
ZTGD | The Impossible Game (PC) Review

Drew Leachman writes: The Impossible Game was originally an Xbox Live Indie Game that kind of took the internet by storm for a little while. It was a fast paced yet simplistic rhythm game that was known for being rather unforgiving and difficult, but addicting in the same manner. Now, the popular game makes it to Steam.


The Impossible Game 2 Launches On Android

The Impossible Game 2, the long-awaited sequel to The Impossible Game by Fluke Games, is out now on Google Play.

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The Impossible Game – SteamFirst Review

SteamFirst: What makes a game comprised solely of squares and triangles so addictive and so so wonderfully frustrating? Well get all the patience and focus you can muster if you want to find out, folks. We’re playing The Impossible Game!

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Indie Showcase #1 - The Impossible Game

From GamesReviews:

"This week the spotlight shines on The Impossible Game. A small title from an equally small team of developers known collectively as FlukeDuke. Released in 2011, The Impossible Game quickly became a hot topic among the gaming community for its minimalistic approach to graphics and its highly addictive gameplay. Due to its steep learning curve, excruciatingly hard levels and lack of any checkpoints, The Impossible Game became known as one of the most frustrating games ever made. Yet for some reason even on your 119th attempt, you just can't bring yourself to quit."

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