
Performance analysis: inFamous: Second Son

Eurogamer :

"Following in the wake of technological showcase that is Killzone: Shadow Fall, Sony's first-party studios surprise and delight us once again with a stunning new workout for the next-gen PlayStation 4 hardware - inFamous: Second Son. Unfortunately, owing to a combination of factors (GDC, Project Morpheus, Metal Gear Solid and the late arrival of inFamous code, if you're wondering), we didn't have the time to bring you a full tech analysis at launch, but we couldn't mark the arrival of this beautiful title without a spot of Digital Foundry coverage.

We loaded up the game and played through the first hour, bringing you this initial performance analysis, covering off a range of different gameplay scenarios where we can see how Sucker Punch's brand new PlayStation 4 engine performs."

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rhcpfan3706d ago (Edited 3706d ago )

I don't see why they couldn't just lock it at 30 fps.

Anyways, I'm thinking of picking this one up, is it really worth the full price? The reviews are kind of all over the place.

GarrusVakarian3706d ago (Edited 3706d ago )

If you like the past 2 infamous games then absolutely, yes. It's a big step up from the past 2 games. The graphics, mo cap, voice acting, gameplay are all better, imo.

It's also the cleanest looking console game ive ever seen. 1080p with the AA that Sucker Punch have used makes for a really nice IQ. I think whatever AA they have used in Infamous SS should be the standard for console games....or at least PS4 exclusives.

Seeing as you obviously have a PS4, why not just watch a livestream and make your judgement from that? Or a YT video.

rhcpfan3706d ago

I completely forgot all about the livestreams, I'll probably do that. Thanks.

HeWhoWalks3706d ago (Edited 3706d ago )

Couldn't have put this better. The cleanest looking console game is an understatement. On that fact alone, it's probably the best looker there is....period, for consoles.

Gameplay is refined, mo-cap, everything. I even enjoy the story, as the humor-mixed-with-serious tones complement the series' comic book roots!

pedrof933706d ago (Edited 3706d ago )

So this isn't 30 FPS ?

It fluctuates between 30-45 FPS ?

That's nice. But a 30 fps locked would be nicer.

The secret to enjoy a open world game, is too NOT spend all your time on collectibles and side missions, you should alternate between that and the main story,

Conzul3706d ago (Edited 3706d ago )

The story is shorter and more straightforward than I would have liked for an inFamous game, but everything else is hugely improved. Aside from the crisp graphics and glitch free open world, the acting and facial capture is the best I've ever seen.

So yeah you should buy it. Most definitely has a place in the permanent collection of any PS4 fan.

Edit: Ohgosh and the climax/bossfights are truly remarkable. All those dynamic particles and dashing about....Game gets a 9/10 in my book.

starchild3706d ago

I don't know why some devs are choosing to uncap their games' framerates. It results in judder and doesn't improve the experience.

Every 30fps game would run higher than 30fps if you uncapped the framerate. This is because rendering loads vary from place to place in a game, and framerates have to average above 30fps in order to maintain 30fps the majority of the time. There is a reason, though, that developers have always normally capped at 30fps: to avoid judder and uneven controller response.

Still a lovely game though. I would simply like to see an option to cap at 30fps.

Gazondaily3706d ago

Platinum'd this today. Decent game but the visuals are not what I would describe as next gen. Apart from some particle effects and some lighting a lot of the environments just look last gen. In surprised more people havent made a noise about it.

starchild3706d ago

@ Septic

I haven't had a chance to play it yet. I planned to get it day one, but I had stuff that came up that delayed that plan for at least a few days.

A lot of stuff does get swept under the rug. I'll be interested to see what I think when I see it on my own display.

johndoe112113706d ago


Did you just say this game looks last gen??? Are you serious???

ambivalentFRYER3706d ago

Johndoe -

Are your reading glasses broken? He said the environments look last gen.

Gazondaily3705d ago


Yeah honestly I dont get it. I'm honestly surprised more people aren't commenting on it. At least Edge magazine seem to get it (or agree with me):

"If it wasn’t for the breathtaking view – and in terms of lighting, shadow and detail, Second Son exceeds even Shadow Fall’s visual achievements – it would be easy to confuse this with an early release for the previous console generation. And not a very good one."

chickenface3705d ago


Excellent attempt in trolling, your opinion is biased in the fact that you're an xbox fanboy... therefore your opinion is lightweight and counters everything everyone has said about this game

Gazondaily3705d ago

"Excellent attempt in trolling, your opinion is biased in the fact that you're an xbox fanboy... therefore your opinion is lightweight and counters everything everyone has said about this game"


Lol okay if you say so. I spent £50 on this and took the day off work because I'm a xbox fanboy ¬¬

Carry on as you were.

Cupid_Viper_33705d ago (Edited 3705d ago )

@ septic.

You and I have had a few disagreements in the past. One regarding Killzone Shadow Fall, as you were attempting to tell us how rushed and unfinished the game felt while praising BF4.(Troll)

We also clashed because you have been in 95% of all Titanfall threads on here defending the game at every turn. Nothing is wrong with that, you're passionate, I get it. What Titanfall couldn't do in terms of "consistent 60 fps" you made up for it, meaning your defense of that game was more consistent than its framerate.

But buddy I have to say that after the bullsh!t you wrote above, I will now put you on my ignore list. (I know, I know, it doesn't mean squat to you, lol). But it seems that Titanfall have successfuly, permanently damaged your eyesight, and left you as "smart" as one of those mindless "grunts" running around the game.

You're a high functioning troll in the same vain as Sessler. Someone who throws a fit and call Sony liars when it comes to killzone multiplayer resolution, but finds it completely acceptable for Ryse, Titanfall, and Dead Rysing 3 to all be running at way less fps then what they're advertised.

You're a cancer to this hobby, and cancers often go unnoticed until it is too late.

johndoe112113705d ago


1: Saying the environment looks last gen is close to saying the game looks last gen.

2: Funny how you were quick to run to his defense and criticize me when in the very next post he agreed with what I said.

3: If I promise to buy new reading glasses would you promise to try and acquire some common sense?

4: Go troll somewhere else.

+ Show (11) more repliesLast reply 3705d ago
Xdone3706d ago

Why do you have to rely on other peoples opinion mate, try it for yourself...:D
Happy gaming...

HeWhoWalks3706d ago (Edited 3706d ago )

The reviews are actually aren't all over the place. They're generally positive.

Either way, nothing suggests that it ISN'T worth the full price. Decide for yourself, though. If you enjoyed previous inFAMOUS games (or anything similar), you will probably like Second Son.

rhcpfan3706d ago

The prices of games got raised to 70 dollars in Canada, that's why. I have to be a bit more selective unfortunately.

Prime1573705d ago

Yeah, if you like the first two, this is a big step up. That's what I've told people, and experienced for myself.

majiebeast3706d ago

If you take that Sessler review serious i dont know what to say.

miyamoto3706d ago

NEVER believe anything Eurogamer says, buddy.

Its that time of the year when ever a PlayStation exclusive gets released the gaming media is on a click bait feeding frenzy.

They use this as an opportunity not to give us honest opinions, analysis or reviews but a perfect business opportunity to make more money.

They know controversy generates more hits and clicks.

Do the right thing.

Bigpappy3706d ago

I understand where you are coming from. Not having demos for every game makes me much more cautious about which games I buy.

iceman063706d ago

Generally, this is true. However, for a tried and true IP that has had 2 games prior, I tend to worry less. At very least I am getting a game that I already like. Best case scenario is that they completely knock it out of the park.

3706d ago
Bennibop3706d ago

Pay no attention to low reviews, I can understand a few 7s due to personal tastes anything lower is pure trolling as it deserves higher even on technical achievement. I have x1 and ps4 this is the best game I have bought so far. It's a lot of fun and looks beautiful.

Father__Merrin3706d ago

its a pretty good game, you will enjoy it.........many reviews are picking on this title its simply not what they make it out to be

i would definitely say its the 1st real next gen game visually thankfully it has improved gameplay over infamous 1/2

in certain parts of the game it looks so clean you will never see anything like it on consoles, even a stringent PC fan who has a high end pc will concede visually its a looker

ramiuk13706d ago

yes,its awesome fun,im good at moment,will be doing evil once finished

Gazondaily3706d ago

Rent it. I personally dont think its worth full price and I've got a platinum on this.

MaxwellBuddha3706d ago

I think it's good (though I'm not all ga-ga over it like the rest of the cultists here) even though it's shorter than I would like. I'll have the platinum once I complete my evil playthrough.

chickenface3705d ago

xbox fanboy

absolutely no surprise here

Gazondaily3705d ago (Edited 3705d ago )

Calm down. I'm giving my honest opinion here. No need to shed tears.


Am I wrong about the visuals? What do you think? This is no where near the best looking next-gen game in my opinion but everyone here is saying it is.

Anyway, I enjoyed the game. The powers are what save this game (obviously) but the story was lacking and short, the good and evil dynamic was very basic and didn't really amount to much minus a few exclusive powers and varying cutscenes and there weren't that many side missions, many of which were just plain repetitive.

Flutterby3705d ago

It is easily the best looking next gen console game , it managed to take killzone sf's title. I am not even sure septic is playing the right console let alone the right game.

jkendrick3705d ago


Your the true definition of a trolllll! The game is awesome, the best game thus far on next gen systems.

Gazondaily3705d ago

Wow...you guys..unbelievable...Im a troll..right.

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GarrusVakarian3706d ago (Edited 3706d ago )

It's not really affecting me that much because it's usually around 30fps...but i would still like the option to lock it at 30fps, like how GG did with Killzone SF. When it hits 60fps or close to it im like "oooh ,that's smooth", then i drops back down and im like "awww man". So i would rather just have a consistent 30fps.

The game is simply amazing, btw. You thought neon was the best power? Think again.

AceBlazer133706d ago

I haven't gotten the final power yet, which i'm assuming is from augustine, but the one you get from eugene is freakin awesome. definitely enjoying my power, thank you sp.

Conzul3706d ago

Eugene's power is my least favorite. Not in essence, but in theme - if that makes sense.

Rodney253706d ago

The final power is garb. It's missing too many moves, the best is between Video and Neon I can't choose.

orionone3706d ago

Nice job Rodney. Thanks for the spoiler. FFS. :/

GW2123706d ago

I got really drunk after work yesterday. Came home and put this bad boy on. Woke up this morning and couldn't remember anything about it. So I decided to just start all over. I only have smoke right now. Just got into Seattle and doing some shard hunting.

The game is such a blast to play. Graphics are crazy and I'm very pleased that the frame rate is that smooth. Goes up and down as you mentioned but I haven't caught any stuttering whatsoever.

I'm doing a good karma play through now. The replay value is most certainly there. Can't wait to do a evil play through. Most certainly going to hit a platinum trophy on this one.

PSN ID: GKW212... Add me!

Xdone3706d ago

Nice read..... dem particle effects :D

CrossingEden3706d ago (Edited 3706d ago )

My Impressions
Did a 100% completionist good playthrough of this game in one sitting yesterday, from 4am to 9pm, so it's a straight 15 hour 9/10 game. Can't wait to do evil playthrough.

Radiant Sweep seems to cause the most framerate problems, although it's VERY rare. Definitely wouldn't mind an option to completely lock the framerate though. I get the feeling that my evil playthrough will be very hectic.

Do ALL of the side content, (blast shards, audio logs, DUP agents, stencil art, hidden camera, taking down structures and then district showdowns, etc), before visiting the space needle mission called "The Gauntlet" I did this and became a level 4 paragon from the get go and got upgraded to hero right after meeting fetch. I also had an excess of blast shards so I could unlock every power upgrade as soon as I got new powers or abilities, for example, soon as I got neon run I upgraded it to let me neon run infinitely.
It really helps and it's means you can cruise around doing the early story missions with slightly maxed out abilities. It makes the game much more enjoyable, and yes, you will feel alittle OP with all those upgrades, and yes the effort is worth it. I also recommend that you do this as soon as you get to the second part of the game as well. The feeling of getting a new power from a new character and upgrading them immediately is glorifying.
Does anyone know how to link their papertrail account with their psn ID? It only gives me the first mission. Thanks in advance to anyone who has a solution.

GW2123706d ago

When you say second part of the game, do you mean when you enter Seattle or something later?

jocomat93706d ago

already doing this thanks for sharing anyway

GarrusVakarian3706d ago

Wow, 15 hour session? Crazy. I haven't done that since Skyrim.

And about the paper trail, im pretty sure the site is broken at the moment. The last 2 test thingys aren't available and i keep getting 404 error.

MasterCornholio3706d ago

Very good performance and at 1080P.


killzone6193706d ago (Edited 3706d ago )

27fps is good performance?

FlunkinMonkey3706d ago

Better than 12fps at 900p or dipping to 30fps for a game at 792P!

GarrusVakarian3706d ago

I'd love to see how it would run on a certain other console ;)

Why so salty?

MainstreamGamer3706d ago

I can taste the tears in your eyes killzone619. Its real salty.

Ezz20133705d ago

yes, those rare 3fps is killing the game /s

MasterCornholio3705d ago

Well it only dropped to that in one very intense situation so yes I would consider it good performance. Games with bad performance are those that have an average framerate of 25FPS and have regular drops to the teens. Like Ryse Thief and DR3 for example.

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How Does inFAMOUS Second Son Hold up 10 Years Later?

inFAMOUS Second Son was one of PS4's best exclusives, but does it hold up a decade later?

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Deeeeznuuuts123d ago

100%, locked 60fps and still look great all these years later, same with the expansion, definitely worth a look if people haven't played it yet, not the best games ever made but a good experience, hopefully a new infamous gets released

KwietStorm_BLM123d ago

Never was my favorite infamous, but it was definitely a graphics showcase early on PS4. Still plays well with the unlocked frame rate.

SDuck123d ago

Still remember getting hyped about this game nearing release. Funny because I never even got a PS4. Jumped from PS3 to PC so I never played it ahahaha

OmegaSoldati122d ago

Its a good game. But thats it. Congratulations you made the best choice. I dream to have a great PC one day.

Profchaos123d ago (Edited 123d ago )

Graphically It's a absolutely stunning game that still holds up today.

Didn't have all that much depth to it forcing you to play though twice for a platinum trophy a good and bad run it was a little disappointing how similar those were Delsin would be like I'm not doing that for you in a cutscene but the cutscene would play out and force you to do it anyway just as you would of in a good run

I did like the story however it got a lot of complaints back in the day people hated playing as Delsin instead of cole despite Coles story being wrapped up.

Overall though the map wasn't overly saturated with useless points of interest there was some collectibles and things to find but nothing compared to a Ubisoft game.

I think it was a good game if a little hollow I've played it through around 4 times now since it's so short.

Also it's DLC was great a full story expansion

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15 More Underrated PS4 Games You Probably Didn’t Play

GB: "With this feature, we run down 15 of the most underrated games on the PS4 that never received the love and appreciation they truly deserve."

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Christopher155d ago

I've played 15, and I wouldn't consider any of those underrated TBH. Some of them are pretty high rated.

banger88155d ago

That's amazing, Gamingbolt actually put all 15 games on the same page.

shinoff2183153d ago

I. Not seeing anything on that list underrated. I never played concrete genie, the ASTRO vr,and one other but I forgot the name already. Nothing on there was underrated at all imo.

persona4chie153d ago

There’s only 4 of those games I never played, and no most of those aren’t underrated.

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