
Why I Remain a Console Gamer

Console gaming today is pretty bad. Mandatory installs, nickel-and-diming, hardware instability, and more expensive games are becoming a disturbingly regular occurrence. But despite these issues, there are still several good reasons to remain a console gamer.

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no_more_heroes3675d ago (Edited 3675d ago )

Convenience. If I wanted the super tricked out graphical showcase experience, I'd learn how to build a pc capable of that. Also, for the games that I can't get on a pc.

I actually plan on doing so once I save up enough; gonna take at least $1,500 to achieve that.

ZodTheRipper3675d ago

I've built a 1500€ gaming PC a few months ago and I can tell you that I still prefer gaming on a console. The PC has definately a lot of advantages (mods, emulators, media capability) but when I have the choice of buying a new game (for example Battlefield or soon Watch Dogs) I will get them on PS4 for various reasons. It's just less of a hassle since it's completely built around gaming ...and I can live with a few missing effects ;)

nix3675d ago

i think it has got something to do with how we started gaming. i started gaming on tv with super mario. so i find it extremely easy to just start the console; switch on the tv and bam!

in between i got into PC gaming but then i picked up PS2 and after that i just can't get back into gaming on PC. my friend games on PC and everytime i play at his place i just find it too awkward.

Supporter3675d ago

I recently bought an original xbox. Its modded and has a bunch of games on it. When it comes to a console that just has 200 games on it and they are ready to go you just cant beat that convenience. I've been playing that more than my pc lately.

Im not sure if having to buy each game and swap discs all the time would change that but for now me and the fam are having more fun with an old halo edition xbox with a 750gb hdd.

Gamerjunki33675d ago (Edited 3675d ago )

I was a console gamer all my life, until 2009 when my PS3 died.

After that I switched to PC, and I've never looked back.

I live in a house with 3 other brothers however, and they are still dedicated console gamers. 2 of them have bought a PS4 while one has bought an X1. So I'm still able to keep a close eye on the latest releases.

But...If I'm honest, I just don't find the console scene interesting at all, largely due to the fact I'm not into the current offering of games they possess. Infact I find it too restricting, I'll gladly take free online play and the ability to tweak the graphical settings of a game to my tastes over any console.

chaos-lockheart3675d ago (Edited 3675d ago )

I had to fix more PC gaming error issues then relaxing playing a game, too much configurations. Console is connect few cables pop in a disk and play on my couch.
I have like 380 some games on steam and Some games on origins, most of the old games gave me more compatibility issues, can't even use controller with old games without controller mods. Another thing origin suck balls, cant even freakin install a game, without errors pop out. HDD broke had to download all games again.

ZodTheRipper3674d ago

Oh yes and the best thing is, my main reason for a gaming PC was Skyrim/Fallout with mods ...now it took me quite some time to get it running and after a few awesome playhours the game started to crash or take forever to load. PC gaming is great if it works but with a console you don't have to worry about anything.

Matt6663674d ago

I like both console and pc but I think PC wins over consoles and here are my opinions why I think PCs are better;

You don't have to splash out on a new console every few years,
If I want loads of HDD I can set up my pc in a raid 0/1 configuration
A pc can handle a lot more hardware then a console can
Free online gaming with big games like CSS, Arma 2 etc
PC games are cheaper,
I find the pc online gaming community is a lot more mature
I can add a second graphics card or add more ram if I wanted too or if needed.

But on the other hand I do see the advantages of console gaming
More of your friends probably have a console over a gaming pc
It can be cheaper,
Less configuration to set it up,
Less chance of errors or crashes with older games

So it up to what ever your opinion is at end of the day

MultiConsoleGamer3675d ago

I'm a console gamer, I mean really, look at my name.

But I also own tablets (plural, meaning more than one), a great mobile device and a gaming PC.

I just don't find a lot of stuff on PC that's worth playing. I also work in front of a computer all day. I don't want to come home and play in front of one all night. I just cant do it. When HTPCs evolve and the plug and play experience becomes a bit smoother maybe I'll consider upgrading, but for now, consoles are just the way to go.

mikegotgame3675d ago

I also spend my time in front of a PC all day, but when I play, I just plug in my controller's receiver and hang back on the couch.

But yes, consoles gaming is terrific with its simplicity (the exclusives are irresistible too!), which is why I'm still playing them.

I just really wish they ditch the need to pay for services like PSN and XBL.

s45gr323674d ago

If is hardware simplicity I agree just hook the console to tv and you're done. No worries about hardware compatibility issues like I bought an eight gb ram but it still loads slowly oh that is right the ram has a very low clock speed and the hard drive also has a low clock speed. Bought an AMD motherboard put in an Intel processor woops that is not compatible. Maintenance grab a clean rag, old t-shirt, wipe the dust off the console done. PC open the case, make sure you are touching something metal to prevent static, use coffee filters to clean GPU, CPU and for everything else an air compressor can clean the fans and fan filters. If is water cool PC change the water reservoir, check for any leaks, replace damage covers from PC components. Is a drag. Software wise is the same for console and PC meaning install games to hard drive, deal with patches and updates, sign in to accounts, buggy broken games, etc

Kevlar0093675d ago

I see computers as something you use by yourself, or online. Consoles are something friends or family can gather around. Game consoles are centered in the living or game room where PC's are usually in a back room or in the corner

It also comes down to what you grew up with. I was born and raised on a SNES, my best gaming experiences were playing games with my brother. Then the GC generation came around and I hopped into that, a lot of fond memories playing Halo 2 with friends. Games like Mario, Halo, Smash bros, and others are engrained into my memory.

For all the rightful praise PC's get consoles have their stremgths as well. Sure any game that runs on a MS, Sony, or Nintendo console can run on a PC, but the fact many console exclusives remain on consoles retain their viability

There's also something calm about knowing you buy a console and it lasts for 7 years. PC's have a lot of customization and power an additional uses, but sometimes it's nice to buy something and not worry about it going out of style in the realm of consoles.

I'm a fan of game design and playability, and consoles satisfy that desire. The ecosystem of playing and interacting with other is different but still just as good

mikegotgame3675d ago

"There's also something calm about knowing you buy a console and it lasts for 7 years."

Can't say I agree with this fully. Despite my best efforts, my PS3 lasted four years. And depending on the news source, we hear that the Xbox 360's failure rate can go as high as 54% (if I'm not mistaken).

In all likelihood, you're probably talking about hardware relevance, but we can't keep resilience out of the equation. IMHO, it's more likely for anyone's PC to last more than 7 years than console hardware.

And if your PC breaks down, you can simply replace the busted component. For consoles? You pretty much replace the whole thing.

Thankfully, this console generation doesn't seem as bad. I'm still keeping my fingers crossed, though.

DefenderOfDoom23675d ago

For me it is a money thing , i do not have much money , so i go with the consoles !

F4sterTh4nFTL3675d ago (Edited 3675d ago )

From my experience it is best to focus on a single console or a High End PC to enjoy them to the fullest. You simply cannot experience the full potential of a platform if you own them all.

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15 Great Games Where Every Minute of the Experience Feels Earned

GB: "We take a look at 15 amazing games that had the perfect length."

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8d ago
coolbeans8d ago

Pretty good list. Botany Manor would be the newest addition that encapsulates that title.


Anyone else not blown away with graphics these days? Me neither

Talal writes: "I'm talking about having that rush of excitement - that feeling you get when you know you've just made a memory for a lifetime."

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OptimusDK11d ago

There are different games. Some have gamplay at it highest priority, some have the story, some have the replay value and choices... There are a lot of different game experiences.

It is laughable that just now graphics does not have anything to do with that experiene. We have had many games of that type over time. This is just the one that have come closest to feel like playing an actual movie. Just look the the Digital foundry walkthrough it is a masterpiece in that perspective and hence wrth trying. But yes do not do it for the gameplay - but that was never the goal of this experience.

GamerRN11d ago

It's because it's on Xbox. When Xbox has amazing graphics, they don't matter. When PlayStation does, it's a game changer!

Lightning7711d ago

Pretty much my thoughts. They were technical marvel's on PS and still are. The moment Xbox puts out a graphically intense game is doesn't matter suddenly.

4 years ago this month would the UE5 tech demo debut with the girl flying (tech demo said it was only possible on PS5 because of the SSD. Glad to finally see it in its glory.

fr0sty10d ago

FFS, gaming journalism has really gone downhill. At least hire people with a basic grasp of grammar... "Me neither" means the exact opposite of what the "author" is trying to say. That's like saying "I could care less"... lol.

S2Killinit10d ago

Maybe because the gameplay being dull allowed it to have the amazing graphics and people are not as impressed by graphics alone anymore? I mean there is a lot of sites saying the story and the gameplay are lackluster. So what are we supposed to enjoy then? Cgi graphics are beautiful but since they arent interactive, they dont impress me as much as they used to. Thats an extreme example, but you get my drift.

Terry_B10d ago

When Playstation (Sony) does it..its usually a great game and not a cinematic experience..or at least something new at the time..like Until Dawn back in 2015.

1Victor10d ago

@gamer:” It's because it's on Xbox. When Xbox has amazing graphics, they don't matter. When PlayStation does, it's a game changer!”

The game looks as good as any other PlayStation game in my eyes why can’t you and the other hardcore Xbox be happy about it and drag PlayStation into every conversation and force PlayStation hardcore to look into the game and find flaw that most games have in one way or another.
@light: “ 4 years ago this month would the UE5 tech demo debut with the girl flying (tech demo said it was only possible on PS5 because of the SSD. ”
Yes at that time it was only possible on PlayStation SSD how ignorant of you to think that after 4 years the technology wouldn’t evolved and move to a industry standard 🤦🏿I wish your mentality wasn’t so naive and narrow to post stuff like that 😩 in a year or 2 a new game will come out that might look better, it’s the nature of the industry.

Now that the distraction is gone I feel that is a good thing that the graphics in games are starting to hit the rooftop and hopefully the developers will put more thoughts into story and gameplay mechanics than just the next shiny oily skin of old.

Reaper22_10d ago

So true. Not surprised by all the negativity. It's a really good game and looks better than any game I've ever seen. GOTY nominee for sure. Like I said before, sony screwed up big time by not purchasing Ninja Theory.

Asplundh10d ago

Pretty much. It's like how the Switch and Steam controller using haptic feedback in their controllers wasn't a big deal but then Sony did it and it was then a "game changer".

fr0sty10d ago

The game runs at as low as 21fps... That isn't much to brag about no matter how good it looks.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 10d ago
MajorLazer10d ago (Edited 10d ago )

We've had graphical gamechangers before, such as Crysis but those games still had gameplay to compliment it. Hellblade pretty much has none, and only achieved such graphics through being incredibly linear and having very small, closed off environments where very little is happening.

Vx_10d ago (Edited 10d ago )

GFX does not mean anything if the game is boring. It is simple like that and these major companies need to understand this simple concept.

Games are like your lady, she may be beautiful to look at for a while but then it gets boring if her character isn't interesting and fun to be with.

11d ago Replies(7)
Kneetos11d ago

Mario kart 8 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Sonic188111d ago

Horizon forbidden West has great graphics and great gameplay

GamerRN11d ago

Yeah but graphics don't matter, remember?

anast10d ago


I've been pretty consistent in saying that we need both.

GamerRN9d ago

So until dawn, too human, or whatever those series of games were... Graphic masterpieces it garbage with no gameplay?

VincentVanBro11d ago

I agree and I actually think Forbidden West looks better than Hellblade 2. I easily prefer looking at it at least.

Sonic188110d ago

It does look better in my opinion as well. I don't know why it looks better but there's something about the Decima engine or that guerrilla games is using tricks that we don't know of

Abear2110d ago

Can you fly a mount under water in Hellblade 2? I think not! One of the best moments this Gen

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Two Decades Later, the Original Splinter Cell is Still a Masterpiece

They don't make games like this anymore.

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vgvill19d ago

Too dated in my book. The AI is way too unpredictable to be acceptable today. It's definitely a game of its time.

Jingsing19d ago (Edited 19d ago )

Agreed with those sentiments. The quality of the CPU controlled characters make or break a stealth game and they are pretty poor in all the Splinter Cell games by today's standard. This is what led me to playing Spies vs Mercs all the time in later games just to get a better stealth experience from a real person. Arguably Sony are making better stealth games albeit not Tom Clancy stuff.

TheProfessional19d ago (Edited 19d ago )

You should stick with fortnite or one of the countless bloodborne style games then. What a joke.

rlow119d ago

I had a good time with the game. It is a product of its time. But when it came out it was a must have game for a lot of people. I wish Ubisoft would make another game in the series or at least a reboot.

vgvill19d ago

They are making a remake, I think. I loved the original game when it was released, but I tried to play it again in recent years and just couldn't get on with it. The same with the older Hitman games.

PrecursorOrb19d ago

Yeah chaos theory still holds up though I gotta say. If you’re a fan of the series I highly suggest you go back to that one. Ubi has said they are remaking sc for “modern audiences”. I don’t have a lot of faith for the future of that company

Chocoburger19d ago (Edited 19d ago )

Due to the lack of modern stealth games, and me constantly playing the MGS series, I've been looking for alternative stealth games to play, and went back and re-played the SC series recently. I wouldn't call SC1 or SC:PT masterpieces, there are AI issues, they're very much trial-and-error games, and that can lead to a lot of frustration. I also found the stories in this series to be boring, uninteresting, and just sloppily told. Cinematics are also of poor quality for both in-game scenes and CG cut-scenes, the soundtrack didn't leave any impression on me either.

Chaos Theory is better, but there was still a lot of room for improvement, and Double Agent (old gen ver.) was a sloppy mess that ended up a regression from CT. But still, at least they tried back then, these days Ubi-junk doesn't even try to make good games!

HvNzSoul10d ago

Everyone needs to quit with all of the unnessacery Ubi-hate. SC Conviction and Blacklist are both still good games.

HvNzSoul10d ago

Everyone needs to quit with all of the unnecessary Ubi-hate. SC Conviction and Blacklist are both still good games, they just weren't 100% focused on stealth with Conviction and they remedied that in Blacklist. The only thing they have released recently that I was disappointed with was Watch Dogs Legion, and Skull & Bones. Everyone seems to be salty about the misleading trailer for the original Watch Dogs and The Division. Which are also, both good games, and actually Watch Dogs seems like it was ahead of its time even with all the trailer drama (having gone back and played recently, can say the game didnt deserve all the flak). Yeah the misleading E3 trailer that had better graphics than release is understandable to a very small degree, when most Teaser Trailers, or Game Demo's only have that portion of the game developed so they use the highest quality assets of w/e they have being showed, or what they are showing was made purely for the showing, allowing for extra polish . As to the gripes about minor game design changes, or cut features upon a games release just goes to show how unknowledgeable most gamers are in terms of how game development works or to even understand what what the hell a WIP, let alone titles still in early development.

Good games from Ubi since 2014 (Year that SC Blacklist Released) include:

Watch Dogs 1 & 2
The Division 1 & 2 (Although I had a hard time getting into The Division 2 at first)
R6 Siege
Ghost Recon Wildlands & Breakpoint
Immortals Fenyx Rising
AC Origins, Odyssey, MIrage (Haven't finished Valhalla games too damn long)
Far Cry Primal, and 5 (6 also has a length issue)
Avatar Frontiers of Pandora
Prince Of Persia The Lost Crown

Haven't played a couple of titles those being For Honor (played at launch but didn't honestly give it an actual go), The Crew, R6 Extraction and at the time of writing this xDefiant.

Even if you absolutely hated any of the above titles, they aren't inherently bad games, they're just good, but not always top quality either.

I say give Ubi credit where credit is due, they at least fix games post launch if they start out rough, Breakpoint is an excellent example this and is such an enjoyable experience now compared to it's launch.