
Haswell Benchmarks Show that High Speed RAM gives Performance Boost in Gaming.

Corsair has recently relived Benchmarks featuring Haswell before the incoming debut of DDR4 to drive home the importance of good RAM for gaming.

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codelyoko3726d ago

After the Hynix fire RAM Prices are through the roof... doesnt bode so well for Gamers lol.

Agent_hitman3726d ago

Yeah RAM could could boost performance of gaming, I'll just wait for DDR4

ABizzel13726d ago

APU and Integrated graphics benefit from faster RAM the most, since they generally have no dedicated graphics RAM, and the faster the RAM the better the performance. DDR4 should improve their performance even more, but more than likely you'll need a new motherboard, and probably a new processor to take advantage of the benefits for an APU or IG.

Otherwise DDR4 will be better than DDR3, but generally not a HUGE improvement over DDR3 for normal graphics cards (although it should help with loading, and other tasks). However, DDR4 is suppose to be a bit expensive at launch, and considering 8GB of RAM is going for around $60 - $70 for DDR3 1600, I'm expecting DDR4 to be closer to $80 - $100.

AnEwGuY3726d ago (Edited 3726d ago )

I've got my ASUS Z7 mobo, i7 2600k OC'd to 4.0, and 16GB of Corsair Vengeance 1866 OC'd, with a new Gigabyte 780/3GB card on the way ....so I'll be fine. No games in the next few years will make my rig sweat much, if at all. Hell, even with my 660ti, I'm running 1080p/60-85fps on everything I play, max settings.

FlyingFoxy3726d ago (Edited 3726d ago )

That's not much a boost though.. a boost yes but not huge.

Things have stagnated for years, my i7 920 cpu is still up there with the best cpu's for gaming if paired with a good GPU.

Personally i'm not gonna build a new rig until Intel Skylake next year, it's the only upgrade path worth going with because of the Sata Express more than anything and affordable 6 core and lower priced 8 core CPU, but when i do go with that i'll make sure i get at least 16gb of that DDR4 goodness, not that i'd need anywhere near that much.

Volkama3726d ago

Your CPU will probably remain capable for a good while yet, because the next gen consoles have established a very very low baseline CPU for games to be designed around. Which is a shame, but it is what it is.

I have an i7-3820 @4.4ghz, 16gb quad channel DDR3 at 2133mhz, and two R9 290s. I currently push framerates at about 3x the refresh rate of my TV. Why? I don't know. I like it though.

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SinisterKieran225d ago

please get the power usage from this gen down because its just not practical.

dumahim225d ago

I'm really debating if I should upgrade when this comes out. I have an i5-9600k now, but it is really not keeping up with the games I want to play since everything seems to be CPU limited now. But it sounds like this is the last gen of this layout and 15th gen will shake things up. Do I jump in and upgrade when this is out or wait another generation?

purple101225d ago

jeezuz christ, just checked prices of graphics cards in the uk, out of interest

rtx 4070. £550
rtx 4080 £1000
rex 4090 £1599

jeezuz, plus a case, ram, motherboard, ssd, power supply, copy of windows, and a controller.

have a laugh.