
Uncharted's Amy Hennig & Stashwick Researching for New Star Wars Game, Dead Space Director Involved

Former Uncharted Creative Director Amy Hennig and her co-writer Todd Stashwick are currently doing research for their new Star Wars game at the Skywalker Ranch, and also revealed that Dead Space 3's Creative Director is on board.

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XiSasukeUchiha3653d ago

This game is going to be fun:)

logan_izer103653d ago

This is an experiment...

This game will be fun!

3653d ago Replies(2)
-Foxtrot3653d ago

I really can't wait for this :)

However...Dead Space 3's Creative Director...you mean the one which most likely contributed to the downfall of Dead Space :|

gamerfan09093653d ago

Maybe I'm not a die hard fan of these games,, but I enjoyed Dead Space 3 a lot. Everything about it was satisfying to me. i don't think visceral has made a bad game yet.

-Foxtrot3653d ago

It just ruined the series in my opinion

The story was ruined, they turned Isaac and Ellie into something they aren't, side characters were boring and generic

It was an action game rather then a horror and that's not Dead Space to me.

Agent20093653d ago (Edited 3653d ago )

I wonder if it's going to have anything to do with Star Wars 1313. I'd find it very ironic, that the ex-Naughty Dog people were working on reviving a supposedly cancelled Uncharted-esque game.

millerj27403653d ago

I've said the exact same thing a number of times but people insist that game is dead forever. I don't want to cling to false hope, but I'm going to anyway, until Disney says definitively its never coming back. Somebody has to keep that torch lit lol

KinjoTakemura3653d ago

This is old news. Hennig has been on the Star Wars project since March.

Abriael3653d ago

What's new news is that you quite obviously didn't read the article.

KinjoTakemura3653d ago (Edited 3653d ago )

If Henning has been working on the Star Wars game since March what exactly could be new? Just following your lead buddy.

Abriael3653d ago

That they're doing research for it at the Skywalker Ranch, meaning that they entered the planning phase of development, and that the Dead Space Creative Director is involved in the project.

You don't follow leads very well buddy :D

KinjoTakemura3653d ago

So your news was news even though your news was news 3 months ago? Sounds logical to me.


0P-Tigrex3653d ago

I don't like Amy Henning. She done F'd up Uncharted 3.

0P-Tigrex3653d ago

She did. the game was a rehashed version of 2.

FalloutWanderer20773653d ago

What's your excuse for the first two then? gtfo buddy. how old are you 14? pubes growing in yet hmmm. peach fuzzy wuzzy. uncharted 3 was like, so much like the 2nd game, it had Natahn drake in it! copy and paste job bro!

0P-Tigrex3653d ago

The first two were original. lofl! you gtfo when you can't even refute my point. Uncharted 3 had the SAME SET PEICES AS Uncharted 2!! The game's pacing was horribly slow, character development was awful. UC2= You go on a train, crash, walk through the snow, pass out, you get saved, battle your way through a convoy, crash, then battle your way to the entrance.

UC3, you go on a plane, you crash, you walk(longer), you pass out, you get saved, battle your way through a convoy, battle your way through an entrance... lmao. Copy&Paste job bro.

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Amy Hennig's Star Wars Game Taps Director of the Infamously Cancelled Star Wars 1313

The director of the infamously scrapped Star Wars 1313 has joined the team working on Amy Hennig's upcoming Star Wars game at Skydance New Media.

Garethvk357d ago

I was at the announcement for it at E3. They had us in a side hall conference room that was just a couple rows of benches. When the gameplay and video demo started the side walls looked like windows that showed us dropping down levels in our ship to 1313.

rlow1357d ago

Glad he’s onboard, 1313 was so ahead of its time from what was shown. This bodes well for her game. Looking forward to what they are cooking up.

Profchaos357d ago (Edited 356d ago )

After 1313 cancellation and the new trilogy I think it's safe to say Disney was the worst thing that could have happened to star wars

Dirtnapstor356d ago (Edited 356d ago )

Well I hope the protagonist is not an angry, bitter woman, who is mad at the world and despises the need for men, or men themselves.


Captain America Game With Black Panther Teaser Trailer Released

At today's Disney & Marvel Games Showcase, a new Captain America game was unveiled along with a short teaser, and it features Black Panther, too.

jznrpg634d ago

Meh . Captain America is boring and I know little of Black Panther besides the movie .

chobit_A5HL3Y634d ago

no character is boring if you have good writing.

-Foxtrot634d ago

This is great, it’s like the comics where Cap ran into the Black Panther of that time period before he was frozen

Nick Fury was also in it, I’m hoping it’s the original Nick Fury not the Samuel Jackson lookalike he then played in the films

-Foxtrot634d ago

Well that was something

Kind of

I’m talking about the original before the Ultimate version

The one who was in the Howling Commandos and because he slowly ages then ran Shield in the present


Ashunderfire86634d ago

Could you imagine if David Hasshoff showed up in an upcoming Avengers movie as Nick Fury? He would say: “What are you staring at? I am the original.” The crowd would be shock with laughs lol 😂

Christopher634d ago

Looks like it's a WW2 game, so won't be Black Panther from the movies anyway but one of his ancestors.

crazyCoconuts634d ago

Have you ruled out.... time travel? Parallel universes?? ;-)

Christopher634d ago

Of course not. It's Marvel. Everything gets left on the cutting room table.

northpaws634d ago

Did they say who is the developer? That's the most important question.

Vengeance1138634d ago

It's in the title of the article, Amy Hennig is making the game thus it's Amy Hennig's studio Skydance New Media making it.

crazyCoconuts634d ago

Wasn't there a recent announcement about them also doing a star wars game? Disney must have a lot of faith in this new studio

mkis007634d ago

Its bumming me out we havent got to see anything of hers since uncharted 3.

Lexreborn2634d ago

Hmm, so you will play as 4 different characters with 4 different play styles in world war 2. I’m pretty tired of games set in world war 2 but seems like the popular set piece to always go to.

It will be sort of interesting to see the narrative of The Black Panther(tachakka I am presuming) who always seemed to be uninterested in that time and who did cross paths with Capt.

634d ago Replies(2)
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A Look at Amy Hennig, One of Gaming's Most Influential Women

Amy Hennig is one of the prominent women in gaming, with franchises like Uncharted and Legacy of Kain demonstrating her knack for storytelling.

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Hikoran658d ago

Lol....? Next you'll be saying Ken Levine is one of the men who's most influential..

Terry_B658d ago

Thing is, there are not a lot of women that were really influential for the video game industry, that's why Amy might be one of the most influential ones. ..A title that means basically..nothing.

Terry_B658d ago

At the geniuses that disliked my comment..name even 5 truly influential women in the video game business.

XxINFERNUSxX658d ago

Roberta Williams was very influential, she and her husband have a new game coming out this fall, a remake actually of Colossal Cave 😊

ChubbyBlade658d ago

You’re on a website full of incels who get triggered when you mention anything to do with women or any minority. Of course you’re going to get downvoted. I fully expect it too.

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LoveSpuds658d ago

Clearly she is an extremely talented writer and director and I am really grateful to her for her work bringing my favourite game series to life with Uncharted.

Personally though, I think I prefer the more grounded storytelling with Uncharted 4 than the more supernatural story beats in the earlier titles.

It's cool that she gets the recognition she does I think, there are not all that many devs who's name become well known to its audience so I think that says a lot about how talented she must be.

DrDoomer658d ago

Henning wrote Uncharted 4. Druckamann then came in and rewrote her story to accommodate all the woke feminist stuff.

lellkay658d ago

Uncharted 4 story telling was way better

LoveSpuds658d ago (Edited 658d ago )

What woke, feminist stuff are you referring to squire, I can't say i noticed anything other than awesome storytelling, characters and action in the five or six times I have played through it.

DrDoomer658d ago

"What woke, feminist stuff are you referring to"
Drake getting beat up and humiliated by the Strong Whamen of Color™;
Elena being a better Crash Bandicoot player than Drake because we all know girls are better gamers;
Drake and Elena go adventuring together for the first time in ages and the whole time Drake gets an ear beating about how she can take care of herself and she don't need no mans;
The old adventurer who's house Drake bros snuck into got gender-swapped;
Drake's son got gender-swapped;
I can go on and on but it ain't worth my time as you are willfully blind, squire.

a7madRyan658d ago

Man i dont know what ur smoking but there is thousands of games movies and tv show where women kick men asses and even save the world, tomb raider, bayonetta, chun li, stranger things, star wars, alien, terminator, kill bill, batman, james bond, final fantasy, fighting games, mulan and alot more, man if uncharted 4 women kicking drake’s ass bothered you, you really need to check your mental health coz when true woke games arrived you will be in a dark place

Palitera658d ago

Damn, right winger snowflakes are so easily offended these days.

LoveSpuds658d ago (Edited 658d ago )

Imagine being so fragile that you are intimidate and offended by issues that exist completely in your own imagination.

There are a million and one liberties taken with respect to 'realism' in Uncharted 4, but the ones that you get hung up on are that drake gets his arse handed to him by an absolute badass. A badass whose character happens to be a woman, even though she was created as someone who has been exposed to combat and the mercenary trade her whole life.

How can anyone watch that scene where Nathan and Elaine are in their living room, and seeing how well written and acted that scene is, the emotion you feel from Nate longingly looking at the picture of the forest, the love for each other they clearly hold, and your only take away is that 'men are better at games that women'. Are you that pathetic, seriously?

Elena was pissed at Nathan for lying to her, nothing more, and there are scenes where they clearly express and equal respect for just how capable they both are at kicking butt.

Dude, you need help!

DrDoomer658d ago

Wow, I really opened up a can of worms here, lmao.
Fact is, self-proclaimed feminist agenda pushing Anita Sarkeesian fanboy Neil Cuckmann came in and wrote all of that crap into the game, and Amy Hennig left the company right afterwards.

AnotherGamer658d ago

What woke stuff are you talking about in Uncharted 4?

Dirtnapstor658d ago

WTH are you talking about? UC4 was not a woke at all. Troll much? Or are you chasing the bandwagon that painted TLOU2 as woke propaganda? Of which, it was a far cry from being woke... a few mentions here and there does not constitute as woke.

Hikoran656d ago

Umm no? She was gone. She left at the start of tlou's concept art. She was rightfully pushed out by druckman and straley.

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Terry_B658d ago

Funny thing..that article describes what Amy worked on, but it does not deliver even one example of how her work has influenced other devs or mention any devs who expressed that they were influenced by anything related to Amy Hennig. Bad article is..bad.

GhostTurtle658d ago

Article is just a circle jerk opinion piece

lellkay658d ago

We need more Legacy of Kain

MrVux000658d ago

Man, those were the glory days. Amy Hennig and Bruce Straley in ND, their games defined the PS3 era.