
Performance Analysis: Wolfenstein: The New Order

Digital Foundry conducts a performance analysis on Wolfenstein: The New Order

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Kayant3634d ago

Well now
"Overall image quality also looks pretty close indeed between the two consoles: there's a base 1080p native rendering resolution (unfortunately short on anti-aliasing), parity in lighting and texture work and an identical feel to the way the game plays. However, there is one interesting difference - in the comparison above, you can see an area of the game that operates at something in the region of 1440x1080 on Xbox One, while the PS4 and PC versions remain at the native 1080p resolution.

Other Xbox One shots show no upscaling at all, perhaps suggesting some kind of limited dynamic resolution - or maybe it's just a bug specific to this particular part of the game, a cut-scene that quickly segues into gameplay. What's odd is that compared to the carnage seen elsewhere in the game, the scene indicated is relatively sedate, so the notion of a dynamic framebuffer that adjusts pixel-count according to engine load (something we did see used frequently in Rage) seems unlikely. We'll play on and see whether we see any more differences along these lines."

"One thing we did notice was a one-off freezing moment on Xbox One - a spot of tearing followed by a number of duplicate frames. This appears to be an isolated bug: multiple playthroughs of the same area showed no further repeats of the problem and during standard play we see no screen-tear at all on either Xbox One or PS4 versions of the game."

Other than that good to see both are pretty much locked to 60fps.

hello123634d ago (Edited 3634d ago )

Stop posting Eurogamer nonsense. That site is known for its bias against Microsoft.

It not just this one article. There is a clear bias in everything they write about the xb1. I mean everything. I can't be bothered with a site who think PS4 is wonderful and the xb1 isn't.

The image you posted why is there a massive fireball in the xb1 image and not the PS4 image only dark smoke?

Lucus@ the videos and captures were taken from the web, i saw them before they were posted on N4G, and i know were they came from and it wasn't from Eurogamer.

And i thought you weren't going to reply to me anymore? Only joking mate.

Kayant3634d ago (Edited 3634d ago )

Looool but they are known for preaching the gospel about PS4 and showing *crappy textures*. Yh you keep digging your head into mistermediax and his insiders and ignore facts around you.

Also this is especially funny seeing as it's coming from Richard Leadbetter who defended XB1 through and through pre launch with the *balanced* argument.

Volkama3634d ago (Edited 3634d ago )

Digital Foundry and Richard Leadbetter have a reputation for being pro-microsoft. They are also the ones that blew the lid off of the Killzone multiplayer upscaling.

Personally I find their tech analysis articles very fair, thorough, and well reasoned...

GarrusVakarian3634d ago (Edited 3634d ago )

What a hypocrite. You call Eurogamer "nonsense"....but you post their comparison videos when they work in your favour? (Digital Foundry is a part of Eurogamer)

Eurogamer/DF articles are always very fair. If there are flaws, or discrepancies, in either versions of multiplats, they will always mention them. I've never seen them show blatant favouritism towards either console (like Volakama said, they even exposed the Killzone SF MP 1080p lie). You only think they are anti-MS because they do in-depth analysis of multiplats, that often show the PS4 to have the better version.

On topic: Great to see them hit a locked 60fps. Not surprised though, tbh, RAGE was a damn near locked 60fps on last gen consoles, the engine is just built for it.

"The image you posted why is there a massive fireball in the xb1 image and not the PS4 image only dark smoke?"

Wow. Are you serious? Maybe it just hasn't happened yet/already has happened on the PS4 version? I'm not sure if you are aware of this, but when an explosion happens, the fireball usually only lasts a second or two, and is followed by bellowing dark smoke.....Honestly dude, that's some serious grasping at straws you're doing there, you might as well say "why are the electric-coils blue in the PS4 version but off on the X1 version"?

FlunkinMonkey3634d ago

Bahaha, this guy.. You're on overdrive today too, something tickling the balls on insecurity?

You need to let go, and give up this napoleon complex you have formed with your view on MS.

You've got a long generation ahead if you think XBone will be ahead graphically at any point.

Man up.

Xdone3634d ago (Edited 3634d ago )


Cry more!

" stop posting eurogamer nonsense"

Maybe you should stop posting misterx nonsense first. ;-)

MorePowerOfGreen3634d ago (Edited 3634d ago )

I started seeing their bias when they claimed to had analyzed the PS4 version of COD-G praising 1080p when the review copy they had was 720p due to the 1080p not being patched in yet.

They will find every little thing that the xbox one does wrong and mostly ignore the PS4 issues if they can get away with it. Most of their traffic are PS4 fans.

I'm assuming this biased write up has to do with 95% of gamers thinking the game looks better on XB1 and Eurogamer forced this comfort comparison to appease their commenters and readers.

Eurogamer filling in the blanks over the scalable engine with their nonsense and then mentions a bug so fanboys can spread the talking point.

In this case it's like one Apple pie tasting better than the other and Eurogamer coming in saying but the Apples are gourmet in the less appealing pie.

hello123634d ago (Edited 3634d ago )

Lucus@ here is the problem. The game has dropped frames showing a big explosion in the background. While it looks like same scene it isn't its entirely different.

How is this a fair analysis? How do we know the PS4 kept its frames when the explosion occurred? Its logical, its bias, anyone with bit of intelligence would get that!

MasterCornholio3634d ago

What a dudebro.

Seriously stop with the MR.X BS.

dodo1013634d ago (Edited 3634d ago )

"The image you posted why is there a massive fireball in the xb1 image and not the PS4 image only dark smoke?"

You know the screenshot was taken a moment later on ps4 right?

GarrusVakarian3634d ago (Edited 3634d ago )


"Lucus@ here is the problem. Microsoft has dropped frames showing a big explosion in the background. While it looks like same scene it isn't its entirely different.

How is this a fair analysis? How do we know the PS4 kept its frames when the explosion occurred?"

Buy you're assuming that it's the explosion that's causing the screen tear/drop of frames. I seriously doubt a single explosion in the distance would cause a drop to the mid 20's in an engine that is designed to run at 60fps. Like the article said, it was a one-time bug.

Just take your tin-foil at off for once. Eurogamer/F is not out to get MS. They tell it is like it is. Always have. If there is a fault with the PS4 version of a game, they will mention it just as quickly as they would if it was the X1 version.

Oh, and talking about tin-foil hats, here comes N4G's biggest conspiracy theorist, MorePowerOfGreen.

Just because they reveal a screen tear/frame drop bug on the X1 version, it means they are appeasing PS4 fans? If you actually read the article, they also say that there is a one-time instance of the X1 running above 1080p....WHY would they mention that if they are out to get MS?

"I'm assuming this biased write up has to do with 95% of gamers thinking the game looks better on XB1"

What? I'm pretty sure the majority of people accept that this game has been made with absolute parity in mind. Just look at that direct-feed screenshot above. They are IDENTICAL. Stop imagining things and using bogus, made up, numbers.

Man, it must be tiring being you guys, everything is a conspiracy. Every Digital Foundry comparison article is the devil and out to get MS! The truth of the matter being, i don't think there are any fairer comparisons than the ones made my DF. They never hesitate to mention a flaw, no matter the platform.

"They will find every little thing that the xbox one does wrong and mostly ignore the PS4 issues if they can get away with it. Most of their traffic are PS4 fans."

DF said that the X1 version of Stryder was better than the PS4 version, they blew the lid on the Killzone SF 1080p lie, they showed Thief to have better AF and better framerates on the cutscenes on the X1 version...WHY would they do all of this if they really are as anti-MS as you say they are? Just like KNWS, you are upset that they are showing a flaw (albeit a small one) in the X1 version, and the only way you can try to accept it is to make up elaborate conspiracy theories. Sad.

And that whole CoD Ghosts 1080p patch fiasco...that was IGN. Not Eurogamer. You're deluded, get your facts straight.

"In this case it's like one Apple pie tasting better than the other and Eurogamer coming in saying but the Apples are gourmet in the less appealing pie."

Yup, insane confirmed.

Kayant3634d ago (Edited 3634d ago )


Well apparently humans are super human and can play the same scene 1:1 with every play through. Also maybe you would like to read what they said it was showing a screen-tear that occurred in that frame.


"I started seeing their bias when they claimed to had analyzed the PS4 version of COD-G praising 1080p when the review copy they had was 720p due to the 1080p not being patched in yet. " - That wasn't them that was IGN. Yh like when they didn't mention that The Lego Movie Videogame was super-sampled from a higher res or the bad capture with BF4.

imt5583634d ago (Edited 3634d ago )

KNWS, please, just shut up already, will ya. You went full retard, never go full retard! God damn!

For you KNWS, georgenoob, truefan, n64fan, H.J. Smith and others like you, some really juicy stuff: Metro 2033 and Last Light are graphically more demanding games. And guess what, 1080p/60 fps on PS4 and 900/60 fps on Xbone :


I know this is off-topic post, but who cares. Maybe this article will silence Xbone fans.

Anyway, i read on GAF post from members which played Xbone and PS4 said that Xbone version lacks of DOF.

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 3634d ago
HaydenJameSmith3634d ago

Why is there a need for a Performance Analysis with the release of every bloody game... I'm kind of getting sick of it to be honest...

ziggurcat3634d ago (Edited 3634d ago )


"Stop posting Eurogamer nonsense. That site is known for its bias against Microsoft."

No, it's not. The only people that think that are the tin foil hatted individuals who follow misterx, who also thinks that Sony has paid off the entire internet in some sort of bat**** insane plot to ruin MS's reputation.

They mentioned one inconsequential negative - something they believe is just a bug, which can be fixed - and they're suddenly anti-MS? Or is it because they said they look identical, which flies in the face of the ridiculous article yesterday saying the xbone version looked better?

Tsar4ever013634d ago

Well done, Wolfenstein devs, at least by seeing how well this game runs on PS4/XB1, only previews how DOOM4 will surely run. Though I personally have little to NO CONFIDENCE that Doom4 will be any good. I read that game is having all kinds dev set-backs and probs.

Oh well, at least I still have the BRUTAL DOOM Mod & updates to keep me well entertained.;-)

metatronx3634d ago

@to eveyone: you guys shouldnt argue with KNWS or take this guy seriously. He said that Xbone CPU is way better than PS4s one on the other article. What a joke lol

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jay23634d ago

So, What's the issue with these sub 1080, and 1080P 30FPS.

Dudebro903634d ago (Edited 3634d ago )

I'd Tech 5 was created to make the image and performance 1080p 60fps across any platform, and was built with next Gen in mind so it scaled amazingly well.

Once new engines roll out over the next couple of years, performance in games should go up.

MasterCornholio3634d ago (Edited 3634d ago )

You didnt answer his question dudebro.


" What's the issue with these sub 1080"

They said it was probably due to a glitch or a bug from a cut scene transition. I wouldn't worry about it.

From the article:

"However, there is one interesting difference - in the comparison above, you can see an area of the game that operates at something in the region of 1440x1080 on Xbox One, while the PS4 and PC versions remain at the native 1080p resolution."

"Other Xbox One shots show no upscaling at all, perhaps suggesting some kind of limited dynamic resolution - or maybe it's just a bug specific to this particular part of the game, a cut-scene that quickly segues into gameplay. What's odd is that compared to the carnage seen elsewhere in the game, the scene indicated is relatively sedate, so the notion of a dynamic framebuffer that adjusts pixel-count according to engine load (something we did see used frequently in Rage) seems unlikely. We'll play on and see whether we see any more differences along these lines."

jay23634d ago

MasterCornholio thanks :).

Dudebro903634d ago

I thought Jay was referring to 1080p 30 fps games in general on current gen, not just wolfenstein.

its_JEFF3634d ago

They've had to make sacrifices to do so, like skimping on AA. The game looks good, but in no way is better looking than titles like RYSE, Infamous, or Shadow Fall. Both consoles can easily do 1080/60, it's just a matter of whether the dev is will to sacrifice other things to achive it... for example: less polys, bake lighting, less AA, canned this, canned that, blah, blah... you get the idea.

As devs get more familiar with PS4/X-1 they'll have to make less and less sacrifices to hit 1080/60.

Tsar4ever013634d ago

Different gaming engines, yield different performances ratios, regardless of the type of hardware & performance ablity. In other words, how a game will perform on our consoles depends on what gaming engine the game is built on.

incendy353634d ago

The only difference I have seen between them is that the PC and Xbox One can multitask while running it, while the PS4 does not. Besides that they are pretty much identical.

GeraltofRivia3634d ago

pc can also run the game at 1440p, 1600, etc...

Tsar4ever013634d ago

You're wrong. PS4 can multi-task as well, its just that XB1 run on 3 OS's while PS4 runs on just One, which is why ps4 could do multi-task things alittle faster. Need proof?


incendy353634d ago

That is not multitasking. That is suspend/resume. PS4 doesn't have multitasking, unfortunately. I wish it did.

Illusive_Man3634d ago

All the tech mumbo jumbo aside the game still looks better than the PS4 version. This is truly a case of perception is reality. Whether in static or dynamic images the XB1 version looks slightly better.

OC_MurphysLaw3634d ago

Game looks great across the board on all versions. Deal with it fanboys.

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RaidenBlack635d ago

Scheiße! Nein.
Return to Castle Wolfenstein is the best in the series. After that:
New Order
New Colossus
Old Blood

Harryvok634d ago

I really wish they'd remake Return to Castle Wolfenstein from the ground up. Easily the best of them all.

629d ago