
The Elder Scrolls Online Review | GameRevolution

"How far you stay with The Elder Scrolls Online, if you choose to stay at all, will depend heavily on your expectations. This is not Skyrim with a co-op partner—a solid, sellable concept of its own—and it's not just another MMO to fill in the genre."

~ Nick Tan, GameRevolution

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ftwrthtx3708d ago

Sounds like an interesting game. Good review.

Predaking773708d ago

If there is a try it for 3 days free on PS4 I will give it a try but I am not convinced to pay that subscription even if the game is good but who knows, maybe the free trial can convince me.

insertcoin3708d ago (Edited 3708d ago )

I think Bethesda needs to rework the first few levels first since it doesn't really get good until around Level 12-ish with the group dungeons and larger areas.

Yeah, you gain access to PvP at Level 10 but who wants to PvP against groups of players 20 levels higher than yourself?

dbjj120883708d ago

Might get this on console, but still not sure. Probably don't have the time to commit to it unless a bunch of friends are going to hop on.

Eldyraen3708d ago

I am having fun on PC ATM but needs some more love here and there.

The Anchor system could use work (like Rifts but not as cool yet and no real reward for doing them yet besides exp/basic loot like trash mobs). If they expand the idea and make it more rewarding could be cool though as I like doing them just not much reason to "game" wise. Hey shouldn't rip off Rift completely but Anchors need some love for sure.

A reasonable amount of people (small percentage really) complain about leveling speed but it depends on how you play. I actually like it as is though. I look forward to leveling for new skills/stats but most quests are kind of cool and exploring is great as never know quite what is around the corner (Lore books, basic books, chests, random npc fighting mobs, etc). Plus explore and you can find sky shards which add skill points (3 make 1 point) and some quests do as well (typically main region/story quests).

Crafting system is cool but very involved and rather time consuming. You can make basic items, upgrade them to better condition, add traits on top of enchanting them. Learning new traits is most tedious part of the job though.

The mounts (although way too expensive IMO) are cool as you can customize them for pure speed, sprint+durability (won't get knocked off as easily) or Carrying capacity which adds to your character's backpack total (best part) while using that mount. It would be nice though if you could train them more often as 1 point every 20h will take forever max one out (closer to most of a year of constant "feeding" which is how you upgrade them).

I know for a fact though I will already be subscribing after free days and early access+release hasn't even been a week yet. Most people I have met in the past week seem to agree. IF you can get past the subscription fee it seems a solid experience. As an old school MMO player as long as the content is worth it subscription models don't get in my way. 3 factions to discove, huge swaths of Tamriel to explore, some cool stories to experience and still untried pvp (something I look forward to doing a little later) is worh the investment.


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