
Titanfall On Xbox One Struggles with Framerate Despite 792p Resolution

The Xbox One will have to look elsewhere to demonstrate its hardware capabilities.

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metalsonar7133709d ago (Edited 3709d ago )

this is the same site that said thief had a better frame rate on the xbox one than the ps4, when it was actually the other way around, and used it as an example of why resolution does not matter.

When it comes to technical information they are idiots.

KonsoruMasuta3709d ago

True, but this one wouldn't surprise me.

NewMonday3709d ago

"The frame rate in Titanfall is uneven on the Xbox One and though it's usually fine, it can get downright nasty in specific situations"
and this
"there's noticeable tearing throughout"

but every time Respawn lied to gamers and say the XB1 is best, when a PC will solve these problems and has higher resolution.

Pogmathoin3709d ago Show
Kingthrash3603709d ago (Edited 3709d ago )

wouldnt suprise me if they dont fix it

just sayin i dont want it to fail..and it wont fail. but i say call it what it is. not what you wish it to be. tf is a great game but isnt ready to dethrone the big boys yet.

dedicatedtogamers3709d ago

Kotaku and Giant Bomb are also both reporting that the Xbox One version has bad framerate problems and screen-tearing problems.

SilentNegotiator3709d ago


The beta wasn't a consistent 60fps either (at the same resolution) and the developers are saying that they will probably increase the resolution? Yeah right.

Titanfall definitely isn't exactly a "titan" in technical impressions.

GarrusVakarian3709d ago (Edited 3709d ago )

Im going to say something....(bearing in mind i bought an X1 for Titanfall), why does Guerilla Games get slammed to death for lying about their resolution in multiplayer (and rightly so), but Repsawn, who's exact words were "framerate is king" get a free pass? By saying "framerate is king", that would lead us to believe that they are going to do everything to ensure a solid, or very close to solid 60fps. Judging from the performance of the final build of the game and going from the quote below, they lied.

"A lot of the performance is on the GPU side. There's still room for optimisation and we're still working on it," Baker commented. "Ideally it would have been a rock-solid 60 all the time when we shipped but obviously when there's big fights going on, lots of particle effects, lots of physics objects... we're still working to condense the systems, make them more parallel so we can hit 60 all the time, ideally."


I can't wait to play this game, ive been watching so many Youtube videos in anticipation, but the hypocrisy (sometimes of people who criticized Sony fanboys for being hypocrites) is ridiculous.

BF4 and CoD both run at 720p on the X1, yet people have been playing and enjoying them for months now.....just lower it to 720p for a better framerate. They shouldn't even be thinking about upping the resolution at this point.

AceBlazer133709d ago

Just realized something, this explains the 6vs6. Perfect mix my ass it was as much the XBONE would allow.

MightyNoX3709d ago

@New Monday: Deities have no need for redemption, o wayward lamb. :P

XboxFun3709d ago

Hmmmm, notice how all the sony fanboys, the ones who were found in every Titanfall artcile, downplaying it, calling it CoD with mechs, never interested in the game and never played it are flocking to this artcile.

not the 10/10, 9/10 even the 8/10 articles, no....just this piece of news to parade about and feel vindicated. Funny that everyone who has played this, including me has not notice any frame dips. But I am positive the sony fanboys have.

dont even bother, we are going to get "certain" submitters that will search the ends of the internet to find any and all bad news for Titanfall this week. And their followers will do their best to make it a top story on N4g.

Boody-Bandit3709d ago (Edited 3709d ago )


" Funny that everyone who has played this, including me has not notice any frame dips"

You are living in complete denial. There have been several articles talking about the frame rates in the beta. I played the beta extensively and I noticed the frame drops in the beta within minutes of playing it.

I figured, like most articles did as well, I would give Respawn the benefit of the doubt because it was a beta. Now it seems the final version is the same as the beta when it comes to frame rate.

I agree with Lucas. Respawn should've dropped it to 720p and see if they could've locked in 60fps. 6v6, average graphics, video tearing and frame rate issues to me overall is disappointing. I had a feeling this would be the final product. I'm glad I rented it. That way I can put it through it's paces and if it doesn't appeal to me I'm only out a few dollars and can send it back.

johndoe112113709d ago (Edited 3709d ago )

ok so, I have a serious question. Where exactly does the cloud play into this game? The game is doing 792p has fluctuating frame rates, has only 6v6 player games, has terrible ai if what a lot of youtubers said is true and now you're heraing about screen tearing. what the hell is the cloud being used for and what makes this any different than battlefield or cod? Why do those games appear to be running better and they aren't using the cloud? No fanboy bs, serious responses please.

johndoe112113709d ago


You played a bloody beta.

Wizard_King3708d ago

The power of the One shines on us all.

In all its glorious jagged 792 pixels at 14-20 frames per second.

MS and Respawn can buy all the 9's and 10's in the world, it still won't make a turd shine.

But hey kids won't notice, 11-16 year olds don't know any better.

UltraNova3708d ago (Edited 3708d ago )

What I really want to know is what happened with the power boost from MS's cloud, Azure ? Cause those graphics and 6v6 don't do justice to the combined power of the xb1 and the cloud!!

I mean wasn't it supposed to boost the xb1's power up 4 times? 792p and choppy fps?

Ohh my MS...oh my..

BTW does anybody know if the PC version will be boosted by Azure? If it doesnt who gives a shit cause my overclocked R9 290x is overkill!

sonarus3708d ago

Word at ultra nova. If Microsoft can't push better graphics than Sony due to bad xbox one design choices like esram they should swallow that and be focusing on their good design choices like the power of the cloud. First online only game would have been a great opportunity to push some cloud based features and so far I see absolutely nothing advantageous to the cloud. At the bare minimum cloud should have pushed them beyond 6vs 6

UltraNova3708d ago (Edited 3708d ago )

@above -

With Titanfall they had the absolute perfect chance to prove every single disbeliever wrong about the cloud and they didn't, either because its too complicated for now (who are we kidding they would if they could)or the cloud is just smoke and mirrors...

Yes its that simple.

Ittoryu3708d ago (Edited 3708d ago )

@New monday the same issues are being report on PC. The cloud as a resource to help games play is years away from what I've read.

Ittoryu3708d ago

@ultra the ability to use the cloud to improve any thing is years away this has been state several times over the the last few months and from the start of the reveal. If the cloud was a resource to be used for more then storage PC gaming companies and rigs would have been doing it a few years now.

MysticStrummer3708d ago

@Lukas - "why does Guerilla Games get slammed to death for lying about their resolution in multiplayer (and rightly so), but Repsawn, who's exact words were "framerate is king" get a free pass?"

Because this is N4G, and Titanfall is THE game XB1 fans have been waiting for.

Looking at visuals from the two games, misleading statements from both companies aside, I know which technical failing seems more understandable to me.

mewhy323708d ago

wow. 792p, screen tearing, frame rate problems. wow. Not quite next gen.

+ Show (18) more repliesLast reply 3708d ago
Gazondaily3709d ago

Most reviews did not criticise this so I'm not too worried although judging from the beta, it can happen (not that game-breaking anyway).

This article is just quoting a review in progress by Giantbomb. Seems very nit-picky

Kingthrash3603709d ago (Edited 3709d ago )

perfect huh...smh. still think its a 10/10 game? they didnt criticise it because of hype.
reviews are always nit picky...why not for tf? so far i've seen no nit picking on the game for some reason. a mp only game with frame rate problems bad ai average looks 792p and limited game modes...some how = 10...smmfh right now.

septic below...read your comment. you said "This article is just quoting a review in progress by Giantbomb. Seems very nit-picky" Quoting a review in progress a review that seems very nit picky

dedicatedtogamers3709d ago

In all fairness, most mainstream reviews don't criticize technical flaws if it's a mainstream game. See: Skyrim.

That said, the beta had a great framerate 90% of the time. But it chugged when you had multiple titans, you were getting in/out of a titan, or if there were multiple explosions going on. Hopefully Respawn can fix those issues but we'll see.

I anticipate a post-release patch. In fact, Respawn already confirmed they're going to patch it post-release to fix up the resolution and the glitches.

Gazondaily3709d ago (Edited 3709d ago )


Did I say it was a 10/10 game?? I said reviews are subjective.

"reviews are always nit picky...why not for tf?"

Read the article. Its not a review. It is quoting a review in progress. That's what the nit picky part was. Did you read the article or even understand my post?

Cupid_Viper_33709d ago (Edited 3709d ago )


I see that you're very touchy when it comes to this game. This is merely confirming what anyone who played the beta have noticed over and over again.

792p check
Frame rate dips check
Texture problems check

Me I find it worrying but not surprising that the usual suspects reviews failed to mention any technical issues when the beta had plenty. As in they completely failed to confirm or deny gamers' concerns from the beta they took part of a few weeks back.

What's the point of a review at this point. If 2 million plus people have already played the beta, and experienced the game first hand, and your review is not contrasting against that very same beta, then it is a pointless review.

Inform people of what has changed since that's the point of a review.

Edit: Let's also not forget about the Ai in the game, and how the power of the cloud with 300,000 plus servers was supposed to give us some of the most advanced Ai and make the XBOX One 3-4 times more powerful.

I rarely talk about TitanFall as I believe that the game gets talked about enough, and sometimes judged harshly. But those are precisely some of the reasons why people are harsh on the game, because the goalposts weren't just moved, they are non existent. It's almost as if a Titan yanked them (goalposts) from the ground and made off with them.

classic193709d ago (Edited 3709d ago )

watch the 360 version run at a sub 720P in be a solid 60 frames in never drop to the 1's in the digit mark.. lol bf4 can hold 60 frames with 20v20 matches, with tanks/jets on the maps. shame.

Gazondaily3709d ago

"I see that you're very touchy when it comes to this game."

Only when the usual suspects come in spouting their agendas. Playing the beta, whilst the frame-rate did dip at certain points, it wasn't game-breaking. For the most part, it ran extremely smooth.

I'll judge for myself but I won't take an article based on a quote from a review progress from another publication as gospel. Chances are, its most likely true but I won't blow it out proportion like Kingthrash360 did. If I was like him, I would be going into every KZ:SF article and moaning about how a game released without even basic voice chat support. Someone needs to put these people in their places.

Kingthrash3603709d ago

read this:http:


Christopher3709d ago

@Septic: NEver trust reviewers. They rarely mention stuff like this unless the game already fails in other areas.

BX813709d ago

Thrash I get the impression from all your Titanfall posts that you really aren't into this game but at the same time you feel the need to post something negative every time. Why the dislike?

Gazondaily3709d ago


I'm not overly trusting of reviews. I mean, I was shocked when playing The Last of Us that no one hardly picked on the terrible A.I in the game even though it was hyped to high heaven.

I acknowledge the fact that the problem most likely exists, I just question the value of this article that is merely quoting a review in progress from Giantbomb.

testerg353709d ago (Edited 3709d ago )

Kingsthrash, I've only seen 2 perfect scores and all the rest were 7-9 review, but yet you act like all reviews gave it a 10.

Do you complain when PS3 and PS4 games get a 10?

christocolus3709d ago (Edited 3709d ago )


Why do you even bother explaining? Your own opinion is what matters at the end of day. I am impressed by the reviews and the beta(despite the flaws) was great. Just go out and enjoy it. Stuff can always be patched via software updates.

-Foxtrot3709d ago (Edited 3709d ago )


Well Said

Skyrim got Game of the Year and Studio of the Year at the VGAs despite being broken as hell on one platform....I mean really, they won against Valve and bloody NaughtyDog.

If this game has it's flaws then it should be called out of them but you want to know why most sites don't....because they are scared they'll look like idiots for hyping the shit out of it for over a year now.

People are acting on here that this game has gotten 10/10 on the majority of sites when really it's been getting a normal mixture 7-9s with a few 10s here and there....god knows how since it's not a perfect game as the article points out.


"Only when the usual suspects come in spouting their agendas"

You mean what your doing right now...

Kingthrash3603709d ago (Edited 3709d ago )


what you mean bro i'm a day 1 tf buyer...i just dont like how the flaws are overlooked in this or any other game.
i hate to see games being called the best only because its hyped to be.
i never, NEVER said tf is a bad game...like NEVER.
i've always said its a great fun game...but the way reviewers and gamers alike take apart games..nit pick them..(as i believe a review and customers should) it hasnt really happened with this game. 10/10 and 5/5 scores are just wrong.
the game is great, but perfect...no. its hard as hell to get a fps game perfect. bf4 (while just bad online stability most times) has a megaton going on...no bot cop outs..it has more players online than tf with bots...with destruction, tanks, heli, jets, bike, boats, hell even a tractor. all while being more beautiful looking at a higher resolution with sp, with more mp game modes, more guns, gadgets, knifes and explosives all guns customizable at the same time gets a much lower score to a game that dosent have half the content...really rubs me the wrong way.
i state my opionions...thats all no bias.

Christopher3709d ago

***I'm not overly trusting of reviews. I mean, I was shocked when playing The Last of Us that no one hardly picked on the terrible A.I in the game even though it was hyped to high heaven. ***

Exactly. Good to hear.

testerg353709d ago

kingthrash, but BF4 had TONS of problems and still has problems that make it unplayable to a lot of users.

Again you keep harping about the 2 perfect scores, but that's not even the majority of the reviews.

BTW, are there any perfect games by your definition because there are a ton of PS3 games that got perfect scores.

PONTIAC08G8GT3709d ago (Edited 3709d ago )


For someone who doesnt like the game and trashes is constantly, you find your way into almost every TF article. Is it just to troll? What should a MP only game have to do with a final score? Every score has raved about the gameplay and idk about you, but I like to have fun playing games.

I think there is a lot of jealous people right now. Why because the ultra beautiful Killzone didn't get as good as scores? Just proves gameplay and innovation is more important than a pretty game.

Kingthrash3603709d ago (Edited 3709d ago )

are you reading my comments? smh last bub just to say ..what exatly are yall reading...
its like i cant criticise the game for what it is.
i like the game, i know its fun...i also know its over hyped and over rated.

i've been constant in my saying it fun, it will be successful...but that doesn't make me ignore the flaws.
that goes for all games on all systems. tf is the topic so tf is what i'm talking about.

i know bf doesn't work well, i've stated that in my comment..but still the game has achieved a megaton. more than tf for that matter. OVERALL.

tf is great dayum, but is it the best cross gen fps on the market? no its not.
its freash yes, kind of...i mean mechs are in blacklight you can hop in them and tear stuff up, but tf does it better. jet pack are in shadowrun a early 360 fps mp only game..but tf does jetpacks better too.
so yeah its a great game..but putting it up there with the best top dog fps games out there its not better than them overall.

click on my name, check my past posts all the way back to e3 i've never said this game was bad.

perfect games in my mind? imo not many. halo 2 comes close. so does tlou. mario64. mariokart64. goldeneye. ummm mario3 super metriod zelda oot. what else journey. sf2 champ ...samurai showdown 2..uc2.. and mgs. thos have changed the game..oh and gt..all 9+ imo..shout out to gow bgae,the walking dead, ff7 and ffx, wild arms 1 & 2, persona4 my top rpg's i liked shadow complex though it was flawed...all the games i mentioned has flaws...but the are >>>IMO<<< the greats.

Utalkin2me3709d ago


You do realize there is party chat on the PS4 right? Picking on voice chat is your best option?

Ezz20133708d ago (Edited 3708d ago )

i don't get it !!
TLOU have nothing to do with this article..so why bring it up ?!
and maybe i'm wrong but i thought you said it's one of the very best games last gen
and never saw you disagreeing with the rave reviews and being most awarded game ever
but now you downplay it because a multiplatform game glaring flaws ?!..it's not even exclusive

also, what's up with that :
"Most reviews did not criticise this so I'm not too worried"

but then you say this :
"I'm not overly trusting of reviews"

0_o so which is it ?!
i'm not bashing you or anything BTW

Wizard_King3708d ago

Paid for reviews...

Wait for the post paid for hype to calm down then watch for real reviews by real gamers.

Every TF review on N4G today has been paid for in some way or another.

Bigpappy3708d ago

It's is an online only game that is actually super smooth to play. This will all be revealed when gamers get some time with the beast. No need to fight over this. This is expected around launch. There will be more.

Gazondaily3708d ago


I gave TLOU the Game of the Generation award. It doesn't mean I dont think the A.I was overhyped

Gamer19823708d ago

reviews didnt notice it as they only got to review it in an enclosed environment at EA rather than at there own offices which makes you think and wonder if EA really gave them xbox one copys. Not only that they played on a private network rather than the internet as we all know fine well how EA online server launches go Xbox or not reviews would have picked up on this and been docked so the closed environment was a clever way of upping scores by EA and MS.

H0RSE3708d ago (Edited 3708d ago )


"Edit: Let's also not forget about the Ai in the game, and how the power of the cloud with 300,000 plus servers was supposed to give us some of the most advanced Ai and make the XBOX One 3-4 times more powerful."

- This was not the claim for this game. The claims concerning the AI and the cloud, were that the calculations for the ai would be handled via the cloud. MS cloud service would also be utilized for dedicated server support, and likely things such as stats and other server-side data.

The AI was never supposed to be some super-realistic advanced enemy for players to fight against - that what human players are for...

The ai are deliberately weak opponents, since that is their intended role - to serve as cannon fodder and an easy way to rack up points, decreasing the cooldown for your titan for both newbs and experienced players, like farming creeps for your ultimate in a MOBA. This has been mentioned multiple times in previews, interviews and even hands-on videos, by both the community and the devs themselves, yet people like you consistently seem to want to ignore this, and continue to comment on the "bad ai."

As for the "3-4 times more powerful" comment, that was/is a speculation for the X1 in general, and not a Titanfall-specific claim, and if MS and/or devs were able to utilize Azure in such a way to as to boost performance, you think you could give them a little more than 4 months time to execute such a feat before jumping on the "anti-MS full of lies hate train?"

As for those saying the 10/10 was not justified, how not? A review is largely an opinion - like Septic said, reviews are subjective. One mans junk is another mans treasure, so depending on the parameters in which an individual is basing their "review" (opinion) on, a 0/10 could be equally as justified as a 10/10.

Personally, I don't care for reviews for this very point. I don't read them and they have no influence on my take on a game (or a film, or a book, etc.) The only persons opinion that amounts to anything in this regard, is my own. That being said, I don't think any game is worthy of a 10/10, since that (to me) is implying that the game is perfect, which is an unattainable feat. I actually think rating systems in general are arbitrary and mostly useless, since a "6" or an "8" could mean very different things to a lot of different people.

+ Show (22) more repliesLast reply 3708d ago
boeso3709d ago Show
Studio-YaMi3709d ago Show
Jdoki3709d ago

Most reviews I have seen say it has minor dips at times on XB1.

Doesn't sound like a big deal - but obviously a solid 60fps would be more desirable.

I definitely wouldn't call it a 'struggle' as this article title suggests.

Gamer19823708d ago

I have no issues with nearly 60fps and a variable frame rate with a 60fps roof. What I have an issue with is screen tearing on a console. It shouldn't happen and it shows they cared to much about making it look good and hitting more than 720p than getting it optimized. Society forced them into it though to be fair.

BallsEye3709d ago

Don't believe it. Beta had this res and had PERFECT framerate. constant 60 fps

GarrusVakarian3709d ago (Edited 3709d ago )

No, it didn't.....why do people keep spreading misinformation just because THEY didn't notice any dips?


From lead engineer on Titanfall on the final build of the game - "A lot of the performance is on the GPU side. There's still room for optimisation and we're still working on it," Baker commented. "Ideally it would have been a rock-solid 60 all the time when we shipped but obviously when there's big fights going on, lots of particle effects, lots of physics objects... we're still working to condense the systems, make them more parallel so we can hit 60 all the time, ideally."

Please don't confuse this comment with me hating on the game, it's not that at all, but people need to stop ignoring the facts that this game doesn't run at locked 60fps or near to a locked 60fps. Respawn said "framerate is king"....but the final build says otherwise.

lpc3709d ago

Microsoft lied about there hardware its plain and simple... Gandu Microsoft walay dalay randi ma k bachay

k3rn3ll3709d ago

Ill be worried if its still a significant problem after day one update and others

Everlastingfate3708d ago

But but but the cloud!

But but but the dx12!

Oh wait... The hardware is still weak.

Kingthrash3603708d ago

they guy in pic playing ps2...he not even playing knack....get them gifs right bro.

TheXgamerLive3707d ago (Edited 3707d ago )

ummm didnt you see the DF test, Thief did have a much better/stable frame rate on the Xbox One.

90% of complainers on here are butt hurt Sony fanboys, seriously I dont care what camp your for xbox sony nin or pc stop the bi*chin about every other system and go play yours. And, if you dont have nothing to play then i guess you bought the wrong console.
Move along ladies nothing to see here.

PS N4G. I say this so people will stop the constant ripping making your forums look like garbage. To moderate effectively you clean up the trash or go back to a 2 post forum, general gamers and unrated comments so the fanboys can scream.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 3707d ago
MightyNoX3709d ago ShowReplies(1)
TheFreak3709d ago

That's strange. Titanfall beta on pc was locked at 60 fps I hope it's different in the full game.

Xsilver3709d ago (Edited 3709d ago )

This is about Xbox One Not PC.

It's about framerate though...

Yeah on Xbox One :/.

ThatOneGuyThere3709d ago

that has everything to do with your PC..

Dewitt3709d ago (Edited 3709d ago )

I put 20 hours into the beta, and never experienced any groundbreaking or single digit frame drops. What GB is saying is definitely exaggerated beyond belief.

Sony fanboys can disagree all they want, but I got a fantastic experience with the beta. It's embarrassing since half of you didn't even play the game yet.

@below I already read the article and they are exaggerating the severity of this. I played a lot of last Titan standing in chaotic situations and never notice "nasty" drops.

imt5583709d ago (Edited 3709d ago )

Well, from Giantbomb review ( there isn't socre yet, but is review in some way ) http://www.giantbomb.com/re...

Quote :

"The frame rate in Titanfall is uneven on the Xbox One and though it's usually fine, it can get downright nasty in specific situations. In one Last Titan Standing match--where every player spawns in a robot suit--several players crammed their mechs into a tight area and began duking it out, and the frame rate dived down to what must have been single digits per second. Even out in wider areas, the game feels a little hitchy from time to time, and there's noticeable tearing throughout. The visuals in Titanfall look nice, but that's mostly due to some solid art and interesting design, not the performance. As of this writing, I haven't seen enough of the PC version to know how well it runs."

Father__Merrin3709d ago

by the gods, that sounds awful!!!!!

Kingthrash3603709d ago

no its a 10/10 game...even sessler gave it a 5/5...fps can now somehow be perfect with frame rate drops, bad ai, bad gun balance, 792p, limited game modes no map voting, no sp, no destruction or bullet holes, and 6v6 players....new dawn.

Dewitt3709d ago

Thrash you can stop trolling, greatly appreciated.

3709d ago
Utalkin2me3709d ago (Edited 3709d ago )


Honestly he made you mad, roflmao. He makes valid points and your best comeback is "trolling". How about you counter his great comments with valid points. Ohhh thats right you cant.

Farmassy3708d ago

I have played the beta and if the retail version is anything like it then there are some framerate issues. It was very rare (I probably played around 20 hours of the beta and it happened 2 times) but it does happen

when it did happen it was really bad. I'm not worried about it because it happens so rarely and if it didn't ruin my time then, I doubt it will now

hopefully they will fix it with an update but if they don't I will be ok

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3708d ago
darkslayer2083709d ago

you seem to have forgot that the game is out on PC too and most people will play on PC those don't own a xbone but own a PS4 and a decent PC.And nobody is complaining about the game..

Dewitt3709d ago (Edited 3709d ago )

As I said Jeff exaggerated his claims, straight from Digital Foundry.


jcampanozzi873709d ago

But if it drops in the 30ish area with fps, this is still a problem for a game that is running a ten year old engine and mid level textures. Lets be real people this game is not a Halo or a Mass Effect by any means. Its not a game changer, like the media likes to portray. Just remember those reports about MS paying some of these media outlets to show the X1 in a positive light.

blahblah1233709d ago

Beta frame-rate dipped all over the place on my 8core "Titan" GPU PC. It's what happens when you take a first release game from a "new" studio that's was originally made to run on an old PowerPC box and later PC and an XBO.

FlyingFoxy3708d ago

Not to mention Titan is so overpriced when an r9 290 matches it in most game benchmark tests.

Volkama3708d ago (Edited 3708d ago )

On the AMD side of the fence Titanfall performance was pretty much flawless.

nVidia released a new driver yesterday with optimisations for Titanfall, I'd be very surprised if you don't get a solid 60fps.

On-topic, I don't think that frame drops on the console version are a hugh problem if they're infrequent, but screen tearing would bug the hell out of me. Can't say I noticed these problems myself on the beta, but I only really played through the tutorial area before diving into the PC version.

Nocando3709d ago

Same here, I am perplexed as to what the hell they are talking about. I played for many hours and didn't notice any screen tearing framerate dips.

RebelWAC3708d ago (Edited 3708d ago )

Riddle me this. Why is it that every single time someone disagrees the person has to be a -insert brand- fanboy...? Grow up already and realise that there is people who spent money and expect value in return on both ends of the coin. We all know what a fanboy look like..

I myself do not own the Xbox One but I keep my eyes open for that one system seller at all times, and that is why I´m here on this article making my own decision on whether or not this is factual cause I´m highly interested in general and your statement would have been more solid if the mid part was left out.

Now for the disclaimer. If I invest on this game and I experience what this and many other articles/Xbox One owners claim cause you´re saying other wise... I must hunt you down.

Cuzzo633708d ago

Lol. The Sony fanboys. Well this is N4g and I'm pretty sure 95% of the people that post here are fans of their prefered console. I'm pretty sure they are exaggerating quite a bit but no need for everybody to get all in ur panties. Let's jus wait for DF or LoT to do their analysis so we can see who is really bias.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3708d ago
staticdash223709d ago

Isn't this the same site that said Thief's fps was higher on Xbox One? Then digital foundry published their analysis and it turns out that Xbox One's is worse than PS4's?

Just saying. Anyway, kotaku and giantbomb both reported on this. Polygon has noted it too, saying there's been lots of screen tearing.

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15 Underrated FPS Games You May Want to Try

Popularized by Doom in 1993 and still making video game haters gnash their teeth today, first-person shooter games are the best thing to happen to gamers since pizza rolls. So here are 15 underrated first-person shooter games you may have missed.

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Jiub604d ago

Although the late 2000s Turok wasn't my favorite, I would love a new entry. Open world survival with shotguns and dinosaurs. Not sure how we'd get the fusion cannon, but that would be pretty sweet too.

MadLad604d ago


All of these games are pretty much universally praised. Outside of Timeshift I literally own all of these.

Venoxn4g603d ago (Edited 603d ago )

XIII, The Darkness 2, Far Cry: Blood Dragon, Timesplitters: future perfect, Bulletstorm are awesome games

gurp4d ago

I played them all, they are all good in their own way
I used to be obsessed with FPS games


An ode to Titanfall: The last twitch shooter I'll probably ever enjoy

Windows Central: "Titanfall 1 is being sunset, taken off storefronts by EA. While the servers remain live for now, one has to wonder just how much time it has left. I look back and pay tribute to the last "twitch"-styled shooter I ever truly loved."

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Respawn Entertainment is Discontinuing Sales of Original Titanfall

Sales for the original Titanfall are being discontinued.
It will be pulled from subscription services on March 1, 2022.

Ethereal885d ago

Physical media. Unfortunately the way games are going these days game servers will eventually be shut down and you can stare at the menu and wish you could play the game again.

littletad884d ago

This is why reading is so important. Nothing to do with digital or physical media. The game, which is online only, is being delisted because of DDOS and other hacker attacks. The case got so bad that only six players in the world log on. For PC. Rather than fix it, they continued to sell the game, broken as it is, and only now just decided to call it quits. But please, go on thinking what you will.

Ethereal882d ago

I'm aware of the DDOS attacks and that this case is not typical. This game would eventually have it's servers shutdown regardless of the current situation so that is a moot point. My comment was in a general sense and that there are instances in which games can be preserved physically when official support ends.

Let's recap your first sentence. I said, "the way GAMES are going these days" indicating a broader stroke than just this game. I agree, reading IS important. I was simply stating the obvious downsides of the digital marketplaces and online only trends in games these days. I could even make the argument that the online only offering which has allowed hacker manipulation has impacted the preservation of this great game. My comment is valid in the general sense and thank you for your permission to continue to think what I will.