
The Elder Scrolls Online Review | CheatCC

CCC Says: "Tamriel is not the same place you remember. It's a heck of a lot bigger, sporting every fantastical venue you can imagine, and oh yeah, there are other players roaming around. The Elder Scrolls Online takes the insanely popular open-world RPG series that has in every game past presented a sprawling world to a singular player, and opened it up to the masses. Because of this the game incorporates certain familiar conventions that follow the MMO blueprint, but you will be happy to know that in the end it's an Elder Scrolls game above all else."

mezati993699d ago

wait what ?! man if this gets another score like that and i'll seriously consider trying this , but i think i'll wait for ign/gamespot reviews

AgitatedOcelot3699d ago

Don't buy MMO reviews. There's no way you can adequately review an MMO without playing it right to max level, and then playing about 3 months. These games can't really be reviewed in the traditional sense.

SWTOR and Age of Conan for example got great reviews by reviewers that didn't play the game for more than a few levels.

papashango3699d ago (Edited 3699d ago )

I started playin this the other night. I turned off zone/yell chat and I swear this is basically a new Elder Scrolls game that plays like Skyrim. Best part is you don't see other player names above their head so for me other players just come across as animated NPC's that make cities and the world feel more alive.

I tried turning zone chat back on but I was surprised at how much immersion is lost when you see people talking about WoW, gold spam, WTS/WTB shouts.

I don't care about leveling or partying. I'm just following the storylines and exploring like I did with Skyrim and Oblivion. Having lots of fun. But when I do talk to people I still have /say chat enabled so I can talk to players in my vicinity.

AgitatedOcelot3699d ago

Well to each their own. I don't see that as being worthy of a monthly fee though myself. And in the short time I did try the beta I wasn't very enthralled by it. I didn't find it felt anything at all like skyrim to me. But rather any other MMO.

I fear greatly for the longevity of the game. Though I wish it the best of luck. I just expect a very similar outcome to the SWTOR release. Elation at first followed by complete population collapse in three months.

jessupj3699d ago

I don't know why you're getting disagrees.

Ranking up to max level is just one part of the game.

Arguably the more important aspect of any subscription based mmo is the end game. Specifically, is it rich in content and does it keep you entertained.

And I would say reviewers need at least a week AFTER they gain max rank to come anywhere close to giving us an informed opinion.

But so far, it's looking very promising. I'd probably give it a go myself, but I'm married to a non-gamer.

Tempest3173699d ago


Exactly. The game doesn't really start until max level. Sure leveling is very important, but you will spend 99.999999% of your time at max level farming gear/currency/dungeons, then once adequately geared will continue the upgrade process in raids and such. They need to do a review in progress over the course of at least a month to give everyone a proper look at the game/end game, so we know if it actually has the content to sustain prolonged subscription. Very very few mmo's have any sort of decent endgame at launch, and that's why theyre strong out the gate and the population implodes within a couple months.

papashango3699d ago

I'd highly disagree about endgame.

I played FFXI for about 3 years and me or my LS never did endgame

In newer MMO's I wouldn't argue this as they are just made to quest to max level. But ESO so far hasn't started as an MMO that holds your hand to max level.

In my opinion the whole "game doesn't start till endgame" mentality is what's keeping MMO's stale.

Tempest3173699d ago


So if you don't mind me asking, what did you do at max level? If youre doing any max level content then thats considered end game. And if you didn't do max level stuff, then what exactly did you do for 3 years?

papashango3699d ago

duo'd usually. leveled up other jobs. made millions in gil by farming as a bst. Helped linkshell members with quests. Ran Cop a few times for friends I made and LS members. did a lot of crafting.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3699d ago
Bigpappy3699d ago

The only things keeping me away are fees and I am not interested in gaming on my PC. But I know I would thoroughly enjoy playing this game. Never thought the game would suck, I can't see how it could. I always thought a co-op Elder Scrolls would be a great Idea. I would prefer for them to charge $120 for the game and full access. No monthly bills for me personally. I hope people who don't mind paying monthly have a great time with the game.

osborn20093699d ago

Wait, what? A review for an MMO within 24 hours of release? Not enough time with the game. Sorry bud.

US8F3699d ago

Those reviews have the game way before the consumers. Go to ign and look up ESO review in progress that has been posted for a week now

xPhearR3dx3699d ago

Not only that, but Early Access started 5 days ago for certain customers and reviewers have had it before that.

Xristo3699d ago

I am only a level 11 Redguard Dragonknight atm but so far I am loving all of it! For the Covenant!

Eldyraen3699d ago

Ebonheart>All but otherwise I agree.

RIP_Cell3699d ago

it's a damn good game, must say it's quite refreshing to play a MMO in first person view

Sci0n3698d ago (Edited 3698d ago )

I am actually very excited about this game and looking forward to picking it up on the PS4. Why is it that everyone who is upset about the monthly fees keep whining and complaining? I get the impression they are trying to place there displeasure on others and spoil it for everyone else because they aren't happy with having to pay the sub. I played EQ1 for years and once world of warcraft dropped allot of people left EQ for wow and while I never had any interest in wow and actually resented that game I never poked my head in wow threads and stated my opinions on why I disliked the game I just played EQ allot longer and eventually moved on and played something else


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