
How Second Son Really Hurt The inFamous Franchise

OnlySP: Having just finished inFamous: Second Son (finally), I can’t help but feel underwhelmed. I’m not as underwhelmed as I was the first day I played it because things do pick up a little toward the end but for the most part this game lets inFamous fans down in this writer’s opinion.

-Foxtrot3664d ago

In my opinion in the only thing they did better was the graphics and the music

Everything else inFAMOUS 2 did better. I feel like they sacrificed gameplay for graphics/presentation when really an open world game isn't really about graphics.

Wingsfan243664d ago

I liked Infamous 2s soundtrack so much more. Second Sons was good, but not something Id listen to outside the game as I do with 2.

-Foxtrot3664d ago

I suppose it's opinion then, I liked the soundtrack in inFAMOUS 2 aswell so it's hard for me to choose which one I like more. Maybe I saying Second Son because I want to give it more things it did better, giving it the benefit of the doubt.

Conzul3664d ago (Edited 3664d ago )

inFamous 2 was SLIGHTLY better in nearly every category except graphics/artstyle.

Second Son is like a Crysis moment for Sucker Punch, and I hope that their next IP/inFamous can keep moving the series upward.

Edit: unless they added UGC. That would change everything.

kingPoS3664d ago

I definitely liked the red & blue ost's from Infamous 2, even put a few of em' in Tekken Tag 2

PrinceOfAllSaiyans3664d ago (Edited 3664d ago )

@Foxtrot Dude you don't like anything

-Foxtrot3664d ago

Lol...ok then

You can't say anything nice to anyone

Even though I was hyped for this a ton before it came out

Funny thing is if I praised this and ignored it's faults I would be called a Sony fanboy.

So I can't win to be honest.

Theres a reason why you have one bubble....maybe you should leave the site if you have nothing good to say to anyone.

bleedsoe9mm3664d ago

if you ask me SS is the third best game in the series , none have captured the comic book super hero feel of the first game , i still hope the keep trying its not like any of the games have been bad .

BiggCMan3664d ago

There is NO WAY this game "hurt" the series. It is still a great game, but it definitely is not as good as inFamous 2. That's like saying Uncharted 3 hurt Uncharted just because it wasn't quite as masterful as Uncharted 2. It' nonsense.

SS is still a really fun game to play with a decent story that stands on its own. I agree that the powers are pretty similar for the most part, with just a new coat of paint.

But that doesn't mean they aren't fun to use, they just aren't as varied as the crazy amount of stuff we had with electric alone.

-Foxtrot3664d ago

Your talking about the article....right?

Because I never said I agreed with the article that it hurt the series....just that it's a huge letdown to inFAMOUS and was a downgrade in terms of gameplay

Jaqen_Hghar3664d ago

A man thought Uncharted 3 was the best in the series! Definitely a man's favorite. Same with Jak 3, Ratchet 3, Crash 3, Resistance 3, and MGS3. A man just always seems to like the 3rd game best because while the second is normally the biggest improvement, the 3rd will refine that and take whatever complaints people had as far as changes made or things taken out and fix them (like the weapon wheel, 2 weapon limit, and health packs in Resistance 3 as compared to 2). It will also extrapolate good ideas like evolving weapons in Ratchet and make it a 5 level system in Ratchet 3.

SoapShoes3664d ago

Ehhh I also liked Uncharted 3 better than two for several reasons.

kingPoS3664d ago (Edited 3664d ago )


So true. The third time usually is the charm.

Sonic 3
Mortal Komabat 3
GTA San Andreas

Gateway MT6706 2008

Sharky2313664d ago

I feel like sucker punch is going in the right direction. The powers they brought to this game really added a new strategy to the game. The story to me was around the same as the rest. I really started to care about the characters. All in all this is a great stepping stone for the series.

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joab7773664d ago (Edited 3664d ago )

Its the Ubisoft open world plague. Break everything into zone and have ppl repeat the same things over and over to free said zones. Then u finish the story and thats it...a huge boring open world.

Infamous is amazing...no doubt. But a monumental waste b/c of what it could had been. It could have been epic!!!

I just hate how games put themselves in a box and feel as though our hands must be held throughout. Its sad.

UnHoly_One3664d ago (Edited 3664d ago )

Graphics were better, obviously.

Everything else was worse. Characters, story, gameplay, powers, environment, side missions... All of it sucked.

I can't decide if it was mediocre or outright bad. It's very weak compared to the first two for sure.

Npugz73664d ago

Ya I thought the game was boring! I finished it and immediately traded it in!

NukaCola3664d ago

Don't think it hurt the franchise at all. The story was good thr game play was really fluid and the powers were awesome. I too love inFAMOUS 2 the most but this was still a really good game. I do hope to see bigger and more epic bosses in the next inFAMOUS. I think this was a great start for next gen and we will get something even more imaginative in a couple of years.

BABY-JEDI3664d ago

I totally agree. Infamous second son is a great start for this gen. What SP produced was a fantastically solid & well rounded game.
It's just sad that some folks want a repeat of infamous 2 & if they got that, well you know that they would just complain saying that it was too similar & that they wanted something new.

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iamnsuperman3664d ago (Edited 3664d ago )

I disagree with it has hurt the franchise (would have to really mess up to do that) but inFamous Second Son did have some issues. The main one is the story. inFamous 1 and 2 had a far better story with far better endings. This game felt like it tried to push the same level of character development into one game. It could have been a lot better and it did feel like a step backwards

I also disagree on the powers. The game made me feel really powerful but also each power made me play the game differently. I actually think the powers were an advancement over the previous instalments.

One criticism I have never understood is switching powers on demand. Just think about it. Wouldn't that make the game instantly easier (since you have all the benefits a your beckoning) and also it doesn't make sense for the canon. Delsin is basically ditto or a leach. He can't keep powers he leaches the ability.

-Foxtrot3664d ago (Edited 3664d ago )

Powers were a huge step back

They were roughly the same but with different effects/animations. New powers only had one or two new powers the others didn't have.

There was no grenade move, polarity wall, Kinectic push, tether, Shockwave, grind, hook, blasts

I'd rather have one or two powers with a ton of different moves then 4 powers which all feel the same. Invisibility, stasis, sulphur bomb were really the only powers which separated them in Second Son. Powers to me were more about how you like getting around the map rather then fighting.

Baccra173664d ago

From the sounds of it, they still haven't been able to tap into their imagination and make some worthwhile powers.

BiggCMan3664d ago

^Still?? inFamous 2 was an incredible game so I have no clue what you mean by that. And the 3rd power in Second Son is the most creative and interesting power I've ever seen.

It looks cool and is very fun to use. But like the rest of the 4 powers there is only a small amount of actual abilities, and that is where the gameplay falls short. But to say the powers aren't worthwhile is ridiculous.

monkeyDzoro3664d ago

A step back compared to what you just said ?

There was grenade moves. But the effects weren't explosive but rather implosive, they choked people in SS instead of blasting them.
Polarity wall wasnt there. But were there a dash move in inFamous1&2 ? No.
Kinetic push you mean the boost you have when you jump from a car, it's in SS also.
Grinding is like going through air vents.

I can go on with the others but it's too long.
Plus, many of those moves in inFamous1&2 were not that useful.

DragonKnight3664d ago

I also disagree that it hurt the series, but it didn't help it either.

I'm playing Infamous 1 right now and it's just a superior game to SS in all aspects save for music (though some of Infamous' tracks are really good, like when you're on the bus going from the Neon to the Warren and the Reapers and the Dust men through down? Dem drums man) and graphics. Cole, even in his first game, is a FAR better character than Delsin and he grows so much throughout the game.

Infamous is also like a comic book whereas SS is... I don't know but it's not like a comic book. Zeke is also a better "sidekick" type character in my opinion than Reggie, though Reggie is definitely the best character in SS hands down.

The Powers in SS are... creative but it's like they spent more time in just coming up with powers than making them unique and fleshing them out. Cole has so many different powers just in his Electromagnetism abilities that it's insane, plus how they are altered by being good or evil is also really well done.

Like for example how if you're playing the Good path, then your Lightning bolts do less damage but each hit restores energy so you don't find yourself needing to find a source to drain as often. But if you play Evil, they do more damage, cause explosions randomly (or 100% of the time if you get a head shock) but don't restore energy so you'll have to resort to Bio Drain or stay around some sources to recharge.

My favourite is the differences between the Megawatt Hammer. Good playthough: Say you're facing enemies that are in a particularly difficult position to hit reliably. Send a Megawatt Hammer in the air then hit that enemy just once with a Lightning Bolt and you can send that MH straight to him like a homing missle. Evil Playthrough has a maximum of 6 mini rockets attached to the main one that stick to an enemy on impact causing a total of 7 explosions.

Where is that stuff in SS? Needless to say, Cole is so much more fun to play Evil if you love dat destruction.

And then Infamous 2 just goes and adds so much more in terms of power.

Second Son was the tech demo inFAMOUS game for the PS4. So much more work was put into the visuals than the actual game and it shows. It's not a bad game, it's just not up to the inFAMOUS standards that the first 2 games set.

-Foxtrot3664d ago (Edited 3664d ago )


A sulphur bomb is the same as the stasis bubble...it's to subdue enemies.

A grenade in inFMAOUS 2 could blow shit up, not to mention you could upgrade it to act as a sticky grenade if you wanted.

I really don't see why people are trying to spin it like 4 powers with hardly no variety is better then 2 powers with a lot of variety.

"Kinetic push you mean the boost you have when you jump from a car, it's in SS also."

Eh? Those are totally different moves. Kinect push meant actually force pushing cars and stuff onto enemies while jumping on a car launched up into the air SOMETHING which was in inFAMOUS 2.

"Plus, many of those moves in inFamous1&2 were not that useful."

Like the dash in Second Son, it's useless once you get Neon. Least when you have the grind ability in inFAMOUS you can keep on using it throughout the whole game.

Look I know it's a PS4 game and yes Sony has done well but the game is not perfect and has it's faults.

monkeyDzoro3664d ago

It has nothing to do with Sony or PS4. In previous inFamous games I always thought there was many moves that you don't use very often.

I prefer the smoke power over the others because of the effects they used to display it. I like dashing and going through vents, so I used that dash move till the end. I'm not a fan of neon, just love its Karmic bomb.There are less moves in SS but u use them more often than those in previous games.

Less moves dont imply dwngrade in gameplay. In fact, the gameplay has improve especially on the parkour department. It's tighter and smoother. When you want to hang on a particular edge or a pole, the detection is better.

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Wingsfan243664d ago

Yea I do agree the powers felt marginably the same across the board. It sucks that the power I tend to think you'd have the most fun with, the final power, is unlocked pretty much when the main storyline ends.

But as far as enemy variety, there really wasn't any at all. The boss fights were dull and as you said the powers felt more like different traversal methods if anything.

Great game all around, but it just boring to play this time. I hope if they revisit inFamous, they go back to the more creative stuff and make it less realistic in terms of the story and how it's presented. I cared much more for Cole as a character, and even the side characters than I did Deslin.

SoapShoes3664d ago

What was wrong with the boss fights? Fighting Eugene in the digital world was lots of fun!

Lawboy23664d ago

I just beat the good side...it was great and the music at the end of the game was amazing....when I went back and looked at my screenshots I was blown away the game is amazing

mezati993664d ago (Edited 3664d ago )

this game was the best in the series. of course this is my opinion

SamPao3664d ago

Or how it took it to a whole nother level

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How Does inFAMOUS Second Son Hold up 10 Years Later?

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Deeeeznuuuts138d ago

100%, locked 60fps and still look great all these years later, same with the expansion, definitely worth a look if people haven't played it yet, not the best games ever made but a good experience, hopefully a new infamous gets released

KwietStorm_BLM138d ago

Never was my favorite infamous, but it was definitely a graphics showcase early on PS4. Still plays well with the unlocked frame rate.

SDuck138d ago

Still remember getting hyped about this game nearing release. Funny because I never even got a PS4. Jumped from PS3 to PC so I never played it ahahaha

OmegaSoldati137d ago

Its a good game. But thats it. Congratulations you made the best choice. I dream to have a great PC one day.

Profchaos138d ago (Edited 138d ago )

Graphically It's a absolutely stunning game that still holds up today.

Didn't have all that much depth to it forcing you to play though twice for a platinum trophy a good and bad run it was a little disappointing how similar those were Delsin would be like I'm not doing that for you in a cutscene but the cutscene would play out and force you to do it anyway just as you would of in a good run

I did like the story however it got a lot of complaints back in the day people hated playing as Delsin instead of cole despite Coles story being wrapped up.

Overall though the map wasn't overly saturated with useless points of interest there was some collectibles and things to find but nothing compared to a Ubisoft game.

I think it was a good game if a little hollow I've played it through around 4 times now since it's so short.

Also it's DLC was great a full story expansion

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Christopher170d ago

I've played 15, and I wouldn't consider any of those underrated TBH. Some of them are pretty high rated.

banger88169d ago

That's amazing, Gamingbolt actually put all 15 games on the same page.

shinoff2183168d ago

I. Not seeing anything on that list underrated. I never played concrete genie, the ASTRO vr,and one other but I forgot the name already. Nothing on there was underrated at all imo.

persona4chie168d ago

There’s only 4 of those games I never played, and no most of those aren’t underrated.

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