
What can Activision do to revitalise Call Of Duty on PS4? The Official PlayStation Magazine debate

OPM: Call of Duty might still be one of the biggest games in all existence but there’s a cloud looming. Sales maintain their stratospheric numbers but have failed to reach peaks set by previous games, Black Ops in particular. Worse still there seems to be a growing resentment from gamers rebelling against it’s mainstream domination. So what can Activision do? Ride it out or reinvent its shooty cash cow. Here’s Team OPM to debate the options they think will work best for COD’s future.

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PraxxtorCruel3697d ago (Edited 3697d ago )

And discountinuing the use of recycled maps/textures/skins and so on. Show us you actually care about the franchise and most importantly the huge gamer base you've managed to collect over the years!

XtraTrstrL3697d ago

They don't care about the franchise. They just want to capitalize on as much profit as they can as the ship sinks. Which is why they're upgrading their aggressive $$$ DLC tactics now to force advertising. I have to go through store items in my gun/camo/accessories menus now. It's ridiculous, they don't even fix the horrific framerate issues that are nauseating. I mean, how can the game perform worse than COD games performed on PS3, while only looking marginally better. The game doesn't look next gen at all, it looks inbetween gens at best. They don't respond on their forums at all, the game is just a money grab.

crusf3697d ago

@XtraTrstrL Do you honestly think developing a game on a yearly bases is not stress inducing and difficult. Infinity Ward had to develop for FIVE different platforms in a year with Activision breathing down there necks. Not to mention the next gen platforms as well.

crusf3697d ago (Edited 3697d ago )

Even if they make a new engine you people will still hate on the series. There is a new NBA and FIFA every year but... Since they aren't talked about as much, you people don't hate on it. Why do people needlessly dislike whatever is popular. If I remember correctly people were excited for GTA V prior to release and NOW that it got overwhelming reviews its over hyped and over rated. I just don't understand.

iamnsuperman3697d ago (Edited 3697d ago )

I agree with you except for two areas

The hate for the latest Fifa game is just since they removed the tournament mode just so the could sell the world cup game (though your point is still valid)

Also GTA is overrated which had nothing to do with its popularity. GTA launched its online broken and it's structure was still stuck in the past with more equals better (which it isn't). I was really disappointed with GTA and I feel the series has taken a nose dive in quality especially in its story telling department (where more and more games are excelling while GTA 's formula felt outdated). I havn't touched GTA since I completed the story (sometime after it launched its multiplayer which I think shows how I felt about the game)

3697d ago Replies(3)
Matt6663697d ago

Here what they can do
Get rid of quick scoping,
Get rid of no scoping,
Down grade the power of the knife (ie more then one hit to kill some one)
Fix the lag,
A new game engine,
bigger maps with proper dynamic damage,
more players,
tanks (just like there was in WAW),
No stupid perks (like commando, marathon etc)
Punish cheaters, spawn killers, etc,
Reward proper players who have proper skill,
be able to see your character legs etc,
the weapons act more realistically (IE the 50 Cal being most powerful)

I could go on but I think I made my point that a lot needs to change

darren_poolies3697d ago

So basically you want it to be Battlefield.

Matt6663697d ago (Edited 3697d ago )


I never said that, your missing the point that COD has been broken, old and boring for a while now and it's now the time to make the improvements it needs. WAW was the best COD ( and still is). Even in Halo you could see your legs and that came out before COD. So like I said COD needs a lot of improvements.

ScamperCamper3688d ago

A new game engine may be posssible, but I think word would have come out already. Perhaps Infinity Ward might have that task if they are creating MW4. From the latest info/leaks out there, the game does have substantially improved visuals. The Activision exec's are suggesting it's the best COD ever. Some details, if you believe the leaks out there so far: http://www.callofdutyforeve...

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3688d ago
elm3697d ago

Stop basing the game on inferior hardware and use the PS4 to it's full potential.

TrueJerseyDevil3697d ago

If that was the case they should use PC's to the max

darren_poolies3697d ago

Expect they can't because there is no set specs for PCs.

TheFallenAngel3697d ago

I still enjoy cod. They just need to make it better, add more things. I've talked to a bunch of guys that switched from 360 to ps4 in cod.

Red0eye0ceo3697d ago

Move onto a new game. Let call of duty die with the little respect it has.

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Call Of Duty 2026 is a Ghosts reboot claim leakers

The details for multiple future Call Of Duty games appear to have leaked, including a follow-up to Advanced Warfare.


Activision Blizzard Faces $23.4M Fine for Patent Infringement

Activision Blizzard ordered to pay $23.4M for patent infringement involving popular games.

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Skuletor5d ago

Another L for Xbox, when are they going to have good news?

MrDead5d ago

I would read the article but the giant pop-ups from the top and bottom of the screen made me close it.

Without reading $23.4 million isn't a deterrent for a company that size.

peppeaccardo5d ago

Boss: Let's fire a few people to recoup on that loss.
Slave: Cortana has decided to get rid of Arkane Austin and Tango Gameworks.
Boss: Let's get those Firing Letters "Copilot Approved" and send them through the power of the cloud.
Slave: Long Live Phil !!!
ALL in the room: LONG LIVE PHIL !!!!

rlow15d ago

Well another troll company with a patent trying to extort money out of companies. Seems like they’re going to try and sue everyone.


Not enough drain them for more, fuck Blizzard POS company.


Please, can Call of Duty leave awful Netflix-style menus behind

Call of Duty games used to be streamlined experiences, but COD 2024’s UI could be another nightmarish clutter of streaming tabs.

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LucasRuinedChildhood16d ago

Let's just leave Call Of Duty behind.

anast16d ago

The isn't for you anymore.

BlackCountryBob16d ago

If we’re beating that drum, can we also stop forcing anyone who wants to play only the single player to download Warzone and all updates BEFORE they are then able to do another download from the menu of the single player campaign. I don’t see why I need 150gb of downloads in several ways to play the single player mode only from a bloomin disk which should have that campaign on it already.

DefenderOfDoom216d ago (Edited 16d ago )

The UI is confusing to me because I have not purchased a Call of Duty iin like 8 years .Only bought CoD MW3 because 3 of my friends I have known since to 70s are playing zombies . But I am used it now .

smolinsk16d ago

The UI is the least of the franchise many problems these days. But yes the UI is also terrible.