
Pavilion runs at 1080p/60FPS on PS4, "Happy with 8GB RAM, no worry about running out of memory": Dev

Pavilion, a fourth-person puzzle adventure game from Visiontrick Media. Its pretty unique title where players will control the environment instead of character, and will try to manipulate the character to head in the direction they would like him to go.

Chaostar3698d ago

Keeping an eye on this game, looks really interesting.

Naga3697d ago (Edited 3697d ago )

That quoted statement still has me confused, considering that the PS4 only has 4-5GB available for use. Being completely honest with ourselves here, the fact that they don't have to worry about running out of memory is likely more a function of the sort of game this is than anything else. Nonetheless, I'm sure Sony appreciates the positive PR from comments like this.

randomass1713697d ago

I thought only 1GB was isolated to the OS and that even some of that could be used on games.

u got owned3697d ago


You thought wrong . Its 4.5GB for games and 0.5GB of flexible memory.

SirBradders3697d ago

Sometimes you gotta read between the lines the guy probably means the memory as a whole in which we all well know what's allocated, no buggy.

ShinMaster3697d ago (Edited 3697d ago )

"only has 4-5GB available"?

According the the later rumors, it was 5.5GBs. And according to Digita Foundry, it was at least 5GBs.
Not 4.5GBs.

That flexible memory is 100% the game's.

Army_of_Darkness3697d ago (Edited 3697d ago )

4.5gb- 8gb of memory blah, blah... The point is that the developers are happy with whatever amount of memory that they are currently using and no dev so far is complaining about Ram restraints. Meaning I would take it as a good thing ;-) lighten up people...

RamboRabbi3697d ago

You have to take into account the bandwidth capacity of gddr5 ram before saying "only 4-5gb".

Naga3697d ago

@ ShinMaster

Sucker Punch (Infamous) recently stated that it was 4.5GB available, including the 0.5GB of flexible memory. I'm simply going off of the most recent, reliable source.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3697d ago
corvusmd3698d ago (Edited 3698d ago )

Why does every arcade/indie game that comes to PS4 HAVE to wear the tag that it's 1080p/60fps? It's an arcade/indie game....it BETTER.

@ace... I guess man, but it seems like this gen it's already the "rare" not the norm that these style games CAN't do it. I can even think of a single one on ANY system (Wii U, PS4, XB1) that can't do it.

aceitman3698d ago

@ corvusmd because not every indie or arcade game was able to do it last gen . and it can be a challenge for some indie or arcade games even though its not a triple AAA game.

TitanUp3698d ago

its is a bit odd, that they keep announcing 1080p 60/30 fps.

2014 just about every game should be running that resolution and those frames.

sinspirit3697d ago


And I'm sure Microsoft paid you to say that. Do you understand where I'm getting at? Stop making up anti-company remarks because of your personal bias.

MasterCornholio3698d ago

I dont see why not. Its always good to know what FPS and resolution a game runs in. I know why this bothers you and I'm sorry but this type of news is good news for people wanting to buy this game on the PS4,

Bathyj3697d ago

And better question is why does it bother you so much?

The thing is, when a dev makes a game and he's proud of it, he wants to talk about it a bit. Should he not do that because some other dev who has nothing do with him, talked about his own game and was also 1080p 60fps?

Don't be ridiculous.

You wouldn't even be questioning this if the roles were reversed.

candy_mafia3697d ago (Edited 3697d ago )

I can tell you why some are irritated that tons of PS4 games are 1080P but I won't 'cos I think you already know the answer to that question.

People be acting like they got forced to buy the weaker console??? ...Do like I did, buy both or shut up. We got Xbox One just for exclusives, you don't ever read me complaining about lack of rez/fps?

Yup, you're right it's Juvenile & Completely Ridiculous


Illusive_Man3697d ago (Edited 3697d ago )

So this is the first gen where devs are proud of their games?

Facts are nobody gave a damn last gen as long as the title was in HD.

They are using res and framerate as defining selling points for games now, and that is troubling.

Bathyj3697d ago

Define HD. Because I remember a lot of games that didn't even run 720p native, and that still had a fine toothed comb run over their graphics.

You wanna talk facts? The fact is, the same people who made a big deal about a 5% pixel difference last gen suddenly don't give a crap when it's 50%.

What's even sadder is, Xbone isn't even mentioned here, theyre talking about ps4, yet the usual anti Sony brigade is all defensive, upset that some would speak well of Ps4 while Xbone isn't even in the conversation.

An Adam Orth quote springs to mind...

randomass1713697d ago

A lot of gamers focus on the resolution and framerates in games. It's no surprise that indies feel it's important to list out their games' graphical features, especially when it comes from someone without the big budgets of publisher owned developers.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3697d ago

But they don't have access to 8gb of RAM... lol

randomass1713697d ago

Uhhh, yeah they do. That's how much RAM is in the PS4. And it's a more state of the art form of RAM.

Blaze9293697d ago

Its 4.5GB for games and 0.5GB of flexible memory. I need to really know where Sony fans keep getting these made up "facts" from...

randomass1713697d ago

I'm pretty sure they only relegated 1GB of RAM to the OS and that developers will gain more and more access to the rest of the RAM as time goes on. So therefor there's more than 4.5GB of RAM at their disposal.

mushroomwig3697d ago

'I'm pretty sure they only relegated 1GB of RAM to the OS'



ShinMaster3697d ago (Edited 3697d ago )

According to that DigitalFoundry article, it's at least 5GBs. Not 4.5GBs.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3697d ago
imt5583697d ago

Yes, they do, GUTZ.

In future, memory footprint will shrink in future, just like on PS3 and X360. There will be only 1 GB of RAM available for OS in future. The rest will be for games.

MegaDan3697d ago

They actually do, Mark Cerny has stated in various interviews about devs having access to up to 8gb of ram in the next years. Only reason they can only use 4.5gb is so they can get used to it at first.

Dark_king3697d ago

They will never have all 8 gigs some will always be used for the OS.I could see them getting it down to 1 gig for the OS possible even 512mb near the end of the life of the system(once they know for sure there not adding any more) but never down to 0.

DarkLord10033697d ago

This game looks amazing. the art style, it's just so mesmerizing

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‘Pavilion: Touch Edition’ Review | AppUnwrapper

AppUnwrapper writes: "Visiontrick Media’s Pavilion combines two things I love — puzzles and gorgeous, surreal artwork. On paper, everything looks great and should be an easy game to recommend. And it probably still is, but with some reservations."

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