
UK: Purchase Super Mario Kart, Save £5.49 On Mario Kart 8

Hey, UK karters! Nintendo UK has announced a special promo that will get your wheels spinning out of control. Released across Europe in 1993, SNES (Super Nintendo Entertainment System) classic racing title Super Mario Kart is now available for download on the Wii U Virtual Console service for £5.49. Fans who decide to make the purchase, and also plan to purchase Mario Kart 8, can put that money right back in their pockets. There are a few guidelines for eligibility, however.

The fine details on the provided image above states that Mario Kart 8 must be purchased between May 30th and June 30th, 2014. Additionally, Super Mario Kart must be downloaded any time starting today March 27th, until June 30th. If that doesn’t have you reaching down for the next gear, what will?

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Nevers0ft3724d ago

So this is essentially a "free" copy of Super Mario Kart (if you're getting the download version of MK8 anyway)... I'm in!

BattleN3724d ago

Got this free with club nintendo so hope it hits American shores


Looking Ahead: The Lingering Questions About the Next Mario Kart

VGChartz's Mark Nielsen: "10 years. It’s been almost 10 years since the last mainline release in the Mario Kart series. Mario Kart 8 came out for the Wii U in 2014 and became the best-selling game for the system by a sizeable margin, and later pulled the same magic trick on the Nintendo Switch under the stage name Deluxe. All in all, it's sold nearly 70 million copies over the last decade and is still selling like hot cakes to this day, so it’s no wonder Nintendo has been in no rush to replace it. However, with rumors of a new system being just around the corner, and reports a few years back that a new Mario Kart is indeed under way, it seems the era of 8 might very well be drawing to a close. It’s an exciting prospect to be sure, but after two Nintendo systems with Mario Kart 8 at their heart, a lot of questions remain about how Nintendo will choose to follow it up."

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Yi-Long56d ago

I hope they just keep building on Mario Kart 8; Add a track-creation tool, and probably open it up to more Nintendo IPs with new tracks and characters, so Metroid, Punch Out, Starfox, Animal Crossing, etc etc.

gold_drake56d ago

there wont be a new one until the switch 2 comes out.

nintendo needs their bangers early on


It seems Nintendo now restricts international purchases on eShop from certain countries

Users will be greeted with error code 2813-2470 if they try to purchase something from the Argentinian eShop without having a bank card or gift card registered for that particular country.

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JohnnyRambo292d ago

An unsurprising move from Greedtendo

cammers1995291d ago

They need to start quality control and getting rid of the shovelware garbage that's been infecting eShop lately.


Wii U Versions of Mario Kart 8 and Splatoon's Online Play is Back

Nintendo has recently restored Wii U Mario Kart 8 and Splatoon online after five months of being offline.

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