
Indie Game Insider | Bounden Review: In Good Company

Bounden reminded me that we know absolutely nothing about games, and in this beautifully young industry there are still countless surprises for us to find.

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Skate-AK3661d ago

Sounds interesting. Might have to check this out.


Humble Mobile Bundle Launches April Sale

A new month brings a new Humble Mobile Bundle and once again we’re giving you the lowdown about what’s on offer, helping you sort the ones that are worth your time from those that aren’t even worth the space they take up.

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Better living through video games

Rob Manuel of G4@Syfygames writes:

"It's hard to imagine video games helping out with your daily life; becoming a better dancer, seeing more of your world, or getting more exercise. We often run to games to escape reality, not make it better. You can probably point out some of the games that already exist to help you lose weight or help you in various school subjects (Thank you, Carmen Sandiego). I want to look at some games that move outside the realm of education and create a world for you to explore. And when you're done, you'll take away something from the experience and never really know it."

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Ten Reasons You’re Going to Love Game Oven’s Bounden

Appszoom lists ten reasons about why Bounden is so ground-breaking.

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