
Someone already modded Watch Dogs for Oculus Rift

"Today, someone modded Watch Dogs to allow use of the Oculus Rift on it, and the outcome is outstanding.

Watch Dogs was just released today, and while many are already ogling various walkthrough videos it’s cool to see that someone was able to get it up and running.

I imagine that, as the author says, the third-person viewpoint may take some getting used to—as well as the rapid camera action."

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Cyb3r3665d ago

That sounds cool I think it would be awesome to walk around the city with the Rift

Perjoss3664d ago

I think someone did this for gta4 also recently

Volkama3664d ago

As far as I am aware you get get most games to work with the Rift using Tridef Ignition...

If Watch-Dogs PC version is stuttery as has been reported I imagine it isn't a great VR experience...

F4sterTh4nFTL3664d ago (Edited 3664d ago )

Can I have your autograph, I am a big fan of yours.

elhebbo163664d ago

Didn't the drivers fixed some of the performance issues?

F4sterTh4nFTL3664d ago (Edited 3664d ago )

Ultra Textures are the main reason, you need an SSD on top of a Powerful PC to make them work perfectly. Without SSD the Ultra Textures don't load fast enough while driving for a smooth experience. The other solution is to use High Textures.

MelvinTheGreat3664d ago

How do you know this? Are you a dev?

Volkama3664d ago

It really doesn't require a dev or even any great knowledge of gaming to lower a texture setting and observe a difference. It's also pretty much what digital foundry said about it...

That's for NVidia cards anyway. Different kettle of fish for AMD cards with Watch-dogs.

starchild3664d ago (Edited 3664d ago )

Its perfectly smooth for me using the newest Nvidia drivers. I'm using high textures.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3664d ago
theXtReMe13664d ago (Edited 3664d ago )

If they got it working with rift, they shhould be able to pull the character model out and just traverse the environment in first person. I'm wondering why they haven't done that yet. Or do you not have to delve into the game code to get Rift to work?

rivencleft3664d ago

That would be pretty neat to be able to walk around Chicago in-game first person view, don't really know what it would require to be able to do that though.


The entire WatchDogs series is 87% off and it's not even Black Friday

If you are looking for a bargain, check out the huge discounts across the entire WatchDogs series on Steam.

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ApocalypseShadow394d ago

That's fine. GT7 would overshadow it anyway at it has open wheel and regular cars.

Should have been spending their time updating Squadrons with better resolution, frame rate, haptics, etc as there isn't a game like that on PS VR 2 yet.

But it's EA. They don't think.

Babadook7393d ago

I agree. It would sell better on PSVR2 right now.

Knushwood Butt394d ago (Edited 394d ago )

A wasted opportunity, but I don't buy EA / Codemasters stuff anyway. Grid Legends just came out on Plus and I haven't touched it. Why would I when I have GT7 and PSVR2?

Abnor_Mal394d ago

Not into F1 racing, but still a missed opportunity.

ApocalypseShadow394d ago

That's where opportunity presents itself that they could offer something else that other developers haven't offered yet. Yeah. There's No Man's Sky. But a space game with a story would be great. Like the old days with Colony Wars.

Abnor_Mal393d ago

Exactly, they could have possibly lured more players just from the inclusion of a vr mode.

I miss Colony wars and G-Police, Low-Fi I hope will scratch that itch when it releases. We also need a vr War/Starhawk game.

Knushwood Butt393d ago

Just watched the trailer of Low-Fi. Most definitely on my radar.

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