
3 Annoyances That Hold Infamous Second Son Back

Josh of GeeksPodcast explains 3 nagging issues he's encountered with Infamous Second Son that hold it back from perfection.

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SavageKuma3718d ago

The one thing I agree about the post is the enemies, i felt that second son was kind of lazy with that antagonist vs. the other two titles. Even though the D.U.P were tough at times, I wanted a bit more of a mixture of enemies to battle. I would assume there would be some Conduit resistance some-where maybe.

parentoftheyear3718d ago

I don't know if you finished good ending but I will say, let's just see what happens. Mwahahaha

LOGICWINS3718d ago

Lol, I really need to get off N4G until I finish both endings.

Blaze9293718d ago

the amount of damage you could take in this game is ridiculous. To keep having to run, attack, run - that got old. Didn't really make you feel all that strong or powerful.

Game length was crazy short for the main missions. Took me no time to beat the game.

Don't get me wrong, Second Son is a amazing game in the visual department but compared to inFAMOUS 1 & 2 I feel it took major steps back - which is just mind boggling as to why.

rdgneoz33718d ago

Playing evil on expert atm, damage isn't too bad. You just can't stand in the middle of the street and expect to kill everything. "Bob and weave"

Conzul3718d ago

Pffft, I didn't die from enemy action until the second island. And that was on my very first playthrough on Normal.

Delsin is a bullet sponge. Can't wait to breeze through "Expert".

NeoTribe3717d ago

Sounds to me like your not very good lol. There were also no steps back from the original. If anything my only complaint is to much stuff stayed the same. Def the best infamous game made so far. Now that they got the engine built and fine tuned they can work on bring new unique gameplay and a more gta like world with lots of things going on.

sonarus3718d ago

Agreed there could have been more varied enemies certainly makes the game a tad but dry. But the highlight of infamous are not the enemies but the powers that make the traversal of the city fun. They do a great job of making the game fun to play much more so than the other games

wastedcells3718d ago

Man this is a first gen game. People need to enjoy it. It's great. The second one will be way better due to time and getting the hang of a new system. Same thing happened with uncharted. The first one was their first game on ps3 and they nailed the second one. Same with resistance. I loved the first one but there was so many haters. It was a launch game. Infamous was supposed to be a launch game don't forget. It just had a delay. Why pick it at.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3717d ago
-Foxtrot3718d ago (Edited 3718d ago )

The free running in this game is awful, I mean what the hell man. I felt like in inFAMOUS 2 it was better, I mean unrealistic in some places where you can just keep jumping up but at least I got up there fast. It seems in Second Son it makes you use your powers more to scale buildings, which is fine if Delsin didn't practice Parkour but he does. SuckerPunch...play Assassins Creed, perfect that in your own way and you will have a great free running mechanic. I mean even those impossible jumps which even in games like AC the player wouldn't be able to reach, slowing down the character from reaching the top, they could add power mechanics in this game which would give them small boosts to get to the top quicker.

The grid is an issue for me only because I felt like those who did Good Karma were not rewarded enough with good enough powers. There's a lot of red on the grid, especially in the melee section. Oh and I don't know why you get evil karma if a civilian gets in the way of a massive fire fight, like if you destroy a car and it occidentally kills them....hey it's not my fault if they are in the way. I don't think those kills should count.

Missions are a tad repetitive aswell. I don't mind the hidden camera one or the audio logs but the graffiti one.....god, it was good the first few times but now it's just annoying.

Delsin aswell for a character is alright but I find his cocky attitude brings down his character a little. It's always "new powers this", "new powers that". The reason why people liked Cole was because he thought they were a curse which most people wouldn't think about. <SPOILERS>......Havent completed the game so far but really SuckerPunch, no mention that Cole is alive or that the DUP have got his body or something. Superheros don't die forever so I think Cole can come back. I thought they would of least hinted it in the game. I hope this will end Delsins story, I'd rather them keep doing a new character or they bring Cole back for inFAMOUS 3.

Last one....I do think the map is a little small but because of the detail it's hardly noticeable.

Anyway there just my nitpicks....I still think the game is amazing but I hope they improve on these things in the future.

twdll3718d ago

Sorry but I disagree with you. I could not even play Assassins Creed because it just (for me) did not flow very well. Infamous flows extremely well, smooth and responsive. Getting to the top thru the vent is a nice touch, as well as the ability to stay aloft for a long period. I think if anything negative should be said about Infamous it should be that some of the puzzles are sort of put together weirdly. But overall it's outstanding.

-Foxtrot3718d ago

"Getting to the top thru the vent is a nice touch, as well as the ability to stay aloft for a long period"

Your talking about using your powers though, I mentioned how it's easier to climb buildings with powers

I meant actually parkour, normally climbing buildings....that doesn't work in Second Son. Powers get your far but those times you just want to lightly jump up instead of flying up.

You try and climb and he'll end up stopping because there's like a small window top in the way. Or if that doesn't stop you, you might just end up stuck, which you'll keep mashing the X button to get out from.

" Infamous flows extremely well, smooth and responsive "

lol...anything but man

Infamous 2 nearly got it but Second Son seems to of taken a step back.

The NORMAL parkour in this game doesn't flow well at all and it's anything but smooth.

DanteVFenris6663718d ago

@fox I feel bad for you, because I never have those problems. I think your over estimating the problems. I don't see it any different then infamous 2

-Foxtrot3718d ago


You guys are whack if you really think the free running in infamous is smooth and responsive

Seriously it gets to a point in the game where you'd rather just eep using your powers to cale buildings not a mixture of both your own skills and your powers.

It's ok to criticize the game you know

Boody-Bandit3718d ago (Edited 3718d ago )

Once you have all your powers. Buildings and roaming are irrelevant and become a playground for a super hero. This game starts off like a sim car racing game. You have to drive low powered vehicles until you unlock the beast. That's how this game is and I thought it was stellar. I thought Delsin was awesome and I didn't miss Cole one bit.

I'm playing it over now using Evil Karma. This game is incredible. I can't even begin to imagine what Sucker Puck will pull off if they make a sequel. This game is stunning and I thought it moved like silk.

On topic:
Enemy variation?
Did this guy even play the game?

So far this is my favorite game this generation. It's not even close. I am overly cynical and I would rate this game a rock solid 9 (using the 10/10 scale). I'm leaving room for a sequel with my rating and hoping it will be even better. ;)

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3718d ago
mrpsychoticstalker3718d ago

My friend imsomnia_84. Ohhh wait. No, my friend @urnightmare finished the gane with both endings, already on sale. He was also disappointed.

cyclindk3718d ago (Edited 3718d ago )

Yeah feels like they backtracked on the building traversal a bit, and the sarcasm is too reminiscent of nathan drake uncharted, fits the character but im just tired of these little "i dont take anything serious" attitudes all the time. No real gripes though, enemy variation could be better, more mini bosses maybe.

c316473718d ago

you will get some answers about Cole, when you do the legacy missions

kiz26943717d ago

Tbh, i dont think the free running is an issue, because when you get 2 hours in to the game, theres no need to free run, Like never. I dont think I ever use the climbing system, I just use neon.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3717d ago

agree with just about everything on the list.
- the enemies in the game dont really have too many distinctive qualities.
- The upgrade interface as a whole, while being fun to look at, is a complete mess.
- There is a complete lack of any sort of cover system, which i think is a rather basic element to games like infamous. why any sort of defense mechanism is missing from the game is totally beyond me.
- its this total lack of any defensive capabilities which actually make the game pretty damn hard in my opinion. something about the game just seems unfair. its almost like youre always getting shot at no matter where you are in the game on hard.

LOGICWINS3718d ago (Edited 3718d ago )

The lack of a cover system and any sort of defense is designed to make u feel like more of a superhero/badass. It makes combat more frantic as ur desperate to find neon, smoke, or the 3rd power. I love it. It makes the game much more challenging and fun.

Im gunna have a hell of a time playing it on expert.

The game would have been too easy if it had a cover system. In the first two hours, ur already more powerful than Cole.

As far as the enemies, the bosses are FULL of personality. The DUP grunts arent supposed to have a personality...they're just grunts.

NovusTerminus3718d ago (Edited 3718d ago )

I disagree. Delsin never feels stronger then Cole. Be it his tornado or he redirected rockets, scatter grenades, dumbed down melee, weakends slamdown skill and my missing shield skill they gimped in the gameplay. It is still fun. But closer to the first one rather then I2. Which I feel had the best gameplay, the tactics where so diverse.

Also it can't make it feel more super/badass and desperate at the same time.

DanteVFenris6663718d ago

@lordme I disagree. While those are a few minor problems all the new abilities cancel it out. If you find it hard your just bad at the game plain and simple, practise more, use some strategy. The difficulty is awsome

GameSpawn3718d ago

Infamous 1 & 2 were based more around slower paced fighting and forced you to make use of cover mechanics in one form or another, either hiding behind barriers or, later on in the game, your shield. I felt the shield after playing Second Son, while nice to have, it becomes a crutch and breaks the first games. I never thought about it until I didn't have it. In the first games with a fully upgraded shield, all you needed to do to recharge was stand in front of a turret with your shield out.

Second Son gives you ZERO luxuries in order to stand still in pot shot away. Enemies are more mobile and WILL come behind your cover if you hide for too long. There is a reason ALL 4 powers have a "dash" ability. They intended for you to be as mobile as your enemies dashing from one spot to another while taking a few shots in between.

As far as enemy variety, though Second Son doesn't have different factions like 1 & 2, it still has a variety of enemy types you must deal with in slightly different ways. Technically Infamous 1 & 2 didn't have many more enemy types than Second Son as each faction had similar enemy types that were essentially duplicates with a different look. Second Son much like 1 & 2, has a (weak) gunner grunt type, a sniper, a medium weight, a heavy weight, and lastly turrets and other vehicles.

NovusTerminus3718d ago (Edited 3718d ago )

I beat the game and will be starting expert soon. Never had any problems with the game being hard. And while I like the new abilities they don't seem to have as much skills in total.

And in I2 I never hide anywhere by the end of it. And while this game is fun, I like the abilities and everything, it just feels a little bit like a step back from I2

Smoke works like Cole, even has firebird
Neon is the sniper skill ala precision
Third power is new, and doesn't use much from the old game, which was very nice.

All I really missed was the melee in I2 was so much better then I:SS, and the combat had more tactics to it. They needed to use left and right on the dpad as a power switch and enable it on the fly. That would add allot more to the game, instead of having to run off and find the ability, breaking the combat.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3718d ago
kingdom183718d ago

What about the concrete power?

kingdom183718d ago

Opps.. Forgot about that. I wish the edit button remained there longer.

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How Does inFAMOUS Second Son Hold up 10 Years Later?

inFAMOUS Second Son was one of PS4's best exclusives, but does it hold up a decade later?

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Deeeeznuuuts138d ago

100%, locked 60fps and still look great all these years later, same with the expansion, definitely worth a look if people haven't played it yet, not the best games ever made but a good experience, hopefully a new infamous gets released

KwietStorm_BLM138d ago

Never was my favorite infamous, but it was definitely a graphics showcase early on PS4. Still plays well with the unlocked frame rate.

SDuck138d ago

Still remember getting hyped about this game nearing release. Funny because I never even got a PS4. Jumped from PS3 to PC so I never played it ahahaha

OmegaSoldati137d ago

Its a good game. But thats it. Congratulations you made the best choice. I dream to have a great PC one day.

Profchaos138d ago (Edited 138d ago )

Graphically It's a absolutely stunning game that still holds up today.

Didn't have all that much depth to it forcing you to play though twice for a platinum trophy a good and bad run it was a little disappointing how similar those were Delsin would be like I'm not doing that for you in a cutscene but the cutscene would play out and force you to do it anyway just as you would of in a good run

I did like the story however it got a lot of complaints back in the day people hated playing as Delsin instead of cole despite Coles story being wrapped up.

Overall though the map wasn't overly saturated with useless points of interest there was some collectibles and things to find but nothing compared to a Ubisoft game.

I think it was a good game if a little hollow I've played it through around 4 times now since it's so short.

Also it's DLC was great a full story expansion

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Christopher170d ago

I've played 15, and I wouldn't consider any of those underrated TBH. Some of them are pretty high rated.

banger88169d ago

That's amazing, Gamingbolt actually put all 15 games on the same page.

shinoff2183168d ago

I. Not seeing anything on that list underrated. I never played concrete genie, the ASTRO vr,and one other but I forgot the name already. Nothing on there was underrated at all imo.

persona4chie168d ago

There’s only 4 of those games I never played, and no most of those aren’t underrated.

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