
Xbox co-creator discusses 1080p controversy, Xbox One DRM reversal

As part of a new Q&A session on Yabbly, Xbox co-creator Ed Fries sounded off on two hot-button industry issues: the 1080p controversy and the Xbox One's dramatic policy reversal. Fries tackled the "resolution war" between Microsoft's Xbox One and Sony's PlayStation 4 first.

"I'm not an expert, but my understanding is that Microsoft reserved some of the power of Xbox One for the operating system but told developers they would be giving it back to them to use sometime soon," he said. "So far they haven't given it back so the games can't run at as high a resolution as they could if they had that extra power. At least that's what I've heard from talking to developers."

Axios23695d ago (Edited 3695d ago )

The fact of the matter is that if you tally all X1 games, most are 1080p. A smaller number are higher than 720p but not 1080p, and the smallest number are 720p.

To say nothing of MS recent Cloud demo that sent the nay-sayers into desperate excuse mode, "but, but, what if you don't have a good internet connection or electricity"

@Nitro, for a list that's suppose to be edited it's missing about 10 games that are 1080p, UFC, Strider, Halo CA, Wolfenstein, etc

@ naysayers below...TitanFall and Forza 5, get over it

Nitrowolf23695d ago (Edited 3695d ago )

"Most are 1080P"
It's actually about half/half
With a lot of them being cross-gen titles that do the same resolution or unreleased.

If this article is true, I always wonder why companies do this with restricting access to a console power and unlocking it a few years later. Maybe perhaps to just have the generation go on longer. I know PS4 has 128 more stream processor that are locked away, and SOny did the same thing with the PS3 I believe? It still seems silly, but I guess anything to make a generation go longer.

corvusmd3695d ago

Please keep in mind that most of those on the list aren't exactly AAA/Demanding games...i.e Trine 2, Resogun, Etc. Some of the resolutions are simply speculation, many are missing on the XB1 side of things as stated by Axios, and Killzone has been proven to be wrong, it's NOT 1080p on the MP side of things....so I'm not sure I'd go off that list.

More importantly that all that, the two games with the biggest gaps MGS and COD, yield very little to no difference in the final product after upscalled...definitely not enough to be the sole reason to buy a console over. Keep in mind that it's been proven that the human eye physically can't even notice a difference between 1080p and 720p unless you are sitting less than 4-6 feet away and using a screen bigger than 55 in...that's just to notice a DIFFERENCE between the biggest gap...not even a huge difference.

georgeenoob3695d ago (Edited 3695d ago )

I'm pretty sure after devs master esram and get hands on with DX12 this whole controversy will be a thing of the past. Cloud was also just recently proven to drastically enhance frame-rate as well.

And for those saying DX12 might not affect X1, it will reduce CPU utilization on X1 by 50%. http://gamingbolt.com/dx-12...


Denial is kicking in for you buddy.

adventureghost1243695d ago

"Cloud is the real deal" oh please, we don't even know what kind of hardware that 1 min demo was running on. Hell for all we know they could be two completely different systems with varying powers used to make it look better. Plus even if that works EXACTLY how they say it will, its still completely useless if you don't have a connection or if your internet goes out.

Nekroo913695d ago (Edited 3695d ago )

What power of the cloud?! all i saw is what the cloud is supposed to do which is... preform tasks instead of the cpu....So it gives more power for the devs to work with

But the 1 min video is running on a high end pc and it was locked to 32fps. The X1 is a super low end pc compared to that...yes it will increase performance theres no denying it but it doesent match raw power.

the main problem is internet speed , we dont even know what connection they were using to perform that.

GameNameFame3695d ago

More damage defense.

The power reserved for OS about to be released is like 5-7 percent.

900P to 1080p is 50 percent more resolution.

5 percent brings your framerate from 30 fps to 31.5 fps.

So you need more than that. lol

GameNameFame3695d ago

I love the secret sauces.

Esram was very similar to x360 Edram. Devs have been using for 8 years lololol.

Dx12 benefits are for PC on ms own slide
Giving console like API to PC. Lol how would x1 benefit from something every console and it self already have.

That slide is from MS. Fanboys need to stop damage control

fr0sty3695d ago

I see MS is back to blowing clouds of smoke up everyone's @$$.

"It'll get better, you just wait! Microsoft will reveal their secret sauce! They will plug into the mainframe and instant 4k gaming in 3D will be enabled! PS4 am cry!"

So, how many 720p PS4 games are there Axios? And how about frame rate? You know, with Tomb Raider and Titanfall dipping into the teens and all despite running at lower resolutions...

Volkama3694d ago

Neither Sony or MS hold anything back deliberately for the sake of extending the console generation.

Microsoft's resource reservations for the kinect are currently necessary for the thing to function. They are working on optimising the software to free up most of that reservation. They are not saying "no Infinity Ward, we'd prefer you to make COD 720p this year so that people are more impressed when it's better next year".

Sony's "spare" stream processors are purely to cover for dud stream processors on the die to increase yield. It's pretty standard practice for AMD, you see it in lots of their PC products. sometimes possible to "hack" a graphics card and enable the spare hardware, but that is not possible on the PS4. Sony can't enable the extra stream processors because on some small number of machines out there these will already be active.

pupa3694d ago (Edited 3694d ago )


Exactly. +Bubble.

We are used to M$ using powerful PC's with top end GPU's and tricks to scam people at reveals and E3 in believing what's possible and how the games will look when released. Forza used as reference is point and case of the difference at such reveal and what gamers got for real.

Also remember Milo, where is it together with the promised super AI. Where is the Titanfall AI?

So at E3 2014 I expect it will be more of the same standard M$ practise again, I am sure!

r1sh123694d ago

@nitrowolf - isnt that half of whats come out so far, surely the resolution will improve over time so that ratio reduces.

jebabcock3694d ago

I believe the reserve is to make sure there is adequate growth for the underlying OS. This ensures that if they expand the OS capabilities they don't risk gimping games in the process. Towards the middle to end of the life cycle or as they identify that certain resources won't be needed by the OS then they free them up for consumption. If they free up too early though they risk stifling the ability to expand and improve the OS.

Blacksand13694d ago

The XB1 is 720p with a 1080p up-scaled because MS tried to make it a t.v hub first and a gaming console second. My Fios is 720p reg. channels and 1080p on HD channels. When you mix the two that's what you get 720p with a up-scaled of 1080p, because of t.v part of the console.

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 3694d ago
christocolus3695d ago (Edited 3695d ago )


I really dont care if games are 1080 or not i just want Phil to keep delivering great content on the platform and thats why im looking forward to E3 so badly..cant wait to see what MS has planned.

The cloud stuff was pretty impressive too, i believe the tech will be built into dx12 api somehow and will be used to improve the experience of single player games but the major improvements will be seen in online multiplayer games i.e mmorpgs, rts, online rpgs, fps, simulations and online co-op. (Games that need to be constantly online)

Imagine halo or gears with that type of destruction?...awesome.

LackTrue4K3695d ago (Edited 3695d ago )

its funny that the brand that lacks 1080p/60 FPS is the one that brings it up the most....
and its fans defend something that "they wish" had little to do with gaming.

christocolus3695d ago (Edited 3695d ago )


But I honestly do not care about it.. The friends I game with do not either and I have so many ps only pals , funny thing is we all bought our consoles based on personal preference and ips we were looking forward to the most. I really do not care about res and I'm sure I won't next gen either. I play all games regardless of platform from PC to the 3ds.its about fun for me.. Resolution has never been an issue of mine. Looking at your comment I think I'm the last person you should be talking to about that.

Why o why3694d ago (Edited 3694d ago )

To be fair onyoursistersback, Christocolus is generally a very positive dude. He can react to nonsense like anybody can but on the whole he airs on the optimistic side. There are people and hypocrites that need their face rubbed in their own crap every so often but I don't feel he's one of them. Some people really just prefer what the x1 is providing and don't care about any power gap and they have the right to defend that. I can respect that.

Z_-_D_-_33694d ago

Something tells me you don't care AT ALL about any other gaming company except Microsoft.

Copen3694d ago

If you truly don't care about resolution then why buy an xbox one to begin with? If what you say is true you'd be just as happy keeping your 360 and not spending 500 on something you supposedly don't care about. Get real....And the cloud...OMFG

christocolus3694d ago (Edited 3694d ago )

@zd3 and copen

" funny thing is we all bought our consoles based on personal preference and ips we were looking forward to the most."

I said that in my comment above. You should have read that before making your comments.i play all games and ive never limited myself to one console in any generation but yeah, im more of an xbx fan cos i enjoy MS offerings a little bit more than sonys&nintendo..im a big halo,aom,pgr, gears and rare fan...its all about preference and besides the unnatural hate you guys have for the xbox one makes me like the console even more..


I bought an xbx one cos i knew i would get to play the next gen versions of the ips i like and any others ms has cooking up.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3694d ago
Angels37853695d ago

This is why you have one bubble. Every time someone brings up an argument (valid or not) against your ignorant single minded tunnel vision you block it out and run deeper and deeper into the cave.

Plato would not be impressed. You insist on your reality and run away from the exit to the cave or the light of the real world.

Baccra173695d ago

Plato was a eugenicist douche.

Angels37853695d ago (Edited 3695d ago )


Definition of Eugenics: the belief and practice of improving the genetic quality of the human population. It is a social philosophy advocating the improvement of human genetic traits through the promotion of higher reproduction of people with desired traits (positive eugenics), and reduced reproduction of people with less-desired or undesired traits (negative eugenics).

AKA you.

Its also the reason your bubble count is so low. People with credibility such and narrow-minded thinking such as his despite the reality is something darwin would want to eliminate from the gene pool.

DragonKnight3695d ago

"To say nothing of MS recent Cloud demo that sent the nay-sayers into desperate excuse mode, "but, but, what if you don't have a good internet connection or electricity"

So a controlled, local demo that is not representative of real world conditions sent naysayers into desperate excuse mode?

Are you going to show which game on the Xbox One proves that the Cloud can make one Xbox One console as powerful as 3, because it sounds like you have that kind of proof now.

MelvinTheGreat3695d ago

And yet when playstation now does the same thing, its the greatest thing ever.

DigitalRaptor3695d ago

@ Melvin

Streaming a game, is technology that has been around for years.

What MS has suggested, and certain people naively believe, is that the cloud can make their console 3 times more powerful - is ridiculous to begin with. nothing suggests this tech can be successfully applied to the Xbone in real-world conditions, and even when it's at a stage where it can, we'll be moving on to the next-generation.

DragonKnight3695d ago

For one, I didn't say anything about PlaystationNow, so can we say "off topic?"

Two, PlaystationNow ISN'T doing the same thing. PlaystationNow is a game streaming service, not magic designed to compensate for the shortcomings of a weaker console like MS claims Azure is all about.

Nice try though.

MasterCornholio3695d ago

The only proof I need are how the games run. And at this moment multiplats are better on the PS4. I doubt that the cloud will change that.

ShowGun9013694d ago


what PSnow does is stream games that a last-gen system can play... its not saying it will make the ps4 more powerful. I'd call BS on that too.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3694d ago

i like how you started out a lie with "the fact of the matter is".

MysticStrummer3695d ago (Edited 3695d ago )

"To say nothing of MS recent Cloud demo that sent the nay-sayers into desperate excuse mode"

Nothing is pretty much what should be said about it, because without more details it proved nothing. If you think that's a desperate excuse, so be it.

GTgamer3695d ago

"MS recent Cloud demo that sent the nay-sayers into desperate excuse mode,"

Omg we all knew this was coming and FWI a demo on High End PC's in a Controlled environment doesn't hold much weight and you say we have excuses about our internet not being good enough that's funny because when PSNow was announced I remember Xboxfans making the same excuses (•ิ_•ิ).

avengers19783695d ago

That most recent demo you speak of, was 2 high end rigs, not XB1... Maybe you should go back and watch that video again. Cause it has nothing in it about the XB1... A high end rig is one thing, but it surly ain't an the same as the XB1.

And for a group of people that did nothing but say power doesn't matter, you all sure get on here and talk about "secret sauce" and the "cloud" like there going to magically make the system more powerful, witch they won't.

Will devs figure out better ways to utilize the XB1, yes, will the XB1 ever be as powerful as PS4 NO!

When you talk about something like that video you mention, make sure you watched it and know what was said... 2 high end rigs one by itself, one with cloud and other devices.
Go back watch that again, listen to what they say... Cause in no way does it prove anything about XB1

LexHazard793695d ago

Secret sauce? I thought you PS fans made that up! Or did you actually read comments with Xbox fans using those words?

I_am_Batman3695d ago

"To say nothing of MS recent Cloud demo that sent the nay-sayers into desperate excuse mode, "but, but, what if you don't have a good internet connection or electricity"

Don't act like that wouldn't become a problem. If we assume that the demo was all real then all we know is that it's possible to enhance the theoretical capabilities of a PC or console in the physics department by a lot. That's great. But is it possible to get the same effect when millions of users are accessing those external recources simultaniously? We don't know yet.

What we also don't know is how big the latency is or how much bandwidth is needed for cloud computing. There are still a lot of questions to be answered so exuse me if I stay sceptical until all the details are clear.

mkis0073695d ago

Show me the same thing running on an xbox one and on a gpu pf a pc and then I'll agree with you.

"the fact of the matter is" MS set up a controlled test. Ask them for details see what you get.

Thatlalala3694d ago

That "demo" was just that. Not one time during the whole presentation did they mention this is what Xbone games will do. Do your fucking homework troll.

frostypants3694d ago

"I'm not an expert"

So why do we care what he says?

solidboss073694d ago (Edited 3694d ago )

Ahh...... cross generation, multi platform MGS Ground Zeroes looks good everywhere, but XB1 version isn't really pushing beyond PS3 or 360? Explain that to us, please.
Funny and ironic that you mention 'cloud' when only the PS4 version of MGS GZ has dynamic sky and cloud simulation. Ha ha haaa.

ADECENTBOY7773694d ago

Cloud is a good thing, but not for this generation, it's not possible to give all the 3-4 million gamers the same plus on graphical level. You'll never have the Box on the same level as PS4, since it's just much weaker on hardware level. Many big IT companies tested all the cloud possibilities in term of extra power and they all said, one day sure, but not in the near future. You just believe MS everything , right? Wake up boy! :)

Jessika_S3694d ago (Edited 3694d ago )

Titanfall is not 1080p, it's 792p on Xbox One.

Bdub20003694d ago

It is funny that the PS4 fanboys posting on a website, on the Internet, voicing their concerns over how some people don't have Internet. As with all things in life, if you can't afford it, or its not available to you, you don't get to use it. Everyone doesn't get a gold medal, everyone doesn't drive a Ferrari, not everyone will have access to the cloud. It's not a reason to bash this technological feat that will drop ps4 on its ass.

razrye3694d ago (Edited 3694d ago )

Please explain to me how it will drop ps4 on its ass. Will it be a big drop or one similar to how the ps4 is dropping the xbox on its ass. Also kid were does it say that the ps4 is far behind the xbox? Everyone knows that the ps4 is by far the more superior console. Fact.

3694d ago Replies(1)
imt5583694d ago (Edited 3694d ago )


That "cloud" destruction is already available on PC's, dude. High-end PC rig can't do that?! Or PS4 has "cloud" atmosphere in MGS V. Earth to axios and Xbone's fans...

Anon19743694d ago

If it wasn't a real issue, Microsoft wouldn't be addressing it. Period.

Copen3694d ago

Point is the power reserve for the OS and Kinect is less than 10% and even giving that back isn't going to make or break a game running at 1080p/60fps this is nothing but an excuse like the excuses you yourself are making.

lesrima883694d ago

i applaud you for your efforts 10/10 for damage control 0/10 for logic

+ Show (18) more repliesLast reply 3694d ago
XiSasukeUchiha3695d ago (Edited 3695d ago )

The cloud demo did definitely seem possible for sure but there too many questions right now, and actually demo too on an actual would be an bonus but, Cloud compute concept is real but not actual cloud computing.

hello123695d ago (Edited 3695d ago )

If people watched the whole video. There was more buildings in the scene than the one building been shown blown up. It was a tech demo-game sort of.

What it showed was a high end PC struggling to do the game physics, more stuff blown up the frame rate, got worse.

When Microsoft used the cloud and a high end PC the frame rate remained constant when stuff blew up.

So Microsoft is showing the cloud can increase performance substantially.

Is it going to come out tomo, or next year. That's doubtful. But we do see the cloud can render graphics afterall. I think its the future Microsoft is hoping for and the xb1 is a beta test of that future. I think we'll might some games belonging to Microsoft try it in a few years?

Multiplayer is an viable way to go than single player games.

mkis0073695d ago

The problem they face is that by the time this is feasible for xbox one, it will be too late. It isn't like this is exclusive to MS.

rainslacker3694d ago

It wasn't actually rendering graphics, it was computing the positions(transforms) of all those objects that were being created due to the building being blown up.

That's something that traditionally the CPU would do, but in newer game design models many of those tasks are offloaded to the GPU. This is particularly true for stuff with lots of physics changes, such as lots of moving objects, or particle effects.

It's worth noting that the GPU in both the X1 and the PS4 is capable of computing more objects than was shown in this demo as was demonstrated by NVidias CUDA demo a while back. However, it's also worth pointing out that doing so would mean taking rendering resources for drawing the actual frame.

I'm personally on the fence on if this demo was worthwhile, since it was being rendered on the CPU. It's a good working model of what they're hoping to achieve, but too little info was given for me to form an opinion based on my own experience with programming games.

starscream013695d ago

I think Microsoft is working hard at trying to make cloud work for the Xbox One.....but I also think the fruition will take longer than any of us like.....In the mean time just sit back and relax because until proven it's viable people will bash the ideal....

ShowGun9013694d ago

its not the ideal, and its not anything that M$ actually said, its the stupid people online we don't like. using the cloud based computing (that we've seen 1 tiny demo of, not even on an x1) as a CURRENT SELLING POINT!

theres no telling whether it will work or not, but claiming (currently) that this will even the gap between the two systems is jumping to some SERIOUSLY UNFOUNDED conclusions.

bneals3695d ago

Why is it so easy for people to believe that PS Now can steam a PS4 title, bit "latency" will stop the cloud from befitting the XB1?

nukeitall3695d ago

Yeah, that trust is often called blind fanboyism!

MasterCornholio3695d ago


You do know that right now they are having a beta for PS Now?

Which means the technology will work from your console at home. Microsoft hasn't had any public demos yet of Xbox Live compute so its impossible to know if the technology works or not.

Why o why3694d ago (Edited 3694d ago )

'Yeah, that trust is often called blind fanboyism!'. . . . . . .well, you should know all about that right nuke. . .The irony is beyond strong with you my friend

solidjun53694d ago

"Yeah, that trust is often called blind fanboyism!"

Yea, your comments reek of it.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3694d ago
mkis0073695d ago (Edited 3695d ago )

Video stream(netflix) vs computing stream... one of these things is not like the other...

HaydenJameSmith3695d ago

PS Now isnt video streaming and there is probably some sort of compression involved of the data making it feasable...

mkis0073695d ago

It is video streaming... you are seeing a video of the game that is run elswhere, you are sending buttons back to it. There are no computations being done locally.

It absolutely is compressed. I tried using onlive and the grainy quality pissed me off. Lag was nearly "0" so it worked for its purpose though. But saying you are going to mix in computations off site with local is not the same thing as what ps now is.

The second you do something that requires a response you have to wait for the servers to send the data both ways and meanwhile you are still going in the game. VS on psnow a button press is bytes of data.

hello123695d ago ShowReplies(1)
iceman063695d ago

Well...because it's already PROVEN tech AND it's being done...right now...in beta form. People are already streaming games on PS Now. It's tangible. Right now, MS is dealing with a "new" idea in prototype form. It's being shown in very controlled environments on hardware that isn't even close to the specs of XB1.
I completely understand the skepticism. However, I also welcome the idea if it becomes a tangible reality for console gaming. That remains to be seen.

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