
Nintendo nostalgia takes a turn at Game Developers Conference

This week’s Game Developer Conference largely focuses on what’s next in the gaming world. But that doesn’t mean there isn’t time to look back at what used to be.

For the third consecutive year, GDC is hosting a Videogame History Museum exhibit. For this year’s installment, GDC attendees can look at the evolution of Nintendo, as seen through its early consoles, handheld devices, and games.

Adolph Fitler3707d ago

I wanna buy a Miyamoto game with an M or R rating, a 3D, open world, hardcore, hella kool game that gives GTA's legacy a run for it's money.....I really think that Miyamoto & his team is being wasted on all these OLD IP's from the 80's.... Same with Retro Studios, I mean for gods sake, why give us another 2D platformer, on a console that is capable of delivering Mario64's successor.... I mean, I buy all these games, I was even a big enough sucker to purchase DK:TF, even though I shouldn't have, as I feel it should have been a full fledged 3D platformer like Mario64, Banjo, Ratchet, Jak & Dax, etc, etc.
Really am disappointed with the direction that Nintendo have been taking with Wii & especially Wii-U, as I feel there direction has done a full 360 & sent us back to the 80's & there stuck in that era of gaming, when A LOT of there fanbase has grown up, & moved on to consoles that offer both family friendly titles, for the older gamers that now have kids that play games, as well as the more mature themed titles, for when the kids are in bed, or for that younger demographic, many of which that won't even look at a Mario or cutesy platformer based title, let alone play, & buy a machine that is dominated by these types of titles. Now, when these titles are also, almost always entirely 2D based sidescrollers that are selling at FULL retail price, when the other machines offer similar quality titles as cheap downloadable games, then it is a no brainer that consumers will not see the value in investing in Nintendo's latest machine.
I'm a Wii-U owner, (PS4 as well), & the fact is, I really have not had the drive to play Mario 3D that I bought a while back, as well as DK:TF a few days ago, I mean apart from the 1st time I fired them up, & had a bit of a go, (I will say, I did give Mario 3D a fair bit more of a run than DK:TF), they just don't hold your attention for long bursts of gaming, as they are just like those cheaper downloadable titles on PSN & Live, that are more filler type games, than the meaty, chunky games we want to play the sh1t out of & get through.

Nintendo NEED to get a mass more 3rd party support, instead of some game, from some unheard of, non-popular developer, every once in a blue moon...I mean, I can't wait for Bayonetta 2, but fact is, it didn't sell great on 360 & PS3, so I'm not holding my breath that it will garner mass sales, as opposed to Mario Kart 8 that will kill it sales wise, which is quite sad that Mario Kart 8 (which is really about the 20th game in series), will sell more than the ONLY sequel, prequel or any other QUEL, to the best 3D action, hack'n'slash, beat-em' up, since the original DMC...A game that now is infamous for it's cult status & following, more than any commercial success. I mean, Nintendo fanboys are creaming there jeans over Mario Kart 8, like it will be any different than the last one that came out on 3DS, just like they fatted up over Mario 3D World, that was also just a rehashed, refurbed, redo of the pseudo 3DS titles. I went out & bought it based off all the hype & great reviews, & I must say, I was disappointed that it never even attempted to match Mario64's greatness, let alone beat it. So, Bayonetta 2 will probably flop & flounder in sales, while Mario Kart 28 will sell like crack on a hooker filled street corner.

Activemessiah3707d ago

The thing is, Miyamoto wants his games to be played by everyone and not restrict them to just adults... I guess that's just how his mind works.

pcz3706d ago

''Miyamoto wants his games to be played by everyone ''

not everyone can play childish games. lots of his games are more aimed at children.

you cant please everyone. he should make a game that can be enjoyed by a more mature audience. there is a massive market for that and nintendo isnt exploring it.

fonger083705d ago

@pcz actually everyone can play childish games... that's why they are rated E for everyone. Nintendo explores their market base, family games or games that don't require cursing, sexual themes, are excessive volience to be entertaining. It's not like Disney or Nickelodeon is going to run out and make "R" movies because there's a "massive" market for them.

deafdani3706d ago (Edited 3706d ago )

"I did give Mario 3D a fair bit more of a run than DK:TF), they just don't hold your attention for long bursts of gaming, as they are just like those cheaper downloadable titles on PSN & Live, that are more filler type games, than the meaty, chunky games we want to play the sh1t out of & get through."

Trolling at its finest. Go play Metal Gear Solid Ground Zeroes, kid, I hear that game has plenty of content.

Meanwhile, I'll have to make do with the more than 40 hours I put into Mario 3D World. :)

Reeze3706d ago

If Nintendo became another Sony clone, the younger market would swamp to mobile and eventually, once that fad comes to an end, forget about gaming entirely. Nintendo is the company that is able to introduce people to video games, because it has games created for everyone- and that's why I love it.

Of course, I'd like to see what else they can do, but I love Nintendo just the way it is.

Concertoine3706d ago (Edited 3706d ago )

What, how is it the 20th game in the series? There's an 8 smack on the end of it. Theres one mario kart per system, that's hardly a lot.
It is sad that Bayonetta 2 will probably not sell well, but that's just the state of the industry in general, not the wii u fanbase. The wii u is probably as good a place as any for Bayonetta 2. A lot of people thought the fatal frame series would flop on wii, but it ended up selling better (in the regions it came out in) on a userbas 2/3 the size of the ps2. Difficult, in-depth gameplay with a quirky sense of humor is the literal antithesis of what gamers buy in spades. And i think a lot more people than you think bought a wii u for games like TW101 and Bayonetta as well as MK8. It just sounds to me like you're bored of 2D platformers, but i honestly cant enjoy them much either without having someone else to play with.

RAFFwaff3706d ago

i would say im more into so-called "hardcore" games such as Skyrim and Bioshock, but having completed DK: Tropical Freeze, i'd say youre missing out on one of the best 2d platformers in years. AND its "hardcore", difficulty-wise. I personally was shocked at how great game it is, and it made me think i'd been an idiot trolling retro for not making Prime 4. People need to chill out and accept that there are great games on ps4 that will never come to wii U (and nintendo will never make games like alot of sony first-party), but also, games like Mario Kart, DK, etc, will never have a decent ps4 counterpart of the same standard. So if you love nintendo franchises but wish their developers would go more "hardcore" in a gta sense, then buy two consoles, as you say you have. But stop waiting for nintendo to change into sony/microsoft, because you will be perenially disappointed.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3705d ago
Adolph Fitler3707d ago

I know the fanboys will give me disagrees & hate galore, but I am just a Wii-U owner, that doesn't want my machines life expectancy to be akin to a morbidly obese, alcoholic, drug addicted, Russian roulette player......I just want to see decent, mature themed, AAA+ great games hit the machine from some of Nintendo's best, as well as WAY MORE 3rd parties, & see sales spikes for the machine that end the constant barrage of doom & gloom stories that riddle these websites, & give us owners of this great Nintendo machine a long & decent lifespan, that provides us with plenty of high quality, mature themed, AND FAMILY FRIENDLY themed games for the next 6-8yrs.

No doubt the machine has the potential for a long & illustrious lifecycle, BUT, if Nintendo's suits don't start turning this around, & changing certain aspects of the company & there game development process, as I think GREAT talent is being UTTERLY wasted & flushed down the toilet, as if many gamers are sick of endless Mario titles, then I am pretty sure a ultra talented & ultra artistic person, such as Miyamoto, must be burned out & not passionate about the Mario titles that he's been making for 30yrs or so. I'm guessing by many of the latest titles that he is bored, not driven, totally devoid of passion & leaving it up to his team to think of ideas & how development of these titles will go....& the scary part is, that many of his team, are probably just as fractured, & passionless as him, as they have probably been working alongside him ALL those years, or almost as long. It would be akin to Steven Spielberg making NOTHING but Jaws sequels & prequels for the last 30-40yrs.
I just think Nintendo could have sold container ships more Wii-U's if they had of launched with a few more higher quality Zombi-U-esque titles, & kept these types of games rolling out, with odd Mario & such in between, instead of every game announced either being Mario focused, like Mario 3D, Mario Kart, Mario Tennis, Paper Mario, etc, etc, or at least having Mario play a co-star role, such as SSB & the like, & if not another 2D, or 2.5D based Mario sidescroller, then a Donkey Kong one, & the list goes on.

This is NOT what a Nintendo fan wants to hear or read, but rather what they NEED to read, & let it sink in.....as many that aren't rabid fanboys would surely agree with my logic, & not see me as bashing Nintendo, but rather offering an opinion of constructive criticism, & as a fellow Wii-U owner, obviously having a active investment in the wellbeing of not only the console, but Nintendo as a whole.
They surely should not go mobile at this (or hopefully any other stage), but rather change up some of there focus as far as themes & IP's for there software, & the shifting demographic of modern console games & gamers.

BoNeSaW233706d ago

You have wasted enough time barking up the wrong tree. Just stop.

RPG_Lover3707d ago (Edited 3707d ago )

N4G is a Sony fanboy site, we know this. Yet why above are comments allowed to exist?

The commenters here make Sony Fanboys look bad.

They come off as butthurt whiners.

Beastforlifenoob3706d ago

HA I remember you trolling SONY articles a few days ago... And now your complaining about "sony" fanboys attacking your pwecious wiiu. Get a life

RPG_Lover3706d ago

Actually I never trolled Sony ever. In fact I got an apology from an N4G mod for having to deal with the trolling I receive.

Then again, you have one bubble. So really your a nothing to me.

Ck1x3706d ago

I think people have it all wrong when they say that they want Nintendo to make M rated games. Personally I don't want to see them trying to do something they aren't that familiar with. But what I will say is that they need to take a page from Disney and hire, expand and or purchase the studios that do know how to make these types of games. Nintendo has plenty of money and could use the extra manpower to do some awesome things with some of their less frequented franchises. But by no means do I want to see Mario carrying a knife anytime soon!


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Vader8219h ago

No 7 days to die is criminal