
How Rocksteady and Warner Bros. tamed Batman

AWESOMEoutof10's Fraser Brown takes a look at how Rocksteady and Warner Bros. Games turned Batman into an easy to digest action hero.
"Rocksteady and Warner Bros. have tamed Batman, making him simple and shallow. His weaknesses have been almost entirely removed, his utility belt is a Pandora’s box that can tackle anything and his foes pose primarily physical threats. The Dark Knight and his realm have been boiled down into easily digestible trope-filled experiences that are easy to dip in and out of. Systems replace meaningful exploration of what it really means to be Batman. The counter system, detective mode, experience points — these things make Batman just another video game action hero. Stripped of his vulnerability and complexity, all that makes him stand out is his kinky black costume."

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WizzroSupreme3661d ago

I suppose that's why Arkham's only become such the holy grail to DC fans. He's exactly the kind of old school comic trope that retro fans adore, more unlike Marvel's new, conflicted superhero.

Ripsta7th3660d ago (Edited 3660d ago )

Translation: Batman has kept it old skool. That's why DC fans adore him. Not like Marvels recent releases of gay superhero movies?? My guess

memots3660d ago

Lol , yeah that what I read as well, but wtf , still doesn't make much sense

theshredded3660d ago

This gen starts when Batman Arkham Knight releases

DVAcme3660d ago

Really? Let me count the ways the Arkham series is NOT the shallow experience this article paints it to be:
-With all three games so far, we get a complete three arc story between Batman and The Joker: beginning, the heat of it and ending.
-Awesome incarnations of all of Batman's greatest foes with none of them being lame or out of character. They managed to make Calendar Man creepy, Mad Hatter entertaining and disturbing and The Riddler a genuine threat. That's saying something.
-The game explores Batman's character flaws MASSIVELY. He's stubbornly independent and pig-headed, spare with the gratitude and blunt. These flaws cause a lot of grief to him and his allies, and are very much in character.
-The aesthetic of the games is possibly the best of any incarnation. Gotham truly seems like hell on Earth and an oyster ripe for picking by the criminal element.
-The games reference both famous Batman stories and loads of shoutouts to other elements of the DC universe.
-The games have spawned actual comics and even an upcoming DC Animated feature set in the Arkhamverse.

If this guy really was a fan of Batman, he'd sing nothing but praises for the games, period. I dare say I just wrote in this forum a better examination of the games than he did. Here's waiting for Arkham Knight, my current candidate for GOTY.

renerak3660d ago

its exactly because he is a fan and is well versed with batman that he see's so much fault and potential for improvement. Asylum was the best so far, the rest is kinda weak for many many reasons. They are still the best batman games undoubtedly.

renerak3660d ago

I just hope its not lifeless city in arkham knight. And i mostly agree, they could improve a lot of things in the game. Its because the games are good is the fact thats dissapointing, to see so much potential and yet. Ofcourse most of the improvements will ask for a longer devolopment time which most publishers dont want them take.


Batman Arkham City in 2024 – How Well Does It Hold Up?

GB: "With this feature, we take a look back at the incredible Batman: Arkham City with the aim of analyzing it from the perspective of a 2024 release."

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The best Batman Arkham game still isn’t on PS5, and that’s a problem

Suicide Squad Kill the Justice League is almost here, but I can't revisit the best Arkhamverse game on PS5 without sacrificing quality.

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ZeekQuattro144d ago

Not a fan of Orgins. Blame it on the absence of Conroy & Hamill. Blame it on the lack of atmosphere compared to Asylm. Hell blame it the devs thst dicked over Wii U owners like me that purchased the game only for support be dropped as a thank you to me. It's better than Knight but that's not saying much. I don't care for that entry either.

Rebel_Scum144d ago

tbh buying a game like that for WiiU should’ve been an obvious non-purchase when it existed on better hardware.

Cacabunga144d ago

Origins is amazing..
my favorite Batman is Batman and Robin on mega drive.. an HD REMASTER of that would still look glorious

ZeekQuattro144d ago

I got it launch. Kinda hard to go back. I'm supposed to know they were going to drop support months after the fact. 🤣

Exvalos144d ago

You sound like a salty fanboy, that it didn't come to your precious plastic of choice. It's not the developers fault Nintendo continues making underpowered hardware. It's our fault because we keep buying it. Yes I say (we) I'm part of the problem as well.

ZeekQuattro144d ago

I have a PS3 and a Wii U. How was I a salty fanboy? I bought the game on the system I wanted it for.

Rebel_Scum144d ago

Nah my comment has nothing to do with whether you’d know or not that they’d drop support.

Buying any AAA game of that era for a WiiU you should’ve known you’d be sacrificing graphics and load times.

LucasRuinedChildhood144d ago

It's solid but Origins is definitely not the best Arkham game.

LoveSpuds144d ago

Smacks of hyperbole to me, talk about clutching at straws to create some drama around PS5!!

generic-user-name143d ago

Titles like these are designed to get you to come in, go to their comment section and tell them how they're so wrong so they can boost their numbers.

Phoenix76144d ago

Even though its not the best arkham game in the series, its still an enjoyable game in its own right. What it do really well at though, was the crime investigations scenes. Which imo, were the best of the franchise.

goldwyncq144d ago

I don’t know about best game but it definitely has the best story and boss fights.

boing1144d ago

Never played it and recently I've finally tried it via cloud on psn. It's not the best for sure, but it ain't bad either.

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Batman: Arkham Origins - Open World Busy Work that Doesn't Hold Up 10 Years Later

Batman: Arkham Origins launched 10 years ago today, and sadly doesn't stand the test of time as well as its predecessors.

Petebloodyonion225d ago

I fail to grasp why this title is worse compared to Arkham City (according to the article) as the author didn't provide any argument to explain why aside from that it felt the bigger map compared to Arkham Asylum made the experience less tight.
More importantly, the author seems like he never played Arkham City since he described the game as linear (alongside Asylum).