
5 Microsoft Franchises That Need To Return

Zach of B-TEN discusses which classic Microsoft-owned franchises he'd like to see make a comeback on the Xbox One. Including legendary series' such as Age of Empires.

incendy353645d ago

Ha, I had forgotten about Brute Force. Terrible game. Personally I would love to see Kameo make a comeback, I thought that game was so much fun, great character too.

Mech Assault and Crimson Skies were two other games I really enjoyed from their past library.

christocolus3645d ago

Kameo, crimson skies and mech assault couldn't have said it better.

jmac533645d ago

Agreed, came in expecting to see Crimson Skies on that list and was disappointed. I had so much fun with that series, if they announced a new one I would rush out and buy an Xbox One.

Gozer3645d ago

I would add Chromehounds to that list. It was ahead of its time for its unique online MP campaign. It would still hold up today imo. FROM Software is known for their unique takes on online MP. Chromehounds is a feather in their hat imo.

HugoDrax3645d ago

Hahaha I actually finished Brute Force lol. I would like to see KAMEO make a return, I think I have 1000G for that game. I would have to check, but I did finish it some years ago.

Dannyh3645d ago

Agree with your list, also midtown madness and rally sports

MultiConsoleGamer3645d ago

1. Crimson Skies
2. Crimson Skies
3. Crimson Skies
4. Crimson Skies
5. Crimson Skies

Gamer7773645d ago

I just bought that game a few months back. I'm excited to play on my Xbox Original.

ONI53645d ago

What people don't realize is that Crimson Skies did come to 360 in the guise of a Snoopy Flying Ace.

Why o why3645d ago

That game wasnt bad at all. Pity it had to be snoopyfied but it was playable.

Crimson skies...... like ive been saying ALL last gen, that and Otagi I think, ninja demon type game

Gamer7773645d ago

I want to see Conker, Perfect Dark (rebooted)and Mech assault return.

REDBEARD3645d ago

All of RARE franchises need to return.....


Spikes14713645d ago

I rather have them stay with Microsoft then Nintendo. I'm not really in for seeing multiple Banjos in 1 year (like Mario). Or Nintendo dying platform, the Wii U.

REDBEARD3645d ago (Edited 3645d ago )

BK games with Nintendo: Diddy Kong Racing, Banjo Kazooie, Banjo Tooie. Classic games under an actual gaming company

BK games with MS: Nuts and Bolts and......... skins for Minecraft?
An underwhelming title under a company who have no business in gaming. (refering to Nuts and Bolts. Minecraft is awesome)

Yeah, the ignorance is worse here than I thought. Don't even get me started with the amount of great games with Nintendo/RARE compared to the so so games with M$/RARE.

I made this comparison before. Like Lex Luthor, MS is obviously not a great ''gaming'' company. DRM and the destruction of RARE is evidence of that. Yet, people still believe they could change. Nintendo wouldn't pump out Banjo like COD like you assume. So you rather have a bad Banjo game (or none) under a non game maker than an actual great game under a developing company who have made excellent critical acclaim games that doesn't grow old in its gameplay functions? Jeez, gamers these days have become truly gullible.

I wish it was the 90s. Yeah, we had fanboys back then. However, we ENJOYED games. We had no worries, and Nintendo fans would share their experiences with the SEGA fans and Sony fans. They would they do the same. Now, the shit has hit the fan. Fans attacking one another and other bullshit. I wouldn't even be like this if it wasn't for M$ destroying one of my favorite developers. One of the only companies that gave me closure when I needed it the most. I do blame Nintendo and RARE themselves, but M$ have done shit to give this company any sort of relevancy in today's market. They were once a powerhouse before like Naughty Dog is now.

You are telling me you wouldn't want to see Banjo Kazooie in Smash Bros. If he was still with Nintendo, he would have been a guaranteed inclusion. Most of his fanbase is with Nintendo. RAREWARE's fanbase is with Nintendo. Look at the sales if you doubt me.

RAREWARE! You will be missed! :(

(f**k this bubble mechanic that N4G have shackled onto our necks. And who in the hell thought the agree and disagree feature would be a great idea. ''Yeah, it is kind way to make you feel like shit'' when fanboys on this pitiful site disagrees with you. LOL)

azure19903645d ago

Phantom Dust bring that back

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The 7 Best Female Antagonists in Video Games: Unveiling the Femme Fatales

You need a reason to fight the good fight. In video games, some of the best antagonists have been female perpetrators.

kevco3367d ago

Bowser's a girl?!

...maybe that wasn't enough said. ;)

The_Hooligan67d ago

One of the most memorable fights I ever played. I almost didn't want to pull the trigger at the end.

Cacabunga67d ago

Maaan.. oh maaaaan!!!! Forever Legendary


Five Overlooked Xbox Game Pass Ultimate Gems You Should Play

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shinoff2183491d ago

I personally think there's better on gamepass then what was listed. State of decay imo is better then anything listed. Recore seemed alright for what I played on there also.

491d ago Replies(1)
roadkillers490d ago

Is Recore any better to play now?

Concertoine490d ago

Yeah, especially on One X or Series X. It kinda feels like a PS2 platformer, but in a good way. I liked it.

KillBill490d ago

Odd that he specified 'Game Pass Ultimate' instead of just 'Game Pass' just so he could include a relatively weak choice comparably in 'Alice: Madness Returns' which is available with EA Play. SoD was a far better overlooked game to have listed.

Crows90490d ago (Edited 490d ago )

Dont know why they keep listing ultimate. Gamepass is the better value....but the reason I think is that ultimate includes online gwg.

MadLad490d ago

I mean, as someone who games both on PC and Xbox, Ultimate makes a whole lot of sense. There's console exclusives and PC exclusives. And, at the end of the day, EA Play is still a perk of having Ultimate. When I open Gamepass, the EA Play catalogue is sitting right there for me. It's as much part of Gamepass as any other title I'm looking at, right?


Arcade1Up Opens Preorders for Killer Instinct PRO Series Arcade Cabinet (with Battletoads)

"Arcade1Up has released numerous 3/4-scale arcade cabinets over the years, but even the coolest cabinets only feature 17-inch monitors. That's what makes the announcement of the Killer Instinct PRO Series Arcade Cabinet so exciting. The Pro cabinet includes a 19-inch screen, SuzoHapp stick and buttons, and improved speakers. It will feature not just both Killer Instinct arcade games, but also the arcade, NES, and Genesis versions of Battletoads!" says Co-Optimus.

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