
Ultra Street Fighter IV Gets A Launch Trailer

Twinfinite writes:

The digital release of Ultra Street Fighter IV arrives on 3rd June and Capcom has released a launch trailer for the title to build up hype for it.

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chrissx3656d ago (Edited 3656d ago )

Capcom should be annoucing street fighter v by now not this

3-4-53656d ago

This is beyond lame.

How long have they been using the same fighters over and over and over again.

Suck a lack of creativity.

There should be another 50+ characters by now.

I_am_Batman3656d ago

They always added new characters with every upgrade. Just like new stages, moves and game mechanics based on player feedback. The feature where you can choose which version of a fighter you want to play is amazing for SFIV enthusiasts like me.

The important thing to note is that this isn't for everyone. Most casual players probably won't even notice much of a difference. They are making this for the competative scene and the core community. I for one really appreciate Capcom's dedication to make this game as perfect as possible.

3-4-53656d ago (Edited 3656d ago )

No I get the mini-upgrades per version of the game, but I'm more so talking about making more new completely new fighting games or versions of street fighter.

Mortal Kombat is on 10 and Street Fighter is still on SF4 ?!

I'm not a hardcore fighting game fan, and I like Streetfighter but it just seems kind of lazy.

PurpHerbison3656d ago (Edited 3656d ago )

It's too soon to take a big chance like that. Also, last I heard, Capcom isn't doing so hot financially. It is smarter to update the #1 competitive fighting game than to risk releasing a new one. SFxT anybody?

BattleN3656d ago

Yeap SF4 AE is free on live 6/15/14 so dont waste your money I'll be saving for Smash Bros 4!

Deadpoolio3656d ago

It's a DLC genius...a $14.99 expansion for SSF: AE...And it's pretty damn substantial being a 4gb file

eddieistheillest3656d ago

Give us Alpha 4, capcom vs snk 3, or sf5. A new Darkstalker or School Rivals would be dope too. On Ps4 (or xbox one) too.

PurpHerbison3656d ago

I could go for an Alpha 4 but only cause I don't care if Capcom ruins it. I never ever want to see a CvS3 cause Capcom WILL ruin it. CvS2 being my favorite fighting game, I'd rather it stopped there.

My_Name_BTW_Is_Dante3656d ago


In reality it's only one new character that's basically just a cammy clone. The "new" characters and stages are just taken from Street Fighter x Tekken.

They need to stop this milking and just focus on Street Fighter 5 already.


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Knushwood Butt1767d ago

'After the release of Street Fighter III: Third Strike in 1999, Capcom took the cast of world warriors on a bit of a detour with the Street Fighter Zero/Alpha prequel series.'.

Alpha was released in 1995.

Imortus_san1766d ago

Back in the Time Capcom was releasing full games.