
Enemy Front Story Trailer

This all-new video showcases the compelling story of war correspondent Robert Hawkins as he fights hand-in-hand with resistance fighters opposing the Nazi juggernaut in France, Germany, Norway and the Warsaw Uprising in Poland.

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Aon3660d ago

I don't agree with you. For me this game looks very good so I give it 8-8,5/10 now. Trailer is very nice because CI Games show us something about Robert Hawkins history.

riverside6663658d ago

overall, the game judge on strong 7/10. graphics course that is not sensational, but here it is just for me to have the slightest importance. As soon as I play, and feel this game, the story and its climate, I feel that the assessment will grow very quickly to a strong 9/10. Yes, I can, and the person who does not pay attention to the graphics, but let's face it, games with wonderful graphics, a year goes a lot, but they are so weak when it comes to the story that after a few days left to stand them on the shelf. Here I feel that it will be different!

Aon3657d ago

You're absolutely right about graphics in the game. Nowdays people want more have reality graphics but they do not pay attention for example on story or combat style. I think Enemy Front will be a little different game than another shooter game which will be released in this year.

ThePowerpuffGirl3657d ago

I agree with you. People are behaving as if they wanted to have views like in real life. It's just a game and graphics is important but not the most important. EF looks good. Important, however, is the atmosphere of the game, the story, the mapping of real places and events. And from what I can see, EF has it all. :). So for me will be a bomb. :)


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Enemy Front Review — paulsemel

Thanks to awful controls, stupid enemies, and tons of glitches, Enemy Front is the worst WWII first-person shooter since 2005's Call Of Duty 2: Big Red One.

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Cex Review- Enemy Front

Sam Terry writes- Set in WWII, Enemy Front puts you in the role of Richard Hawkins, an anti-fascist war correspondent who finds himself caught up in the Resistance. Enemy Front is a visually beautiful game, and makes the most out of last gen technology. Unfortunately, a short campaign, poor voice acting, and a lack of online features let the game down.

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