
PS Vita doesn't deserve bad reputation - Drinkbox

Drinkbox was one of the earliest supporters of the Vita. The studio's Tales from Space: Mutant Blobs Attack!!! launched alongside the system in 2012, the first indie game on the handheld that wasn't published by Sony. They followed that up last year with the critically acclaimed Guacamelee on Vita, PS3, and (several months later) the PC. Speaking with GamesIndustry International earlier this month, Drinbox's Chris McQuinn explained his affinity for Sony's portable platform.

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randomass1713685d ago

Of course not. Early mismanagement unfortunately hurt its initial sales, but it's still great hardware with great features. Combine these new games with a price drop and we're looking at a stellar seller (hey look a rhyme!).

shivvy243685d ago

imagine if vita got an exclusive GTA game, dude thing will fly off the shelves!

3-4-53685d ago

All it takes is ONE game to really make you like any system or gaming console.

For me, right now I've got MvC3 & MLB The Show 13 for Vita.

Those are the games keeping me playing it over and over. At least until Sly Collection & Borderlands 2.

* For 3DS is was Mario Kart 7, FE:A, old DS games & Bravely Default

* Wii U I've been catching up on Mario galaxy & playing some NSMBU.

I think all gaming consoles have something really good going for them, but it's up to the individual person to find THEIR game for that system.

Protagonist3685d ago

Some gamers are busy giving Vita the same treatment as the PSP.

Why some gamers are like that is beyond me, I mean "If you dont like the system" why badmouth it and spread lies?
Give it a rest, enjoy your fav system and let others enjoy theirs.

Btw, thanks Drinkbox Studios for the support and Guacamelee.

"Honestly, Vita owners are the ****ing best," McQuinn said."

Exactly ;))))

Hicken3685d ago

It's a continuation of that hatred of Sony from last generation. There is no sense in it.

lelo3685d ago (Edited 3685d ago )

Hatred of Sony? Are you kidding ?
That's why the PS4 is selling so poorly. /s

Simply put, the Vita doesn't sell because it has very few good exclusive games worth playing. If you compare Vita's library of games with 3DS's, Vita's library is quite lacking.

levian3684d ago


Love people disagreeing to fact. Indie games available to literally *every* platform are not system sellers.

Give us an exclusive God of War, Final Fantasy, GTA, Kingdom Hearts game, any one of those and the system will fly off the shelf.

As it stands, the one game I enjoyed for Vita was Gravity Rush, and it was by no means a AAA game. I ended up selling it and put the cash towards a PS4

iceman063684d ago

That's a small part of a big picture. The Playstation handhelds have been held to a higher standard, partially due to "power". They are more often than not compared to their console brethren than their direct competition. (who has maintained a death grip on this section of the industry for over 20 years) Marketing, aside from the initial blitz, was almost absent. They struggle with identity and misrepresentation. The idea of a playstation franchise coming to PSP or Vita was often that "it was a port". Whereas, a franchise coming to 3DS was just a new game. Add to that, people are waiting for a "AAA" blockbuster for the Vita. It has a great library of games and can do just about anything that you would need (in one way or another). However, for the mass market, it needs a higher profile in marketing and in library. A price drop wouldn't hurt. I LOVE my Vita, but I understand why it sits in the position that it does. Hopefully, after the initial PS4 blitz, Sony returns to the Vita to pump up it's presence. They did it with the PSP. Let's see what they do with Vita.

MNGamer-N3685d ago

Can be said about all the Nintendo haters around here as well. Give it a rest.

I like the Vita, I think it's a great system and agree it does not deserve a bad rap at all. I definitely recommend getting one if you can afford it. Memory is expensive. I splurged though and bought the 64 GB card from Japan.

Lot's of good games for free right now on PS+. It's worth owning.

Fixay3685d ago

Guacamelee is actually pretty damn good.

Started playing it yesterday and i'm hooked! Would love to see a trial fusion type game come to the vita aswell. The urban trials game thats on there just aint cutting it for me

DarXyde3685d ago

I love the Vita. Honestly, I can understand some of the criticisms of the PSP: awkward controls, not very feature-rich, and it just got boring very fast. Vita lives up to it's name and really has a life of its own. Very fast and efficient, the controls are great, and developers have made interesting use of the motion-sensing, camera, and touch panels. Tearaway is a great example of that.

I hope Vita gets more games (particularly, a Valkyria Chronicles). I would still give the win to 3DS for games, but the Vita is a fine gaming device.

AskedMaster3685d ago

I'm a very dedicated vita owner

SpiralTear3685d ago

"If people don't see the Vita doing the same number of sales as the 3DS, then it's automatically a failure."

This mentality that McQuinn speaks of is why the gaming community is so hostile. Just because something's not first place doesn't mean it's worthless. The Vita has some really awesome software and it's a shame that it's not as recognized.

TongkatAli3684d ago (Edited 3684d ago )

Nintendo Zionist love playing the sales game, they play that exclusive more then Pokemon.

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MadLad844d ago

Surprisingly good game.
A lot more depth to it than you would assume going in.

nirwanda843d ago

Under rated game, I prefer this to death's door.


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1926d ago
Sgt_Slaughter1926d ago

Leadman Games is awesome. New company, taking indie games and releasing them physically BUT not limited and not restricted to one site. They sell their games in Best Buy, Target, GameStop, etc.

Hopefully they get big titles like Guacamelee! so we don't have to feed into Limited Run/Super Rare/whatever else is out there's scalper model of 5,000 titles that almost all go on eBay for twice/triple their value.