
Hironobu Sakaguchi's Mistwalker Homepage Silently Comes Back

Today Mistwalker's Homepage was taken down due to the expiry of the Mistwalkercorp domain, making fans wonder for the health of Hironobu Sakaguchi's own studio.

While the developer is still silent, and has offered no comment to inquiries, or on its official social media accounts for the moment, the homepage is back, at least indicating that something is still moving behind the scenes.

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Doritos_Pope3724d ago

He said it was
The Last Story.
no one believed him.

OC_MurphysLaw3723d ago

Thitd this be the Japanese developer Microsoft was hinting at?

Hicken3723d ago

To the best of my knowledge, Microsoft still owns Mistwalker, so that would be a safe bet.

CaptainN3723d ago

MS does not own them, and the last game they made (excluding mobile games) was The Last Story for Nintendo on Wii!

Spurg3723d ago

I think they started them off and financed them for two game but they don't own them...I'm not too sure why Ms wouldn't want to.

Hicken3723d ago

I sit corrected.

In that case, why the hell hasn't Mistwalker put out more games???

OC_MurphysLaw3723d ago

"Could this be" ...typing from phone is less than stellar.

koliosis3723d ago

Most likely not but if it is WHOOOHOOOOO!!!

kreate3723d ago

Hopefully they don't put their apples in the wrong basket this time.

CaptainN3723d ago

The Last Story 2 for Wii-U.....that is all I want to hear at E3 please !!!

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Final Fantasy Creator Claims He Greatly Enjoyed Playing Ghost Of Tsushima

The dev praised the non-Japanese team behind the game for keeping its setting authentic to real life.

shinoff2183153d ago

Wish he'd go back to ff. It hasn't been as good since he left.

shinoff2183151d ago (Edited 151d ago )

Funny the downvotes but no one said anything. What ff game has came out better then 6 through 9. There isn't a better one 10, 12, 13, 15, 16 not even close.

raWfodog151d ago

‘Better’ is purely subjective. Why would you think everyone else had similar likes or dislikes?

FinalFantasyFanatic151d ago

I agree, but I still think FF10 was pretty good still, I just haven't enjoyed an FF game after 10, except World of FF and A Ream Reborn.

Flewid638148d ago

FF hasn't been good since the original VII. Granted XVI changed that, but that was a long wait.

-Foxtrot153d ago

Crazy how many Japanese developers have come out to praise the game when the Western journalists were trying to play it down and give off the impression it was somehow racist for a Western studio to make a game set in Japans history

Umb152d ago

Unfortunately, many so called journalist now a days are more activist than journalist, and are easily triggered at just about anything that does not fit into their narrow idealology.

BrainSyphoned151d ago

Is this trying to reach back and aim for another round of cultural appropriation? Yes, some Americans made a great game that respects another culture, get over it and go Frosk yourselves.


Hironobu Sakaguchi Flatly Refuses to Work on Final Fantasy XIV & His Answer Makes Perfect Sense

Final Fantasy creator Hironobu Sakaguchi was asked whether he'd work on the MMORPG as a guest creator during a panel that TechRaptor attended in person, and his answer was relatable and funny at the same time.

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gold_drake224d ago

i mean, he left for a reason haha.

GoodGuy09224d ago

The man needs to stop mobile for just a second and make a new console game lol.

Obscure_Observer222d ago

I´m positive that Phil already got that covered.

Phil already confirmed that more AAA exclusive games from Japanese developers are coming! Including Hideo Kojima´s new IP (probably Overdose) and a new rumored JRPG from Tango Gameworks .

MrBaskerville222d ago

Not impossible, Spencer is a big fan and the whole reason the bc program included Blue Dragon and Lost Odyseey.

Someone needs to give Mistwalker some cash.

XiNatsuDragnel224d ago

Make a console game my friend we will be waiting for ya.

FinalFantasyFanatic222d ago

What is Sakaguchi working on nowadays? Fantasian was the last thing he put out right? That game really needs a Steam release or something.


Hironobu Sakaguchi Calls Final Fantasy XVI "Ultimate Fantasy" After Completing the Game

There has been a lot of discussion about whether Final Fantasy XVI is worthy of the franchise, and the game just received an exceptional endorsement.

Snookies12293d ago (Edited 293d ago )

Right there with him. It's not my absolute favorite of the franchise, but cemented itself in my top 3 of the series! I think the gameplay and exploration of some previous entries were done a lot better though. (XVI really needed mini-games and fun side things to do...) Some of the slower story moments could have been done better as well. However, it has some of the best boss fights and story/cutscene moments of any game I've ever played. I have been gaming since the NES days and I can't really think of anything that can even compare to this in terms of boss battles.

Flawlessmic292d ago

Right there with you man, this is top 3-4 for me in the series.

It was my game of the year, but right now I think bg3 is gonna take that spot for moment as I'm 30 hrs in and what larian has done is amazing.

I can see ff16 probably sliding down a few for more spots for me this year buttttt regardless of that fact, no game this yr will match the highs I had with 16, I don't remember the last time I was just so hyped while playing a game, I felt like a child during some parts.

While the game may be very imperfect in some areas, it was just so goddam good every where else.

Loved it!!

peppeaccardo292d ago

I started playing FF VII from my backlog of games on PS5 and the FF XVI demo dropped on PS Store. I did try it but for some reason it did not jive well with me, mainly for the battle dynamics and overall design and its time period in which is located. I'll give it a try after I finish VII and XV ...

Akapi290d ago

I felt the same way with 12 and 16. 16 grew on me over the course of the game though. It gets better. The demo’s battles are extremely limited. Going back to 7R felt a bit weird, they both satisfy different cravings.

shinoff2183292d ago (Edited 292d ago )

Ones he was involved with were way better to me.

fsfsxii292d ago

Isn't he the one that greenlit spirits within? lmao yeah we all know how that went

Aaroncls7292d ago

My man, Sakaguchi is the series creator and was directly involved in all of them until FF9. Plus a bunch of other projects like Chrono Cross.
One ambitious movie fail isn't taking away any of his legendary rep.

fsfsxii292d ago

It was enough for him to quit Square altogether, the fact they had to merge with Enix proves the colossal scale of the project's failure.

Michiel1989292d ago

He was also the one that saved them from closing up shop with FF1, so yeah the man's done plenty of good things and also made some questionable decisions. If it wasn't for him FF wouldn't have given me hundreds of hours of joy when I was growing up

CrimsonWing69292d ago


The merger was already in motion before Spirits Within failed. In fact, Square was stressing out that the failure of Square Pictures would make Enix back off from the merger.

He also quit Square because they essentially gave him positions that allowed him very little involvement and input into projects, which was due to the movie being a massive failure.

Seraphim291d ago

dude completely ignoring the fact Sakaguchi left Square to start his own company, Mistwalker studios which immediately went on to create Lost Odyssey and Blue Dragon. Sakaguchi is a legend, let's not act otherwise.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 291d ago
Abriael292d ago (Edited 292d ago )

Yeah, Making an unsuccessful movie totally invalidates his opinion on a game, while making tons of awesome games and giving birth to one of the most relevant JRPG franchises that ever existed isn't important right?

What a take.

-Foxtrot292d ago

I don’t think he means Ultimate in that way

Abriael292d ago (Edited 292d ago )

He does. There isn't another interpretation that fits the wording.

Source: I speak Japanese and you don't.

-Foxtrot292d ago (Edited 292d ago )

I didn’t really mean translation

I was referring to the Reddit post on the official subreddit which was talking about this, which makes sense given his past interviews which he seems to be referencing. Also what Clive says at the end of the game.


“Source: I speak Japanese and you don't.”

Just when I thought you couldn’t be more up your own arse and pretentious you still surprise me…


Oh and here’s the updated clarification. You’re welcome, but you probably didn’t need it knowing Japanese and all…


Abriael292d ago (Edited 292d ago )

LOL That's such a distortion.

The wordplay doesn't in any shape or form exclude the fact that it's clear praise. Incidentally, you're not saying anything new. I cited the wordplay myself in my article much before these posts were made.

What Sakaguchi-san said expresses both praise AND the fact that it is indeed worthy of the Final Fantasy franchise, unlike what some allege.

One does not exclude the other and the wording used combined with the all-caps is clear.

Also, good job linking spoilers without warning. I'm fairly positive not everyone reading this has played or finished the game, especially considering that it's only on one platform for now 🤨

D0nkeyBoi291d ago

@ Fox: Did you like the new game?

-Foxtrot291d ago

It was good

Solid 8/10…But that’s it

It’s heavily flawed

Story was good, better than XIII and XV but it felt so dumbed down with the combat.

They need to go back to turn based and bring the strategy back.

bangoskank291d ago (Edited 291d ago )

8/10 is too generous for a heavily flawed game, which this game is. There are great parts of this game which is more disappointing when the bad parts overshadow them. @Abriael, are other people allowed to have an opinion in Japan? You seem very defensive of this game and cannot accept that other people do not like it. Are you really Yoshi-P. Lol!

-Foxtrot291d ago

Maybe. I mean I could stretch it to 7.5 / 10

I just wanted a good FF game after XIII and XV…I kind of got it, in parts

The only thing that annoys me more is those who say it’s 100% perfect, the best FF game or a game changer. It’s really not.

bangoskank290d ago

People who call it a "game changer" probably never played Devil May Cry 5.

repsahj292d ago

My favorite game this year so far. Maybe it will change when I play BG3 and Spider-man 2.

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