
The Swapper, MouseCraft and Titan Attacks Hitting Sony PS4, PS3 and PlayStation Vita.

Curve Digital has revealed three indie games are set to make their debuts on PlayStation platforms in the not-too-distant future.

The Swapper, Titan Attacks and MouseCraft will all be available on PS4, PS3 and Vita within the next couple of months, with the latter also set to launch on Steam. All three games will support Cross-Buy, meaning purchasing them for one Sony platform allows you to play them on the others.

solar3688d ago

I recommend The Swapper. It is a very good game

MilkMan3688d ago

TO bad I have 2 of those games for Steam. So what is PS4 now a PC? Where the fuq are the games bro? Guess this is great news for people that never seen a PC and never heard of Steam. Ok, I get it. You've had to have lived under a rock for like the last 15 years.

To be honest besides Second Son, I've been playing PC games and WiiU waiting for Sony to get their act together and remind me why I bought this this a year and half earlier than I should have.

WeAreLegion3688d ago

I'm not sure what you WANT to happen with the system, but most indies will release for PC and PS4. We knew that far before launch. The Show comes out next week.

What games are you interested in?

MilkMan3688d ago

I am getting Wolfestein and Watch Dogs for sure.

Not interested in The Crew or Drivers Club (free or not).

Dragon Age, yes, Shadows of Mordor, yes, Alien Isolation (maybe), Evil Within, Maybe, Soul Suspect Maybe, the Order maybe although It looks more thank likely that I will get it. Sniper III, yes.
The Witcher 3, of course, thats next year.

In fact most of these are from October forward.

(there are various 3DS and WiiU games I want also and ton of PC games)


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