
What is 'Project Beast'? Real or Rumor? Some Thoughts

A huge rumor has emerged that From Software and Sony Japan are working on a new game for PS4 called 'Project Beast'. Could it be real or another hoax? And if it is real, what could it be about?

Chris0923689d ago

The game really gives Demon/Dark souls Vibe. But who knows what the game could be. Still looks awesome! :D

nicksetzer13689d ago (Edited 3689d ago )

Doubt it's for PS4, at least not with the low level polish the screenshots have. Fromsoft is a great dev and a PS4 game from them would not look that bad. (Even if it's alpha footage)

GameDev13688d ago

Or you don't just want it to be a PS4 game

Sony hardly give anything away, insiders give out more Sony game info than Sony themselves.

TomShoe3688d ago

If Sony Japan is working on it, then it's most likely an exclusive.

Those are also highly compressed screenshots.

morganfell3688d ago (Edited 3688d ago )

Sony employee and insider DemonNite started hinting at this game last fall at Gaf and it was at that time impossible to make the connection. When you look back on just a few of his comments you can now see the trend.


colonel1793688d ago

This has to be real!.

Just hopefully is not a game that was cancelled or a project that was just intended for something else.

nicksetzer13688d ago

Why would I "not want it to be a PS4 game? I do have a PS4, so not wanting games on it would be pretty stupid.... I am sorry my opinion hurt your feelings, I thought comment sections were for discussions, not blindly agreeing with what you like to hear most. If it comes to PS4 great....


+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3688d ago
NovusTerminus3688d ago

I have been playing From Software's games since the PS1, and at no point in their career have they shown graphical prowess. They have great games, with amazing art direction but their graphics have always been below average.

Brazz3688d ago

well... Demon souls/Armored core aren't the best games in graphics but Dark Souls have very god graphics! hell Dark souls II graphics, to me, are better than skyrim graphics!

EverydayGuy3688d ago

Agree like Final Fantasy only the FMV were about graphics, everything else was gameplay. I hope that type of story telling returns, because I usually use that as motivation to further the story.

Melankolis3688d ago

Why all those disagrees?, is there anything wrong if the game is for PS3 or even Vita...?

Qrphe3688d ago

On the contrary, many of the comments on 4chan Ive seen call them bullshots (where this leak comes from). It definitely has hetter lighting than DaS2's scrapped lightning system.

sinspirit3688d ago

Most alpha gameplay doesn't even look that good. The only reason there are a few games with fantastic graphics in alpha stage right now is because of the rise of early access titles that rush graphical progress in the beginning because it's easy and then the promise of new gameplay mechanics and refinements in following updates. But, for the most part alpha stage games still look worse. Considering these screenshots are not full resolution shots, are very blurry, filled with artifacts, etcetera, you have nothing to speak these claims for.

dale_denton3688d ago

aww you butthurt xbone cant get these amazing titles? poor bot.

medman3688d ago

Jealousy will get you nowhere in life.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 3688d ago
DialgaMarine3689d ago

This could be Deomon's Souls 2 finally being revealed. PS4 exclusive from the sound of it. :)

Tony-Red-Grave3688d ago

You a banned from getting my hopes up perma banned if not demons souls2 xD

Meep3688d ago

I hope Miyazaki directs this title. If he does I will definitely get a PS4 for this. Especially since I was disappointed with Dark Souls 2.

Meep3688d ago (Edited 3688d ago )

DS2 is a good game on its own, but compared to its predecessors, it does not match up. The level design (hell non-existent) is worse, enemy/boss design is worse. The games lore isn't as good and in Dark Souls 2 I feel like the publishers/developer played the "prepare to die" card too hard. There are quite a bit of cheap deaths and dumb hard bosses.

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