
Final Fantasy VII HD Remake...Oh Fooled You. Or Maybe Not

Gameskinny: "Final Fantasy VII. For most players of the Final Fantasy franchise, the series seventh installment is universally acclaimed as being one of the best if not THE best. For me, it was the first game in the series I had ever played and also one of the last. When trying to play future installments, I just couldn't get into them like I did with Final Fantasy VII.

So naturally, when I heard rumors a long time ago about an HD remake that Square was working on, I didn't care what system it was on because I was going to buy that system just for Final Fantasy VII. At E3 in 2005 it looked like we were all going to get our wish.

And then comes the wool over the eyes."

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kayoss3635d ago

I will hold on to the idea that it can possibly happen.

FACTUAL evidence3635d ago

Instead of them wanting a ff7 remake sooo bad, how about they wish SE makes an even better ff game, or at least try to make something as ground breaking.

DigitalRaptor3635d ago (Edited 3635d ago )

According to that insider "Verendus", who talked about Japan Studio having two big JRPGs in development and that The Last Guardian was to be re-revealed ( http://www.neogaf.com/forum... ) also said something about this: http://www.neogaf.com/forum...

And that Chinese outlet said there were 2 announcements at the Sony presser that "thrilled them". http://www.neogaf.com/forum... One of them could potentially be this.

What a megaton that would be.

CLOUD19833635d ago (Edited 3635d ago )

FFVII remake is the No1 most wanted remake since the re-known tech demo for PS3 back in 2006, but every time I hear this sh1ty line "a game that will surprise every1 is going to announced in E3 blah-blah-blah..." always it's something completely boring & uninteresting that me personally don't give a fck about...

I'm used to this line on every E3, & every time I never saw something that make me WoW! except X for Wii U this I admit is the only exception but still it wasn't something I would really like to see like a remake/sequel of an old favorite JRPG of mine like Legend of Dragoon remake or a sequel for Suikoden or Grandia/Lunar/Breath of Fire.

As for FFVII remake SE still haven't release Versus 13/FFXV although it was announced 7 years ago, those guys have lost it completely, I stop expect anything from them, SE is a lost case for me, after FFX the downhill never stop.

LightningMokey3635d ago

What about a Chrono Trigger Reboot :/

Adrian_v013635d ago

It wouldn't bring old fans. Okay maybe some. A lot left because of the change in battle system, and if they did a FF VII remake it would sure be an action rpg, not turn based. After all the 'We want to make battle in game look like Advent Children' there's no chance it would be turn based. So it would only piss off fans.

Also, the resources would be huuuge. Just try and imagine what it would take to build the world of FF VII. And what machine it would take to run it.

And last, it wouldn't meet up to anyone's expectations. FFVII offered you fun and sad moments. If they did a remake they'd have to modify the plot so it's dark only. I don't see how they could pull off the cloud-dress-up part with current graphics. It wouldn't be funny, it would just be...weird.

mydyingparadiselost3635d ago

If there were a remake I would hope it would stay away from changing the plot to be more dark, one of the things games seem to miss out on these days are a sense of humor attached to the world the characters are in. The light hearted Cloud dress up section IMO is exactly what gaming needs right now since it's just some dumb, happy go lucky fun that helps balance out what is mostly a serious story.

Adrian_v013635d ago

Yeah, but at times when graphics weren't that great they could pull it off cause you saw some blocks acting stupid and it was funny. Nowadays it wouldn't fit, add such an element to a serious story and it would lose it's seriousness.
It reminds me of Metal Gear Solid. As much as I loved the story I never took it serious because it was full of stupid stuff. I don't want that to happen to FFVII

mydyingparadiselost3635d ago (Edited 3635d ago )

Those moments that wouldn't fit in the story are in the story though, it's all still there and hasn't broken the game. If Graphical fidelity can ruin your games story then it probably isn't a good story.
Most of those moments are in the first part of the game before everything starts becoming dire and serious. It's not like before you go to fight Sephiroth you have to dress all your characters in drag and save puppies from overly gay weight lifters or anything. I just feel the more quirky moments of the game cement the world as being more than just some drab place you have to save and make it more of a world full of life that you want to save.

Adrian_v013635d ago

Hmm considering how a lot of Japanese guys already to dress ups as girls...very convincing one I could see how they could pull it off though xD

mydyingparadiselost3635d ago

Lol, they could always make it a challenge and have you dress Tifa up as a dude

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3635d ago
azricf3635d ago (Edited 3635d ago )

Doubt it..and might not be a good idea with recent FF games. Better they use such a huge budget on new next gen rpgs..that dont star a pink haired protagonist....or just make a chrono sequel.

Becuzisaid3635d ago

Leaving nostalgia behind, this game really hasn't aged well. It'll take a lot to modernize some of this games elements. But making too many fixes will cause an uproar amongst fans. So the idea of a FF7 HD remake is one that SE needs to be careful with.

IMO they should just replace the old 3D character models with new ones. Replace the old 2d backgrounds with new hand made 2d backgrounds and redo the script. Leave everything else alone.

Donnywho3635d ago

It's been a top selling PSN classic game since it came out. Hasn't left the top ten. Why spend money to remake something that is still making plenty of money?

-Now watch, they'll announce a remake tomorrow-

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Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Understands That A Tonberry Is The Scariest Thing In The World

The tiny green slasher villain returns in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, and is as frightening as ever.

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MeteorPanda16d ago

The way it was handled was so dumb. One shots in melee...your teammates are to ostupid to get away from its attack. So you most often end up alone in a certain fight.

Hofstaderman16d ago

Two words, one accessory....Safety Bit

MeteorPanda16d ago

Needing an accessory to keep a.i from dying and only one of them isnt great.


Original Final Fantasy 7 - Is it Worth Playing in 2024?

Final Fantasy 7 has come back under the spotlight thanks to the release of Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, but is it worth replaying the original?

ravens5242d ago

Got to Zacks part in 7 Rebirth. Said f it. Finishing my game in 7 og. Just got to part 2 yesterday. I also got Crisis Core... So it'll be a while before I'm back to Rebirth. I just keep thinking about it too smh, want to get back to playing it. Not till I know Zacks story though. I beat 7 og sooooooo long ago, it's crazy going through it again and remembering things.

MrNinosan42d ago (Edited 42d ago )

Got to Zacks part in Rebirth?
You mean you started the game and turned it off?
The game starts with Zack...

ravens5242d ago

... Really 🤓 lol. His second part, I've played for 80hrs lmao. <---- PS5 Run time, probably not all game time. You guys know how it goes.

VIK212142d ago (Edited 42d ago )

Did you not ever play the OG FF7? After you recruit Vincent, later in the game, disc 3, return to that basement and look at the pod, there's a whole Zack story that'll trigger as a memory.... it's well hidden in the game and a lot of things regarding Zack are cleared up. FF7 Crisis Core is basically an extend feature of that hidden flashback... It took me years to discover it back then lol


MrNinosan42d ago

80 hours in Rebirth by doing everything, and you should've reached Zacks story about 5 times 🤣

ravens5241d ago

Ye I kno that's y I said not all gameplay time. But also I am very anal when it comes to exploring.

ravens5241d ago

Not to mention fighting Titan at his full strength. Hours spent trying still haven't succeeded. Found all 3 ruins but I'ma masochist when it comes to games.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 41d ago
Barlos43d ago

Very much so. Graphically it's dated but the story and the gameplay haven't aged a day. It's still one of my all time favourite RPGs and for me is better than Remake in some ways.

Barlos42d ago (Edited 42d ago )

It always takes me back to Christmas 1997, I got it as a gift and I was blown away when I played it. I couldn't believe games could look that good. The combination of pre rendered backgrounds and FMV really made it stand out. It definitely still has a certain charm that modern games can't replicate.

I can't imagine people will still be talking about Remake and Rebirth in 27 years.

Tapani42d ago

Fully agreed. To me the atmosphere, pacing, gameplay and music are all better than in the remake.

Rebel_Scum43d ago

Yes, play this, skip remake, start rebirth for new players.

I_am_Batman43d ago

Skip Remake? That's terrible advice.

leahcim42d ago

Remake is so amazing, pure FFVII Love, play it on PS5 please! aww the graphics the battles, the music... a dream come true.

Rebel_Scum42d ago (Edited 42d ago )

I disagree Batman

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