
1UP Reviews Ninja Gaiden II: B-

Live and die by the blade, and an awful camera.

But chances are, you're not playing it for the story. Or the platforming. Or any of that other jazz. It's just dismaying that these elements are simply brushed aside under the assumption that the combat can support the weight of the entire experience. When things click, it most certainly does: The Airship stage is easily the best slice of the entire game -- a perfectly paced, adrenaline-packed adventure through an environment that simply works (even the camera behaves). But NG2?s an otherwise inconsistent package with almost as many frustrations as satisfactions. This is a game for Ninja Gaiden fans, who will play it on the toughest difficulties and upload their best playthrough videos online. For those purposes, it excels; for less devoted action-adventure fans, it's more of a violent curiosity than something to get invested in.

LenHart5820d ago (Edited 5820d ago )

even MS loyal 1up is hating the game

Now thats pathetic. Poor MS decided to fight MGS4 with NG2????

how delusional

another such delusional move is by EA to release the PC version of Mass effect. ......Although ninja gaiden will sell around 200k first week

i cant see ME reaching more than 10k for the first week

GiantEnemyCrab5820d ago (Edited 5820d ago )

This game is not a flop(8.1 metacritic). Just because you had that stinker of Haze don't try and sell me that a B- is a flop.

The game has gotten everything from 7-9's.

Lenhart: Still as mental as always. You are really reaching there with your weak ass comebacks. Digging deep for games that nobody on the 360 hyped up like you fishheads did with Haze. All this "they made Haze exclusive for the PS3 so they could realize their vision" talk and here we are. Those 2 games did suck, just like Haze sucks but don't try and skate the truth that NG2 for being such a niche game is getting decent reviews and is far from a flop.

Kaz Hirai5820d ago

This FILTH can rot on the FLOPbox 360 where it rightly belongs!
Meanwhile, my Sony Soldiers get to experience the Game Of The Universe- METAL GEAR SOLID 4!
Enjoy your FLOP, you SWINE!

17 days until Judgment Day, Nazisoft!


LenHart5820d ago

Two worlds got 2/10 from GAmespy

Hour of victory got 2/10 from Gamespot

not to mention x360 games like Wartech/Vampire rain/lost odyssey/blu Dragon /ninety nine knights etc

Ninja gaiden 2 is as bad as Haze. lets face . The only difference is that it runs at 720p /20fps unlike 640p 30 fps for halo 3

iceice1235820d ago (Edited 5820d ago )

They're still sore over Haze. They have to troll 3 times harder now, even when they know the game's superior to those on their platform.

Who the hell hyped Haze? Are you fu­ckin­g kidding me? Every damn Sony fanboy was thrilled for this game and talked so highly of it being an AAA exclusive on the PS3. Now I ask you, how am I the idiot? I am not the one getting hyped/hyping games that look like crap just because they're exclusive on my preferred console. You and the other Sony fanboys are.

That's nice, too bad Lost Odyssey = 78%, never hyped as AAA game mind you.
Blue Dragon=79%, again never hyped AAA. Infact none of your listed games ever had the hype that Lair/haze did. This is where you fail. None of the flps on the 360 were ever once hyped to be AAA. This is where 360 differes itself from the PS3. When a game is hyped AAA for the 360 it delivers. Gears of war, Halo 3, Bioshock, Mass Effect etc all delivered. Oh I should throw in some PS3 scores for you, you consider LO and BD flops right? Well how do you feel about:

Warhawk: 83%
HS: 79%
Motor storm: 82%
The eye of judgement: 75%.

Not impessive scores at all, at least with the way you think, right?

Also vampire rain is coming to the PS3, enjoy. http://n4g.com/ps3/News-143...

chaosatom3335820d ago

poor xbox dreams are shattered.

turbogeekx5820d ago (Edited 5820d ago )

You're an idiot. Who the hell hyped Haze to be AAA? ROFL! Man you 360 fanboys really are delusional.

You want flops?

- Hour of Victory
- Lost Odyssey
- Blue Dragon
- Kingdom Under Fire: Circle of Doom
- Bullet Witch
- Vampire Rain
- Shadowrun

juuken5820d ago (Edited 5820d ago )

GiantEnemyCrap (Damn, I knew I meant to say Crab!), this game could have been better. While 7/8 isn't that bad of a score, how is it that I find the environments of NGII to be flat and not very interesting while the original, Black, and Sigma had some detailed environments? Itagaki tried too hard with NGII with the buckets of blood and decapitations. And the camera should have been fixed if this is an *evolutionary* game.

Now you Xteers know how it feels to have a game that didn't score very high. You were so high and mighty in flaming Sony owners because you claimed Sony will never get an AAA title.

Seems like karma bit all of you in the ass.

karma5820d ago

hey man i dont bite f@gg0ts only cute asian chicks

Xlll5820d ago (Edited 5820d ago )

20FPS isn't superior its a fail. Shhhh listen.... can you hear that sound......*flop* yup thats the sound NG2 makes.

Haze wasn't being pranced around as one of our major hitters. NG was one of two of you heavy hitters this year. Meaning if Gears fails then thats it this year for you xbots. All of your two most hyped games will have flopped. Many of you also were using NG2 to counter MGS4. So if you wanna bring out meta scores with those two games well NG2 is getting spanked like the 20 fps trash it is.

juuken5820d ago

Icewake, nobody in the PS3 camp were hyping Haze. If we're sore over Haze, then you morons must be sore over NG2 because it wasn't your precious AAA title. You guys were hyping that game to kingdom come. And while I'm a new fan of Ninja Gaiden, I am very disappointed with Ninja Gaiden 2.

GiantEnemyCrab5820d ago

oops I mean to say Juuken.

"While 7/8 isn't that bad of a score, how is it that I find the environments of NGII to be flat and not very interesting while the original, Black, and Sigma had some detailed environments?"

How is it that you think your opinion of the environments is fact? The backgrounds are no less detailed than any of the sequels you mentioned. The very fact that you say even the original has better backgrounds makes me laugh and shows your bias. You've bashed 360 every chance you get(I invite everyone to read your comment history) so what makes you think your anti-360 opinion carries any weight at all? If the game was a masterpiece and a 360 exclusive you would flame it.

NG games are for the hardcore skilled player who likes to kick ass and loves blood and gore. This play's into that perfectly.

It was inevitable when Haze got boo'd off the internet that the next 360 exclusive would be attacked by $ony fishheads and here we are.

90 - Videogamer - "This is action gaming at its very best."

90 - GameDaily - "If you're a hardcore player, you owe it to yourself to pick it up and dominate it. If you're a rookie, this is a fine place to start earning your stripes."

90 - GameTap

87 - IGN - "Ninja Gaiden II is easily one of the best action games on Xbox 360."

80 - Computer and Video Games

70 - GamesRader (or I like to call them garbage)

70 - Eurogamer


This game is not a flop so you can save your karma talk.

juuken5820d ago (Edited 5820d ago )

1.12 - Skank
oops I mean to say Juuken.

(Why thank you for calling me a skank, I shall take that as a prideful name now! GiantEnemyTurd suits you better)

"While 7/8 isn't that bad of a score, how is it that I find the environments of NGII to be flat and not very interesting while the original, Black, and Sigma had some detailed environments?"

How is it that you think your opinion of the environments is fact? The backgrounds are no less detailed than any of the sequels you mentioned. The very fact that you say even the original has better backgrounds makes me laugh and shows your bias. You've bashed 360 every chance you get(I invite everyone to read your comment history) so what makes you think your anti-360 opinion carries any weight at all? If the game was a masterpiece and a 360 exclusive you would flame it.

(I don't bash the 360 for no reason at all. I bash it because it's a complete ripoff, your PR's are full of sh*t, and Itagaki is so full of it that I want to punch his picture every time I see it on the screen. The environments WERE more detailed in all three versions of the original game. In my opinion Team Ninja tried too hard with this game. I would not have flamed the game if it was a masterpiece you f*cktard so get your facts straight. I would have saved every penny and risk getting a 360 for this game. I love the NG series since I'm a new fan of it. If I had known about the original series, I would have gotten it. Get the hell over yourself. And seriously, if this was a PS3 exclusive and it was a masterpiece, you 360 turds would have been sh*tting on it as well.)

NG games are for the hardcore skilled player who likes to kick ass and loves blood and gore. This play's into that perfectly.

(And once again Team Ninja tried to hard with the game IMO. If you want the game? Get it. I am not stopping you. I know NG is for those who can handle the difficulty. If I had an XBox, I would have beaten the original and quite possible Black. I have the Sigma version and I enjoy it greatly. I've been through hell and back with the game so kindly f*ck off)

It was inevitable when Haze got boo'd off the internet that the next 360 exclusive would be attacked by $ony fishheads and here we are.

(Get the hell off of Haze already. Nobody was hyping that game. I was patiently waiting for a game that will definitely give the 360 a run for its money-MGS4. You morons were pissing on Haze and now when someone says something about NG2, you defend it to the death? The game has some flaws-DEAL WITH IT)

90 - Videogamer - "This is action gaming at its very best."
90 - GameDaily - "If you're a hardcore player, you owe it to yourself to pick it up and dominate it. If you're a rookie, this is a fine place to start earning your stripes."

90 - GameTap

(It also got an 8 and a 7.0)

87 - IGN - "Ninja Gaiden II is easily one of the best action games on Xbox 360."

(Of course they would say that)

80 - Computer and Video Games

70 - GamesRader (or I like to call them garbage)

70 - Eurogamer

(And did I say the game was bad? I said Itagaki and his team tried too hard with the game. I actually like Ryu's new attacks and the bosses are amazing. I just think personally it was too forced. That is called an opinion. DEAL WITH IT)

And I am done with this conversation.

Bathyj5820d ago

I'm enjoying Haze. Its sad the only people who care about its slight short comings are people that dont have it and the only ones who believe its as bad as a 4 are the ones that haven't played it.Its no Halflife 2. We weren't expecting steak. Doesn't mean we cant enjoy a good hamburger every now and then.

As for NG, I'm not trolling, I'm sure its a good game whose faults dont wreck it either. It is strange though that people complain about the camera which is a design fault, and graphics and poor framerate which are technical faults, and the game was made by the main man at Team Ninja, while the B Team had no problems getting a rock solid 60fps@1080p with self shadowing on PS3. Like I said, I'm not trolling, but it is worth keeping that in mind if you're going to be knocking games on other systems you havent played.

ISA_Scum5820d ago


AngryTypingGuy5819d ago

I don't think getting scores in the 7-9's, and in the low 80's on metacritic is all that bad. Won't be a GOTY candidate, but it could've done worse. Hell, it could've gotten Haze scores (now THAT is a flop).

It's funny how people have to resort to naming old flops on the 360, especially the all-but-broken Hour of Victory. Like it was ever supposed to be an AAA title.

On a side note, I think they should do with Haze what they did with the Hulk franchise: do a restart. It's a great concept that could be brilliant if done correctly.

Montrealien5819d ago (Edited 5819d ago )

Another great game getting positive reviews followed by a crap load useless fanboy banter, MAn am I ever so freatful that Fanboys are a bottom feeding minority in the gaming biz.

I`ll be enjoying this great title and MGS 4 when it comes out and that alone makes ma a better gamer then any fanboy troll .

Pain5819d ago (Edited 5819d ago )

M$ Damage Control Force Activated!!!!!

spin all u want typical M$ Bot Hype crappy game = Flop.

Cynical-Gamerzus5819d ago

Same old rehashed engine from XBOX 1 + more RAM!!!!!Thats all this game is!!!

+ Show (16) more repliesLast reply 5819d ago
Condoleezza Rice5820d ago (Edited 5820d ago )

Including myself,expected this game to score the same as NG1/Black/Sigma,i.e 9s all around the board.I admit I have been proven wrong lol

My main disappointment is the shoddy camera,I was REALLY hoping they would fix it this time around but here we have reviews stating the Camera is a broken mess.



Silogon5820d ago

in terms of value to the gamer.A game that scores 6's,7's or 8's might not be a game you'll rush out and get a system for but it is definitely one you'll get if you already own the system and like the genre it represents.I'm going to definitely pick this up!

Bonsai12145820d ago (Edited 5820d ago )


really? that much of a gap?

edit: i'm an idiot. haha. B- out of an A+.. whoops

Euphrate5820d ago

AAA title right there guys !

sonarus5820d ago

Haha wow. reviewers are getting harsh...i hope this has nothing to do with a mega amazing game coming out in a couple of weeks. Its hard for some games to hold up in the face of ...

Haha so much for the NG2 game of the month over MGS4 rumor. What a load of crap

Doppy5820d ago

A B- is like an 7.9 or 8 /10 (at least that's how it is in high school). I really was looking forward to this game. I don't know why this game isn't flawless. Sigma on the PS3 looked good and played amazingly. So why is it that part to is so crippled. Team Ninja should have had this game perfect, I'm really disappointed. Hopefully they make Sigma 2 and finally fix the camera.

barom5820d ago

Actually if you compare the Stranglehold score, it used to be 75% (check GameRankings if you don't trust me). Looking at 1up site you'll see it's a solid B. In other words. B- is lower than 75%, presumeably a 70%.

mikeslemonade5820d ago

1up/EGM is the best source for game reviews. They also have the biggest Ninja Gaiden fans in Milke and Ryan, so if it's a B- than it's a B- cause they know what they're talking about.

crck5820d ago

It would be a 10 out of 15. So converting it to a scale of 1 out of 10 it would be a 6.66. But I don't think they mean't it to be that low.

barom5819d ago

This was a review done by Nick Suttner. So your statement becomes invalid until you'll see the EGM reviews (assuming Milke and Ryan will be reviewing).

mistertwoturbo5819d ago

I think 1up just forgot that they're reviewing the X360 version. They probably for some reason think it's for the PS3. So now it boils down that It's Sony's Fault that Ninja Gaiden II is getting 7/10s.


nimrod5819d ago

actually, it equals 7.2 ;)

Scrooge5819d ago

hmm... maybe Ninja Gaiden II sigma will fix all the issues with the camera.

+ Show (11) more repliesLast reply 5819d ago
Condoleezza Rice5820d ago

This is why I will be renting and not buying the game ^

meepmoopmeep5820d ago

i was always intending to rent this game anyhow, i hope the camera isn't too bad or the frame rates either. should be a great action game, but nothing worth past a rent since i'll only beat it once and be done with it, just like sigma.

sheng long5819d ago (Edited 5819d ago )

i still think it's a good score, so i will be buying. having said that, i feel as though if this were a ps3 exclusive, the review would've been a c- or worse. for whatever reason, reviewers are more forgiving towards xbox 360 exclusives than ps3 exclusives.
whatever, i'm just ranting. I just wish they would review games equally regarless of what platform they're on.

christianini5819d ago

Come on, camera problems should be a thing of the past! For how many years we've being enjoying 3D action games?

The developers surely f*ked such a great game.

reaferfore205819d ago

Yeah I rented all the other ones. I never really could play NG enough to warrant a purchase. It's fun, violent, awesome... aaaand hard as hell.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5819d ago
MK_Red5820d ago

Wow, wasn't expecting that from 1UP. I was expecting A- or something from them / EGM.

Still, I don't care what 1UP, IGN and anybody else says when it comes to Ninja Gaiden 2. The blood and gore of this game alone are worth more than a 10/10 for me :)

bozobucketeer5820d ago

You tell him Goodfella! Opinions should be kept to yourself!

Btw, you're a schmuck. If he thinks the games a 10/10, then that's up to him. How can you call him an idiot for that? Go play in the street.

MK_Red5820d ago

Thanks bozobucketeer :)
Also, I just love blood and gore and seriously enjoy bloody games so with such a gory combat in Ninja Gaiden 2, I can forgive flawed camera. Plus, everyone is indeed entitled to his/her own opinion.
Bubbles for you :)

Jinxstar5820d ago

No worries Red. So long as Fallout doesn't disappoint then alls well huh?

MK_Red5820d ago (Edited 5820d ago )

Thanks my friend and bubbles for you :)
I pray that Fallout doesn't disappoint. I'd trade all games to get a really awesome Fallout 3.

Thanks bootsielon :)
Bubbles for you my friend. Gamers FTW!

bootsielon5820d ago (Edited 5820d ago )

He is a well respected member on N4G, and he writes unlike most illiterates on this site: Good grammar and logic, rarely any traces of fanboyism, and never any insults; I would say look at his bubbles, but there are others with tons of bubbles who I actually doubt.Not him though. He is an Ent. lol


Anyway, he likes games like most people here, and if you, goodfella, have any favoritisms like myself towards PS3, you should know that MK Red also favors PS3. But in the end, he is a gamer, like myself. And myself, as a gamer, will also play Ninja Gaiden 2, eventually, like MK Red will do on his 360.

I chose not to buy it on my 360 because I speculate that it is highly likely to come out on PS3 and that I have better games to play on PS3 right now. If it does not hit Ps3 by holiday 2009, I will have to buy it for my 360.

And whoever agreed with Goodfella, WTF?

Jinxstar5820d ago

Anytime MK. Bub's for you bro. You know my stance on gaming. Viva la Fallout/Borderland revolution... Or so I can only hope. Either way man your a true gamer who plays for games and not console unlike 75% of the trolls on here.

Game on Bro!

Rikitatsu5820d ago

Get a life , Calling people morons for their opinion makes you a greater Moron ... Get a life

HateBoy5819d ago

But calling a name-caller moron is justifiable? If you attack him for having an opinion on other peoples opinion, then you are attacking his opinion, so...

Calm down, I'm not defending the IDIOT, just keeping up with the logic. And yeah, couldn't agree more with mr red. Despite some initial dissapointment with the reviews I've come to realize that the game is made for NG-fans who know how to play it, plus all the footage I've seen of it looks bloody awesome. All I wanted was an NG game, not a revolution in terms of gameplay, just more, different and with updates graphics... and that seems to be what we got.

LJWooly5819d ago

Judging by the responses to your comment, Goodfella, you'd do well to avoid opening your mouth in the future. Try contributing something worth reading.

Anyway, I seem to have stumbled across the MK_Red fanclub. Bubbles for everyone :D

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 5819d ago
turbogeekx5820d ago

Wow a lot of reviewers complaining about camera issues, a mediocre story and mediocre graphics.

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Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 - Team Ninja at its Finest

Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 debuted in 2009; ahead of Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty's launch, it's time to look back at one of Tecmo Koei's best titles.

MIDGETonSTILTS17428d ago


Black > Sigma1 > Sigma 2


The 10 Hardest PlayStation 3 Platinum Trophies

With the release of games now slowing on the PlayStation 3, Twinfinite take a look at the 10 hardest platinum trophies on Sony's older system.

Read Full Story >>
DarkOcelet2996d ago

I almost got the Lost Planet 2 one, but that get no One in the Leaderboards was effed up.

Many of those trophies are just time consuming, if we are going to talk some seriously hard platinum trophies, put MGS4 in there.

I will never forget the day i got that Big Boss Emblem.

Complete the game in less than 5 hours
Use no continues
Use no health items
Kill no enemies
No alert phases
No special items
Complete the game on The Boss Extreme

One of my proudest trophies :)

skcej2995d ago

yeah the Lost Planet 2 one was pretty ridiculous with the amount of time you had to put in but when I researched the list I found a lot of people saying that the Nom de Guerres were really annoying/ quite tricky to get. I did think about putting MGS 4, maybe it should have got an honorable mention. Impressive trophy to have though dude! :)

kotaku772995d ago (Edited 2995d ago )

Yeah! specially when you got to play over and over MGS4, when you could be playing, idk, MGS3 or any other game

FallenAngel19842995d ago

I'm only one Trophy away from getting the Platinum in MGS4, but unfortunately it has to be that damn Songs of the Battlefield one that requires me to get all the emblems. It's such an eyesore to be so close only to be set up against such a daunting task

kotaku772995d ago

Mortal Kombat 9
Star Ocean: The Last Hope International
Lost Planet 2
Far Cry 2
Wipe Out HD
Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2
Super Street Fighter 4
Persona 4: arena
Raiden IV
NBA 2K16

Knushwood Butt2995d ago

+1 for Raiden IV

What is your best score in Overkill mode (online ranking rules) ?

kotaku772995d ago

I don't know what you're talking about

Knushwood Butt2994d ago

Raiden IV

Shhoting game

High score?


Are AAA Games Too Easy?

"Perhaps extreme difficulties are still here, just presented in different ways. Multiplayer focused shooting games (for the most part), have average (to-below) difficulty within their campaigns. However, jumping online and playing competitively can produce a welcomed contest." KJ of Play Legit Writes

Read Full Story >>
itsjustexuma3299d ago

From Software thinks differently

bacrec13299d ago (Edited 3299d ago )

Real Talk. Wish more companies would get the memo.

joab7773299d ago (Edited 3299d ago )

So do I. Unfortunately, it doesn't sell so it doesn't get made. At least it doesn't sell 5-10 million like Assassin's Creed, And all the others. Bloodborne is one of the best games I've ever played, and it ruins other games b/c it expects better of you. It wants you to play it for awhile, instead of moving on to the next big thing a week later.

It's goal is to consume you, and not just your time, but your patience and your will, and it promises, unlike other games, to reward you for that time w/ actual satisfaction.

breakpad3299d ago

eeh ?? have you heard bloodborne or Souls games ? ..no if the develeopers dont seek wide casual acceptance (aka all kids must play the game) no ... are not easy

bouzebbal3299d ago (Edited 3299d ago )

i think western games are getting much easier than ever.
japanese are the only ones who dose difficulty. Games like Ninja Gaiden, Souls, Bloodborne raise the level.

johndoe112113299d ago

Why? That makes no bloody sense. Most games have varying levels of difficulty, if you are someone who likes to be constantly punished and frustrated while playing a game simply start off playing the game on it's hardest difficulty. Why the hell should they make all games with only one level of frustrating difficulty, to pander to a select few who have nothing better to do than spend 10 hours trying to pass one level?

This argument makes no sense and since bloodborne released people act like they've forgotten about difficulty settings. People saying all games should be difficult and punishing are selfish and inconsiderate and don't give a damn about anyone else's time or preferences. if gamers want to spend over a month trying to finish every game then they should not complain when only 5 or 6 games get released every year. It's a senseless foolish expectation.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3299d ago
rawrock3299d ago

From Soft makes Souls games hard the wrong way. Slow clunky controls and questionable mechanics and design. Anybody can make a game where you die a lot. It takes more talent to make a game with a good difficulty balance and smooth gameplay. I have not played Bloodborne but at least it looks to be step up in gameplay over the Souls games.

3299d ago
freshslicepizza3299d ago

from software became a aaa developer based on expanding its fanbase who often felt neglected to play games where if you die you suffer for it. the first demons souls game was not marketed as a aaa game, it grew from word of mouth and they managed to fill an area that was being ignored.

lots of aaa games are made easy and that makes sense since they want the barriers of people to play them to be as wide as possible. the more accessible the more will play is what they are thinking because aaa games cost a hell of a lot more money to make now than they did 30 years ago.

AngelicIceDiamond3299d ago

The industry doesn't use the word easy but "accessible" so yes games are easy.

joab7773299d ago

It's because they know that you won't be playing long. Only certain games get played over a period of time longer than 2 weeks. They just want your money, and want you to finish it. And they know that if you get the Souls reputation, you are screwed.

700p3299d ago

it depends on the game really.

BitbyDeath3299d ago

Depends on the difficulty setting.

Perjoss3299d ago

I find the souls games a bit too hard personally but I think Bloodborne has perfectly balanced difficulty.

KryptoniteTail3299d ago

Too hard, actually. Well, not "hard" but complicated, with long boring tutorials, and unbalanced sections and they try your patience with collectathons, bulls*** missions and try to make up for it with half hearted multiplayey and/or bitchy trophies.

I prefer more indies these days. AAA can still be the best around but most are boring rehashes and DLC fests.

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