming are awful gimmicks that ruin the actual gameplay. The Wii console and its games were a great illustration of that fact. Kinect is another example.

They probably finally realized that the game would have bombed hard, had they continued to throw away money on it. Although the project was clearly intended to show the value of the gamepad, in the end, it would have failed to make any difference in the Wii U's decline.

rjason123000d ago

Yeah right, motion controls (if done right) can immerse you way better than a regular controller can.

gamerb63000d ago (Edited 3000d ago )

Splatoon, zombie U, wonderful 101, cod and star fox says hello

marloc_x3000d ago (Edited 3000d ago )

Yes, and Sony's recent motion-control patents are a complete waste of time as well schiller😒

They had better not "shoehorn" this gimmicky garbage into my vr experience 😉


Wii U’s Project Guard re-revealed as Star Fox Guard, included with Star Fox Zero

Nintendo has re-revealed its Wii U game Project Guard, first announced at E3 2014, as Star Fox Guard. It will be included free with Star Fox Zero when it launches in North America and Europe on April 22.


Platinum Games: 'Making Only Original Titles Is Very Difficult'

If anyone would know that, it’s Platinum Games. Whether it’s Bayonetta or even Anarchy Reigns, the studio has churned out a string of original titles over the past decade. That isn’t easy.

In the most recent Weekly Famitsu, the magazine celebrates the studio’s tenth year anniversary. Platinum Games talks about how things have changed over the past decade as it went from a staff of 60 to its current 180 or so, tripling in size.

“We used to have the idea that we wanted to be a studio that only made 100 percent original games,” Platinum Games CEO Tatsuya Minami told Famitsu. “However, it turns out that only doing that is considerably difficult, and so now we take on various work.”

Free_Fro3038d ago

It is, but you guys have been doing an amazing job at it.


Eldyraen3038d ago (Edited 3038d ago )

True and their licensed games are exciting as well. Transformers was a nice surprise and TMNT looks like fun.

wonderfulmonkeyman3038d ago

Agreed; Mutants in Manhattan looks like an actually FUN TMNT game.
After so many mediocre entries before it.

As a TMNT fan, I couldn't be happier that Platinum's at the wheel, and will gladly get it for PS3.

MilkMan3038d ago

Stick to making new IP's and then pepper your offerings with the occasional sequel. You guys are pretty great. Keep it up. I cant wait for Scalebound.

Eldyraen3038d ago

I can't wait to get myself a dragon and take on small and huge enemies a like. I want to see that coop in action at e3 or tgs this year too.

Seraphim3038d ago

Vanquish or spiritual successor would much be appreciated. Scalebound does look great. One thing Platinum can do is create some great new games.

OtakuDJK1NG-Rory3038d ago

Only one who arent given them a chance to make original titles is Activision. Legend of Korra, Transformers and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

Darkfist3038d ago

need that famous name push for sales, next stop Deadpool

MegaRay3038d ago

And whats wrong with that? Transformers was an awesome game, short but alot of replay value. Korra was good for its price point ($15 at launch), even some 8-bit 2d indies priced above that. TMNT look like its a fun game, and lets be real, every old school gamer is dying for a new quality TMNT :P

OtakuDJK1NG-Rory3038d ago

I did I say anything about those games not being good?

All I am saying Activision isn't giving them a chance to make original games with all that money Activision has. But Activision=/=Original games don't go together.

MegaRay3038d ago

Well, Activision isnt forcing PG to work with them. Its PG who choose to work with Activision. PG can make new IPs with any other publishers, but they know that wont work, since their non-licensed games dont sell that well and most flop.

MilkMan3038d ago

I'm not entirely sure that's how it works. I know devs take gigs to pay the bills but I don't think they go publisher to publisher asking if they can work with them. MAYBE starting out? But at this stage in their life cycle the industry knows what P is all about.
Maybe they took these licensed gigs to keep the lights on. While they pour there heart and soul into their games.

WickedLester3038d ago (Edited 3038d ago )

Hey Platinum, After you guys release TMNT you should look into getting the license and making a proper Godzilla game! The one that released on PS4 was an abomination! We NEED a proper Godzilla title and I think you guys would kill it!

MilkMan3038d ago

That would be interesting to say the leaast.

3038d ago