
Operation Supply Drop Strikes Back Against the #8BitSalute Hackers

So the hackers have disabled the full on 8-Bit Salute website to the point where it will get repaired AFTER the marathon is over. So for now, it may not be pretty, here is a DIRECT LINK to Paypal you can share with your friends, family and streamers to donate!

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ftwrthtx3678d ago

I don't understand why hackers attack a charity.


The Gift of Gaming: Christmas charities where gamers can give back

A lot of.... stuff went down in the video game world this year... and maybe too much attention was paid to a lot of it.

Its the time of year where we can all change that. Here are a few ways that people can give the joy of video gaming this holiday season to those who can use it.

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Operation Supply Drop's founder leaves to found second charity for veteran gamers

After a sudden departure from Operation Supply Drop, Stephen Machuga is attempting to realign with OSD's original goals by starting a second charity to bring games to veterans: Stack-Up.

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How video games are helping veterans with life after war

And with 22 United States veterans committing suicide every day, Operation Supply Drop’s work with vets — helping them to cope with civilian life and form self-supporting communities — is quickly becoming its most important role.

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jmc88883244d ago

That's nice, but I prefer prevention.

Like not attacking countries that didn't do anything to us. In addition, not drone bombing the 22 countries or so we drone bomb regularly.

Because yes, even the video game pilots, are killing themselves.

Sadly our brave young men and women sign up to serve this country, but end up serving Wall Street, the Military-Industrial complex, and the British Empire.

They should be required to tell you that before you sign up.

ColManischewitz3244d ago

You may prefer prevention, but that doesn't help the veterans who come back from war and need our assistance getting back into society, care for wounds, etc. Vote for those who oppose conflict, but help those who fought. You can do both.

mafiahajeri3244d ago

Thats why I always defend Americans, a lot of you are actually very smart and decent people, but your government gives you guys a bad rep. I always say it's the government not the people.