
Yumi’s Odd Odyssey On Discount At $19.99 On eShop In North America

Yumi’s Odd Odyssey is on discount sale on the Nintendo eShop for 3DS in North America.

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Yumi’s Odd Odyssey is worth it for $20

From the article, "[Jenni Lada] enjoyed Yumi’s Odd Odyssey, Natsume’s brave effort to finally localize an Umihara Kawase game. I applauded the effort and recognize it’s a platformer with a lot of potential, but honestly? It’s the kind of game that really only an uber patient perfectionist can appreciate. (Say that 5 times fast!) At a $30 price point, it just wasn’t inviting."

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Yumi's Odd Odyssey Review | Entertainium

"It’s amazing how long it took a publisher to bring such a cult series outside of Japan, but Natsume finally did it. They couldn’t have picked a better entry to introduce this brutal but fair franchise to its new mob of fans in the West. Yumi’s Odd Odyssey is a fun and challenging game that deserves every bit of the praise and reverence that it gets from its Japanese fan base." - Eduardo Reboucas, Entertainium.org

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Sayonara Umihara Kawase Will Retain Its Original Title In Europe

Sayonara Umihara Kawase is being released in Europe this week via the Nintendo eShop, and the game will retain its original Japanese title in European territories.

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