
Analyst: Bluray format still "half-baked"

CNN.com takes a look at the format war, giving some interesting perspectives on when the format will become the mainstay.

xfrgtr5819d ago (Edited 5819d ago )

Title of the article:"Blu-ray format expected to dominate, but when?".
It's not a matter of if but when,bluray IS the next format and is recognized by the industry as the next one.Excellent article.Analysts, movie studios and the Blu-ray Disc Association, a manufacturing group, all say Blu-ray discs will eventually dominate video sales. The question is when.

butterfinger5819d ago

I sold my entire DVD collection about a year ago and waited patiently to see which format would win out. Since blu ray won, I have enjoyed getting my old movies and great new releases every time they come out. Re-watching classics like Edward Scissorhands and Terminator 2 deliver an all new experience. I collect all of the Disney animated features, and I am 100% looking forward to Sleeping Beauty and every other Disney animated classic that will surely be arriving in the future. Bring on Aladdin and the Lion King!!!

Real gamer 4 life5819d ago

how long did it take high definition television to penetrate the market?
The same will happen with blueray. It wont be overnight it will take time.

gambare5819d ago

The HDTV is still expensive for many people, but the prices are lower if we compare them with the last year, not to say 2006, anyway, it won't be beyond 2009 for the HDTV to dominate and the BD is already here to fill the HD movie market.

The Dark Knight5819d ago



mirroredderorrim5819d ago

Why does it say "cnn.com takes a look at the format war"?

I thought it was over(?)

2cents5819d ago (Edited 5819d ago )

the war is dvd vs blu-ray now

oh, and downloadable content fancies a go in the ring aswell.

@below, thankyou round orange thing with hat!

mirroredderorrim5819d ago

I don't not agree with digital downloads even being considered as a part of the fight to be the new Physica Format of Choice. (since this is what should be focused on when refering to the format war)

Aside from the above, DVD is expected to lose dominance of the market in 2009, sometime during the fall, or 4th quarter.

Call me when at least 50 million homes have 10meg per sec connetions with no latency; because the network is large enough to handle the traffic, with perfected tech, and I would honestly say Digital Downloads are competing with Blu-Ray.

The "infrastructure" for D.D is currently being setup. With the incoming web 2.0, along with D.D comes new regulations. Take my web 2.0 remark with an air particle.

Sayai jin5819d ago

@mirroredderorrim- They are tlking about the blu-ray taking the place of DVD. I have said this over and over,digital downloads (DD)are inevitable. DD will not replace physicl media, no way, but it will be an alternative. Think of CD's to MP3. Did MP3's completly replace CD's, no. But how many ppeople walk around with CD players anymore? Some still do, like I said an alternative. The industry did not embrace DD for music right away. Naspter! Everyone saw how popular and future proof DD for music was, so not too long after, DD service boomed, iTunes, Sony BMG, etc. Some may say, oh the internet speed, infrastructure, etc. people are thinking of the noow and not the furture. Some say it is many many years away. I remember when it took several hours to download 1 song then a year later it only took the same time to download a entire CD in the same time. I can now download an entire 1 to 1.5 GB movie in a fe whours sometimes a little longer around 10 to 12 hours and I do not have tht great of service. Check this out. Sony (and the rest of the blu-ray camp) came out looking like champs when blu-ray won the next-gen medi war. They spent tons of loot on preparing and maketing blu-ray, so needles to say they expect it to be around for a while. With that said, Sony will be offering DD on the PS3 very soon, just like MS does now. Sony knows that blu-ray will eventually be the norm for physical media, but also knows that it will have competition/money with DD nd they want to embrace the new tech to be one of the first to offer such service.

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