Weapon Shop de Omasse: Celebrating the Unsung Heroes of RPGs

AWESOMEoutof10's Jose Cardoso appreciates a good sword and provides us all with an ode to the various NPCs that help us on our epic quests to slay the dragons and rescue the Princesses, while looking at a curious little eShop title. "Bold is a fitting word to describe Weapon Shop de Omasse‘s process of consciously satirizing character roles with taste, not diatribe shoehorned with an overt agenda. Its methodology is supported by the design decisions governing gameplay, both working to ascend the shopkeeper role and give a fresh, albeit glamourized, interpretation of what goes on behind the scenes. All done in clever celebration of what is historically an unsung role with little to its name."

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Weapon Shop De Omasse Review | D+PAD Magazine

D+PAD Magazine's review of Weapon Shop De Omasse.

"I don’t know if the Guild games have any potential sequels, the PS Vita continuation of the Liberation Maiden IP is encouraging, but this is a game which has some great ideas I would love to see expanded on in a sequel. Definitely a good game experiment which could have been on the level of a fantasy Papers Please, but in its own right it is great fun apart from the small amount of activities to do and the lack of replayability."

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Scrambled Egg-spectations: impressions of Yoshi's New Island and Weapon Shop de Omasse

Is it worth visiting Yoshi's New Island? Random Nintendo shares full impressions of the 3DS platformer, as well as the first game you can truly call a sitcom, Weapon Shop de Omasse. Plus, a roundup of news from GDC 2014 and beyond.

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Weapon Shop de Omasse Review - PixlBit

PixlBit | "It’s hard to believe that a quaint game concept where you play the part of an apprentice arms dealer in an RPG could lead me to a dark place, but it happened. Weapon Shop de Omasse, with its cute exterior, forces you to spend time between intended-to-be-comical character interactions pounding away at the most laborious, repetitive, and malformed rhythm game ever created. Whether the focus of the game’s design was the humor, the rhythms, or the quirky setting, every single piece fails to entertain, engage, or to even make any damn sense.Things start rough from the opening tutorial where there is quite a bit more talking than truly necessary, but this isn’t unusual for a tutorial in a modern game – they can be pretty mouthy. I stayed positive all through my lessons since there were moments that made me smirk too, like the laugh tracks and audience reactions to different characters. But then the teaching was over and I had to start running the shop for real.