
Diablo 3 is in development for Xbox One

Diablo 3: Ultimate Evil Edition is being developed for Xbox One alongside the previously announced PlayStation 4 version, Blizzard has told VideoGamer.com, but it can't yet confirm whether the game will ever see a release on Microsoft's platform.

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Neonridr3693d ago

So they are developing it without even knowing if it will ever release?

Seems like a good use of resources.. ?

Fishy Fingers3693d ago

Ha yeah. They obviously expect it to eventually.

All the systems are so similar it's probably not a massive use of resources to port to both systems at the same time.

Mikefizzled3693d ago

Its not like Blizzard aren't laying resources into Titan which is on the edge of being vapourware.

Angeljuice3693d ago

I always assumed it was being made for XB1 alongside PS4. I seriously didn't realise it hadn't been announced.

Jdoki3693d ago (Edited 3693d ago )

Same here! Not sure why, but then again I don't follow every XB1 announcement!

I just kinda assumed it was known or coming. I mean, why would Blizz make it exclusive to PS4 / last gen consoles?

I could understand it if Blizz had kept the real money Auction House in place for the console versions, as MS has always been more closed to this sort of thing - but with it gone from PC and console, there's not much to stop it happening.

bessy673693d ago

They know it will release, but Sony marketing money is most likely keeping their mouths shut.

Gamer6663693d ago

It sounds more like a lack of contract with MS is keeping them from an announcement. You usually don't announce games until the contract is signed.

mr2333693d ago

Yeah, something doesn't sound right here. I mean it is Blizzard and they are slllooowwwww, but still, why develop something you aren't sure about releasing. Who do these people think they are? The government?

Drekken3693d ago

Well now we know why the PS4 version doesn't have a release date yet. Thanks, Microsoft's parity clause.

redwin3693d ago

Well, at least the parity clause will give Sony time go give you your 1080p/60fps that's so important in the PS, or they are adding neon lighting. But due to time contrains, MS won't be able to use the power if the cloud or DX/12. So it'll be 720p/30fps.

redwin3693d ago

Disagree with what ? Lol. I just don't know if I should get it for Xbone or ps4. I'll rent it from redbox first, for both systems, and I'll make my choice then.

callahan093693d ago

Patiently waiting for the PS4 release. I heard great things about the PS3/360 version, but since I knew it was eventually coming to PS4, I've held off. Hopefully it comes relatively soon... maybe this summer/fall. I want to play it!

Drekken3693d ago

I bought it on PC - Hated it (compared to D2)... Double dipped and bought it on the PS3 once I tried the demo - LOVED IT. Best couch coop game in years. I will be triple dipping once Ps4 version is out. I heard it will be playable at PAX.

H0RSE3693d ago

lol, It's Blizzard. All the time and resources they spent developing their project Titan MMO, was scrapped and restarted. It's what they do, and they can do it, because they have the money, the reputation, ad regardless if you like their games or not, they are always of high quality, and personally, I think they produce the absolute best looking CGI cutscenes, even better than Hollywood.

JoeIsMad3693d ago

It's crazy to think that Blizzard would dump money into the game like that, but they are owned by Activision after all...

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cabbitwithscissors3693d ago

It will most likely release on xbone too. Doesn't make much sense to have it on one without the other since Blizzard and Activision usually support multiplatform.

IcicleTrepan3693d ago

Of course it is. It was never exclusive to PS4. I've been saying this for months.

MasterCornholio3693d ago

I'm just surprised that it took them so long to announce it.

IcicleTrepan3693d ago (Edited 3693d ago )

@ the disagrees

Why disagree with me? lol ok.. if you were intelligent and noticed that they always announced it was coming to PS4, but when asked about XB1 they said they had nothing to announce at this time. That's not the same as saying 'it's exclusive to PS4'. You have to look at what they didn't say. They have some sort of deal with Sony to hype up the PS4 version of the game is all.

I've got both systems and I already have D3 for PC but I will be picking up the PS4 version. But I still always knew it was coming to XB1 because they never specifically said it wasn't. Anyone who disagrees, I challenge you to find a quote from Blizzard where they stated that.

Bonkerz3693d ago

Day one for me was waiting for this.

gamertk4213693d ago

Finally some news on this. I was ready to get this on PS4, but since I already am paragon on xb360, I'd prefer to transfer progress to xb1.

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The Greatest Video Game Comeback Stories in Gaming History

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Dirty_Lemons93d ago

Cyberpunk and No Man's Sky have to be up there. We're lucky and cursed, equally, to have games that can be updated now. For folks old enough to remember the Sega/SNES into PS1 and even 2 eras, if a game came out that was half baked (*cough*Angel of Darkness*cough*) that was it, no redemption. At the same time, having the option for updates shouldn't be an excuse for half assing games.

thorstein93d ago

I remember when the Nintendo Seal of Approval meant something.

All those games had to release without bugs.

shinoff218393d ago

Comebacks shouldnt be a thing in videogames. Just saying.


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Palitera402d ago

Are you comparing a continuously improved 10+ years old masterpiece with the... beta of an unreleased game?

kevco33401d ago

Heh, yeah. There's no comparison in here! Its a commentary on how III is still very playable over a decade later.


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