
Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn Launch trailer has been released

With Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn releasing worldwide on the PlayStation 4 tomorrow, Sqaure Enix decided to release it’s official launch trailer.

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KingKelloggTheWH3708d ago

I always liked the main guys design, I wouldn't mind an Final Fantasy ( Non-MMO) with a main character like that.

randomass1713708d ago

This design is a lot more tame than the usual FF treatment lol. Square should find that fine line between enough and too much. either way, this game looks pretty as hell. Like the main guy lol.

KingKelloggTheWH3708d ago

FFXV looks like some good area of middle ground!

randomass1713708d ago

On this we agree! I really like the look of FFXV. Before I grew interested in FFX HD, I was going to make FFXV my first FF game. Seems I'll have to buckle down and experience more of these bad boys before then haha.

KingKelloggTheWH3708d ago

Some of them are dang amazing !! ( I started them all 3 years ago)

SacT0wnF1n3st3708d ago

Have this pre-ordered. Playing an mmo on a console has always been my dream. It is coming true Monday on my PS4! Can't wait.

guitarded773708d ago

Been playing all weekend on the PS4, and it looks and runs great. A big step up from the PS3 version. You should be quite happy. Been using remote play with the Vita too, and it runs well there too.

elsuperamigo3708d ago (Edited 3708d ago )

But...but...but ps4 have no games!!! Lol Been playing all weekend.on ps4 whit me friends love this game

CertifiedGamer3708d ago (Edited 3708d ago )

Square-enix copied everybody else's formula to make a mediocre MMORPG. I am far more excited about Everquest next than this crap. Realm Reborn is a last gen game with last gen graphics in 1080p on PS4 and PC.

djplonker3708d ago (Edited 3708d ago )

sub fee > b2p > f2p

Micro-transactions kill mmo's in my opinion and judging by eso alot of people think the same...

allgamespc20123708d ago

play the game before you judge it. you are just another ignorant fanboy.

ffxiv is the best mmo since wow kid, get on it or get lost. you must be a salty xbox one fan cause this game is all about the two best platforms out there. ps4 and pc.

Blackcanary3708d ago

I love FF14 but SE did copy a lot from WOW. I hate fates. And i hate that fact that there isn't a lot of open world content standing around queing in duty finder is not what i cool fun.

CertifiedGamer3708d ago (Edited 3708d ago )

@allgamespc2012 I did play the beta on PS4 and my cousin owns the limited edition copy of the game and has an subscription for the game too. Yeah I am an Xbox one fan because the MMORPG that I am excited about which is Everquest next is coming to the Xbox One right? Wrong I own a PS4. If you think this is the best MMORPG since WOW then you haven't played many or if that any MMORPGs in your lifetime, I bet the last MMORPG you played was Final Fantasy 11 before Realm Reborn. You are just a blind square-enix believer that will call anything they make a masterpiece regardless of what garbage they throw at you.

Volkama3708d ago (Edited 3708d ago )

I'm with you, even though you got a flood of disagrees. FFXIV is very much built to formula and with a few additional limitations thrown in for the sake of the PS3 version.

I like subscription based MMOs, and I like FF games. But I initially avoided this one for 2 main reasons:

1- It's designed around the PS3, so it'll have obvious limitations in the scope of the zones, and the primary art direction will be "try not to have any textures".

2- It's Japanese. Eastern games translated for our shores invariably suffer infrequent and delayed content release schedules.

But when the game hit Steam for £9.99 I figured it was surely worth a go, it's quite well received after all and could actually be just the kind of thing I like.

It was below even my lowest expectations :|

Each to their own though, FFXIV will bring that established formula to a new audience and I'm sure some people will love it.

abcd3708d ago

Your second point is not true.

FF XIV was the only eastern mmorpg with a worldwide release. All content until now was released in Japan, America and Europe at same time.

Don't compare Square-Enix with the other crap publishers that need months to bring content to America and Europe.

Volkama3708d ago

That's fine abcd, it has been my experience with other Eastern MMORPGs so I was weary FFXIV would be the same. FFXI wasn't exactly heavy on updates either.

Like I say though, that was just an expectation that stopped me buying early. My impressions of the game when I did play it are more valid than my expectations.

The game isn't for me, but I don't want to sling mud at things other people enjoy. I love MMORPGs as a genre, and if other people can enjoy this one then it's all good.

I may try it again some time. If nothing else I am strongly in favour of the fact that it doesn't have a cash shop.

jjonez183708d ago

It's finally here :)
I had so much fun on the beta.

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