
Cel Damage HD Driving onto PS4, PS3 and PS Vita Tuesday

Daniel Posner // Co-founder, Finish Line Games writes:

Hello PlayStation Fans. Mark April 22, 2014 in your calendar — next Tuesday, Cel Damage HD comes out on PS4, PS3, and PS Vita, for just $9.99. That’s $9.99 for all three systems, because this game is Cross-Buy. Purchase once and you can download and play it on PS4, PS3, and PS Vita. We’re also offering a 10 percent discount for PlayStation Plus members during launch week. So get ready for some classic couch-based multiplayer action.

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Fixay3700d ago

I used to play this on ps2, was actually so fun lol

Gonna pick this up for a laugh but there not sure on a european release date yet/: hmm

randomass1713700d ago

Awesome! More PSN games is fantastic.

BattleN3701d ago

Since many will miss out on mario kart 8 on WiiU this game will have to do lol. Best get tickets for the train... https://www.youtube.com/wat...

ChronoJoe3701d ago

What does that, or the smash bros video you linked have to do with this? Stop trolling.

If people want to they could own those systems just for a Wii U, as well as a PS4. However ultimately buying a Wii U just for one game isn't going to help the system anyway, you need a high attach rate to be profitable, that's why it takes much more than one game to save a system.

Plus, I'm pretty sure there will be solid kart racing experiences on PS4 and 1 too. Sega's Sonic racing series was better critically received than last generattions mario kart. So I doubt there are too many that are worried about 'missing out' unless they're fans of Mario specifically.

randomass1713700d ago

That's... incredibly off-topic. And I'm excited for those games too. :/

BattleN3701d ago

Nintendo train from rainbow road, dont be wiiU mad bro! lol I kid but I admit I was trolling. Thanks 4 taking the time to reply and I'm just getting word out for Mario Kart 8. SASR was a good ripoff of MK but doesn't really bring much of a threat

ChronoJoe3701d ago

SASR was able to fill a void because in my opinion Mario Kart Wii was rubbish. I would hardly call it a ripoff of MK though, the sequel in particular was very much differentiated from MK.

I'm getting Smash Bros U and MK8 when they come out, but I don't think either of them are going to turn things around for the console. I'm a fan of Nintendo's games, but not their hardware.

BattleN3701d ago

MK wii was bad MK 8 looks sweet tho. What a true HD mario kart should of looked like 8 years ago

randomass1713700d ago

MK7 was a much better game than MKW.

sdozzo3701d ago

People play this crap? C'mon, where are the alleged killer IPs. My Vita turned into rubbish unless I'm a super Japanese fan.

randomass1713700d ago

Give it until E3. And maybe see if one of those Japanese games are fun to you. You never know until you try it.

Nine_Thousaaandd3700d ago

Heck...why not, $10 for 2 games (PS4 and Vita)...looks pretty fun too!

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Cel Damage HD Review - The Video Games

Joe from TVG writes "Party games often shine for their simplicity. Delivering an approachable splitscreen experience while still offering excellent gameplay and perennial replayability takes masterful design."

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NapalmSanctuary2909d ago

I'm all about car combat games (non-racing ones, anyway) and I've never had the need for full camera control. Between rear view and radar, you can see everything. Thats how it is with Twisted Metal and Vigilante 8, at least.


Cel Damage HD Review | TXH

Carlos writes "Over the last few years remasters have gained a lot of popularity, with many publishers deciding to return to the already proven formulas instead of rushing straight to a sequel - something which causes a lot of controversy in the gaming industry. However, that’s because more often than not fond memories of a game can be ruined due to a remaster not giving the same classic experience or bringing the quality it once had. When it does goes right it can reignite the passion for a franchise for both the new and old generation of gamers alike. So how does Cel Damage HD fair in a market full of remasters?"

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oKidUKo2981d ago

Ouch, maybe some games are best left in the time it had success!


Cel Damage HD Review | ZTGD

Ken McKown writes: I never thought I would be talking about Cel Damage twice in the last two years. I was a fan of the original game when it launched well over ten years ago on the original Xbox, but let’s be honest, I never thought I would see this series again. It’s like being told they are making a sequel to Pen Pen TriIcelon (kudos if you remember that one.) Cel Damage is a colorful car combat title that feels ripped directly out of a classic Saturday morning cartoon, and it still substitutes for a solid weekend romp.

ParadetheJARED3001d ago

Had a lot of fun with this game back in the day on gamecube. The re-release is still fun but ultimately the lack of online multiplayer is awful for a game like this in this day and age. It seems like it would have been a no-brainer for a game such as this, so it's very strange why they went without adding it. It would fit perfectly for this game and would be about the only reason to purchase this outside of nostalgia.