
Lego Batman Released For The Sega Mega Drive In Russia

While the Mega Drive may be long forgotten by retailers in the likes of the UK and US, it would appear that shoppers elsewhere around the globe are still buying new releases for Sega's 16-bit console. Of these, the latest to reach the classic system in Russia is Lego Batman. No, really!

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Rockefellow3699d ago

This is an actual product being sold in actual retail locations? I'm amazed. I've seen countless bootlegs of modern games retrofitted to older consoles out of Russia (and China, and the Philippines, and...), but I've never heard of them being packaged and sold in retail locations.

Kudos to the devs for taking the time to develop what's seemingly original code, even if it's full of glitches and looks moderately awful. Too many interesting "new" retro releases are horrible mods and Rom hacks of older games.


Sega Genesis Horror Game Finds Kickstarter Success

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16-Bit Wrestling Games From The 90s To Try Out Today

Which 16-bit wrestling games from the 90s should you check out today? These 10 16-bit wrestling games could be just what you are looking for.

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New Resident Evil Style Game in Development for the Sega Genesis

Ever wondered what a game like Resident Evil would look like on the 16-Bit Megadrive/Genesis? Now you can with Bio Evil, a new game in development for Sega's classic console.

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Neonridr509d ago

pretty amazing considering the hardware it's running on.

Rocosaurus508d ago

Lots of new sega geneis games coming out this year.

MADGameR508d ago (Edited 508d ago )

whoa...that looks good! I'd actually play that! I LOVE classic Resident Evil. TRUE survival horror!

shinoff2183507d ago

True enough. Before they turned it into an action game with re4

1nsomniac508d ago (Edited 508d ago )

Hmm looks great but suspect. I don’t know how you’d fit all the textures within the game size and how it would perform once you’ve got an enemy on the screen as well as yourself. Never mind multiple enemy’s. I don’t think this would work on genuine hardware.