
The Crew runs at native 1080p/30fps on both PS4 & Xbox One

Online racer The Crew will run at native 1080p, 30 frames per second on both PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, creative director Julian Gerighty has confirmed to VideoGamer.com.

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Naga3690d ago (Edited 3690d ago )

I have to say... for a racing game, I think I'd rather have 60fps than 1080p. I get that it's an open world with beautiful vistas, but when you're moving at speed, every frame counts.

Abash3690d ago

What I want to know is if The Crew has a day/night cycle, or you can set the time for night racing

Naga3690d ago (Edited 3690d ago )

"Right now the [day/night] cycle is two hours long, with 1h30 of day light and 30 minutes of night. This was set to allow the players to enjoy different atmospheres and moods and keep the experience of the game at its best."

Pulled that from one of their Q&A's. Looks like a yes on your first question and probably a no on the second.

[Source: http://thecrewonline.net/fo... ]

TomShoe3690d ago (Edited 3690d ago )

Ewwwww gimping.

No thanks, I'll wait for Driveclub or GT7 Prologue.

3690d ago
press-start3690d ago

don't matter the game is rigged with microtransactions its a no buy from me.

but to each their own.

AngelicIceDiamond3690d ago

@Tom These article's are no fun when the X1 is 1080p now is it?

People can discuss the actual game and not the resolution nonsense.

You can go ahead and buy whatever racer you want sine 30 frames scares you so much and you think its "gimping" your gimping yourself for not seeing for what the game is.

A gigantic racer online that's probably locked in 30 frames with no last gen hold backs, pure next gen goodness.

If your not interested in the game that's cool but you think this is a gimp because of frames then you have HUGE issues that you need to iron out.

TheGreatAndPowerful3690d ago (Edited 3690d ago )

Yeah, no sale.
"The PC version won't differ too much from the console versions, either, he says, adding that Ivory Tower is "really trying to get parity across all versions, so it's something that's important to us not to branch out and not do individual things for individual platforms."

ZeroX98763690d ago (Edited 3690d ago )


If you really think this is gimping, buy a PC not a console!

I have both PC and PS4. My PS4 is there to complete my collection of games, because many great games are exclusive to the playstation platform. I'm also getting a Wii U when super smash is released :)

AceBlazer133690d ago

Nfs Rivals was a great racer, looked nice and guess what it was 30fps. So maybe the 30fps thing is exaggerated.

Dee_913689d ago

Man. im a sim racer guy but I am more pumped for this than pcars assetto corsa and drive club.When R* announced they wouldn't make Midnight Club anymore, it felt like a part of my soul died ( thats an exaggeration), hopefully this will fill that void.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 3689d ago
randomass1713690d ago

I agree completely. I don't know if this really applies since the games are so different, but the reason I liked Mario Kart 7 more than Sonic All-Stars Racing Transformed is because the former had much smoother motion whereas the latter had the HD graphics but a fairly choppy framerate that was on or below 30fps. You're right, with racing, every single frame counts.

SilentNegotiator3690d ago

"The PC version won't differ too much from the console versions, either, he says, adding that Ivory Tower is "really trying to get parity across all versions, so it's something that's important to us not to branch out and not do individual things for individual platforms."

Unfortunately, they aimed for the Xbone and the PS4/PC versions get to suffer.

AngelicIceDiamond3690d ago (Edited 3690d ago )

That's not it at all but ok.

EDIT: Considering PC is best of the two.

dantesparda3689d ago

@ angelic

What do you mean thats not it at all? They are telling you that they went for parity. And how else you going to achieve parity then by going for the lowest common denominator? And just because a PC can through brute force get it to run at higher res'es and framerates doesnt mean they werent gimped by the lowest common denominator. I tell you, you fanboys/girls are in some serious denial

SilentNegotiator3689d ago (Edited 3689d ago )


Considering that PS4 and PC are both more powerful than Xbone, what I said was absolutely accurate. They're going for total parity and that means they are developing around Xbone's limitations.

AnimeFreak0133690d ago

While I prefer 1080P at 60fps I have no problum with 1080P at 30fps as some of my favorite games of all time r 1080P at 30fps or hell 720P at 30 as well. NFS R wich not only looks great on next gen consoles is at 30FPS and it runs very smooth without any problems whatsoever. I think people care to much about 30 FPS vs 60 humans eyes can only c at 30fps max everything more is just extra that most people wont notice a differences between 30 and 60fps.

OutcastMosquito3689d ago

I agree. 60fps on a racing game would make it feel so damn smooth around those quick corners! I'd love to see that.

Back-to-Back3689d ago


If its locked at 30 I am happy.

jessupj3689d ago

"The PC version won't differ too much from the console versions, either, he says, adding that Ivory Tower is "really trying to get parity across all versions, so it's something that's important to us not to branch out and not do individual things for individual platforms."

I thought that dirty disgusting word "parity" died with the start of this generation. Apparently not.

Why do developers purposefully gimp one version to be on the same level as a lessor version? It doesn't make sense at all. I bought a PS4 and I expect developers to take advantage of the hardware.

That's 1 less sale they'll be getting now. I don't support parity.

jerjef3689d ago

What other advantages could they have given the PS4 version? It's already 1080p. What, do you think they would've made the PS4 version 4K otherwise?

Locknuts3689d ago

If it's coming to PC then get that version. There'll be video cards that stomp both PS4 & X1 for <$200 by then easily. And by stomp I mean it'll take what they can run at 30fps and run it at 60 with some better AA and stuff.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 3689d ago
aquamala3690d ago

"The PC version won't differ too much from the console versions, either, he says, adding that Ivory Tower is "really trying to get parity across all versions, so it's something that's important to us not to branch out and not do individual things for individual platforms.""

Lior3690d ago

60fps at 1440p is quite a difference

T23690d ago

@lior - did you even read the post directly above yours? do you have another source that states that the pc version is 1440/60fps? , directly in contrast to what the developer says

elhebbo163690d ago (Edited 3690d ago )

yea because 60 fps isn't much of a difference, riiiight /s

@Joecanada you do know they dont have to say the game run's at 1440p, this is PC we are talking about here. you can configure the settings to anything that damn well pleases you.

ArbitorChief3689d ago

30 FPS to 60 FPS and 1080p to 1440p is a huge difference.

tee_bag2423689d ago (Edited 3689d ago )


PC can always blow past 30 fps, even if the developers try and artificially restrict it by vsync. Hint - turn off Vsync and reset it at 60fps or 120fps in Nvidia or AMD control panel - DONE
As for the Devs saying it will be 1080p on PC is laughable. Anyone who games on PC knows resolution is never locked.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3689d ago
Xavy3690d ago

So they aimed for parity on this one. Lazy not gona buy!

Drekken3690d ago

Lazy or conforming to one companies request?

Software_Lover3690d ago

Wow. You guys are terrible. Would it have made you feel better if the ps4 version was 1080p 30 and the XBone version 900p 30/60?

Its the same game. If you like it you should buy it.

This is the exact reason I think game specs should stop being lauded before release. Too many angry gamers won't even take the time to see if a game is good.

Release a game, let it be judged on its good/bad qualities, then one month after release let digital foundry or whomever do their analysis. I would even go so far as to not label which version is which so people can see how silly we as a community have become.

DeathOfTheFanBoy3690d ago

There was recently(ish) a poll with a a visual test on Neogaf, it asked people to identify between several short vids which were 30fps and which were 60fps, much less than HALF correctly identified which was which and many users said they just guessed but weren't sure... Gamer's seem to have become pre-occupied with figures rather than enjoying actual games... it's ridiculous.

WeAreLegion3690d ago

Totally agree there. I'm tired of this crap.

Xavy3690d ago

No, thats not what I'm saying!!

Will spend my money where developers can be bothered to put some effort into each console version.

Next gen racing games should be 60 fps.

PS4/X1 should at least get 1080p/60 and i'm fine with that. IF Xbox can't handle 60 fps well thats not my problem.

SilentNegotiator3690d ago (Edited 3690d ago )

They don't want their games gimped for the weakest system (excluding WiiU obv), even on PC ("The PC version won't differ too much from the console versions"). That's not a crime.

Now microtransactions...that's criminal.

voodoochild3463690d ago

@deathofthefanboy that's because console only gamers normally can't tell resolutions and framerates. If play on pc for a significant amount of time it becomes apparent what is 60 fps and what isn't. This talk about how you won't be able to tell The difference between 60 fps and 30 and 1080p and 720p is bullshit.

D3ATH_DRIV3R_7773690d ago

Software_Lover, i applaud you.

firelogic3690d ago

Not necessarily happy, but it does show that if it can run at 1080/30 on XB1, it should run better on the ps4. The fact that they're on par means they went for the lowest common denominator.

It's been established beyond any fanboy bickering that the PS4 contains superior hardware.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3690d ago
nicksetzer13690d ago Show
JBSleek3690d ago

Why are developers called lazy when they have the task of developing games for multiple platforms?

I'm sure they aren't lazy and I'm pretty sure they put in lots of hours to get this done.

Also if you aren't going to buy a game because of that reason that's pretty silly because you won't be getting many games in the future.

frankdrebin723690d ago

it would seem a large cloud hangs over some peoples heads regarding fps,.1080p...sad really as i am sure a lot of you favorite games do not have 1080p nor the much sought after 60 fps.
And for those that think the version for their ps4 is downgraded??...thats a disgrace to think that a dev is lazy or gimping it.
the fact of the matter forza is the ONLY 1080p 60fps racer available on current next gen consoles,..ahhh but downgraded visuals,..its a racer that should never happen??...so in that respect who has got the gimped version if you feel its been gimped for a console.
to play a game based on graphical prowess,.fps,..over the fact the game is fun is retarded and small minded and with such train of thought you deny yourself of the essance of being a gamer...playing games for fun.

AngelicIceDiamond3690d ago

@Xavy Well then don't buy the game simple. If you hate it because the number isn't what you want then that's fine.

You are that new breed of gamer that counts pixels and frames and doesn't even look at the game for what it is.

But let me fill you on a secret you won't be able to tell the difference nor will you care once you actually start playing it.

I know it shocking.

Gamer6663689d ago

Forza 5 is running at 1080p - 60 fps...

If they are aiming for parity then that would mean the PS4 can't do it... X1 has already proved it can do racing games at 1080p - 60 fps with photo realism.

Sony hasn't even been able to get their first, first party racing game to ship for PS4 yet!

Hicken3689d ago

That doesn't make any damn sense. With all the cutbacks made in Forza, it's silly to even compare.

And photorealism? Don't make me laugh. Even Project CARS isn't photorealistic, and it curb stomps Forza 5 graphically.

You don't seriously believe what you typed, do you?

badz1493689d ago


LOL cardboard crowd is so photorealistic, right? /s

ThatOneGuyThere3688d ago

the "cardboard" crowd is literally low-res photos of people. so yeah, photorealism. /s

but seriously, an open world driving game is nothing like forza's closed tracks with low detail

jessupj3689d ago (Edited 3689d ago )

I think a lot of people fail to grasp the simple concept.

Buy a more powerful console, expect better versions of multiplats. You don't need a masters in philosophy to understand this.

I honestly don't care about numbers, it's always been the principle. All I want, and most of the other pissed off people here, is for the developers to take advantage of each consoles strengths. But for some perplexing reason a lot of people are screaming fanboy for believing that. Maybe someone could explain their logic for me, because I certainly don't understand.

The fact is the PS4 is a lot more powerful than the xbone. So if 2 games are the same I know the PS4 version was held back.

If developers are going to do that I'll just be renting. Simple as that.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 3688d ago
gedden73690d ago

ResoHos rejoice its 1080 p lol

I rather it be 60fps @ 800p or something...

Software_Lover3690d ago

ResoHos......... I'm gonna steal that from you lol

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The Crew is Being Removed from Your Ubisoft Connect Account Right Now

The Outerhaven writes: With the closure of The Crew's online servers, Ubisoft has started removing access to the game from anyone who owns it on Ubisoft Connect.

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shadowhaxor33d ago (Edited 33d ago )

Wait. I don't get it. I reported on something that I recently noticed. I did mention in my article that I wouldn't have noticed if I hadn't gone to play The Division 2. That said, if this was nearly a week ago, I wouldn't know, as NO ONE REPORTED ON IT! Not IGN. Not Gamespot. Not Kotaku. No one.

You got people here complaining that there are any real gaming journalists and game journalism sucks, but when someone is acting, doing something to make something known to the public about what a company is doing. What do you do? You poke fun at it. What is it that people want? Do you want to complain for the sake of it? Or do you actually want people to do something to make those who aren't in the know aware of the shady stuff that's happening and to sound the alarm?

ravens5233d ago

It's the "oh well" setting in on digital users. They don't care they don't own their stuff for some odd reason. 🤷🏽.

FullmetalRoyale33d ago

Good for you! People sometimes just feel the need to show how little they actually have to say. Very respectful dressing down, btw, which is another thing we need more of.

fan_of_gaming33d ago

I appreciate your article,
- "If this isn’t considered both a “WTF” moment and setting a dangerous precedent, I don’t know what else it would be"
- "it could also signal other publishers that removing games from our accounts would be okay"
- "Maybe those firmly against this digital future have a point after all"
- "This. Is. Fucked. Up."

As someone against an only-digital/streaming future for entertainment content (movies/TV shows/games/books), it feels like talking into a void about the points above on this website, or on Twitter, or with my friends, etc. People don't get it. I'm strongly contemplating whether this will be my last generation of PlayStation & Xbox consoles (I'm confident enough that Nintendo's next system will still support physical media and that their 1st-party games won't have online-required installation or usage restrictions).

Chocoburger32d ago

He is one of the long running trolls of this site, he never says anything positive. Every single one of his posts are either incorrect or flat out stupid. Pay him no mind.

OtterX32d ago

Thank you @shadowhaxor, we appreciate you.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 32d ago
KyRo33d ago

Yet people will sit here and still say that digital is better 🙃

TheSenorCheese33d ago

Welcome to the era where you no longer own your games.

gvrd001932d ago (Edited 32d ago )

I'm so done with Ubisoft, removing games one paid for is a new low...
Bye Ubisoft,
You've done f#c*ed it up !

Chocoburger32d ago

This was me 9 years ago, when I realized all they wanted to make were filler boring games that are packed with micro-trash-actions.

Snooze! Moving on from Ubi-junk!

vTuro2432d ago

I see they're trying their best to surpass Activision Blizzard for being the most hated gaming company. Keep at it, Ubisoft, I believe!

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The Crew Franchise Accumulates 40 Million Players In Total

The series' next iteration is coming this year.


NVIDIA Announces 'Join the Crew' Bundle; GeForce Gamers are Game Ready for Vampyr

Now that we have great availability for GeForce GTX GPUs across retailers and at prices gamers can afford, there’s never been a better time to become a GeForce Gamer and ‘Join the Crew’.

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