
Zumba Fitness World Party Review | XXLGaming

XXLGaming writes, "For once, a fitness game that is not out to kill me. Not only will you get some decent workouts but you'll also take in a little culture too while you are working out. It's definitely a fitness game that is more fun than painful."

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Amazon Pre Black Friday 2014: Zumba Games, Borderlands GOTY Pack (50% off)

Techtorial: Amazon updated its Countdown to Black Friday page giving up to 50% discount to select Zumba games and Borderlands 2 + Borderlands Game of the Year Pack (digital).

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Zumba Fitness World Party Players Have Burned Over 25 Million Calories

Amounts to well over 7,000 lbs., or, seven Snorlaxes. Eight if they're really watching their figure.

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Excalibur3752d ago

Who keeps writing these articles?


Xbox One Helps Millions Lose Weight With Zumba

Hardcore Gamer: According to Majesco Entertainment, over 10 million copies of Zumba Fitness have been sold worldwide, and over 25 million calories have been burned — that’s over 7000 pounds, or 35 baby elephants. We decided to conduct some research of our own, and find out just how much weight one can lose utilizing the Zumba Fitness game versus other activities we actively enjoy.

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B1uBurneR3752d ago

Yea well.. if you're going to lose weight at least do it with a game that's 1080p @60fps .. geez

3752d ago
Justindark3751d ago

that was off topic,imature and trolling good job not!

Plasticgearsolid3752d ago

Considering that the "game" has only sold 60,000 units on the xbox one this title is a lie

Rainstorm813752d ago

"over 10 million copies of Zumba Fitness have been sold worldwide"

How did Xbox One make the title? It doesnt even makeup 1% of this games sales... They would be better off saying 360 or Wii, my wife has Zumba on 360 for Kinect

MRMagoo1233752d ago

I think some people would be happy with any news about anything than negative news about the xbone including MS lol

norman1233752d ago (Edited 3752d ago )

another sony fan rages with any positive about xbox, even a tiny positive like this. and excited with negative news about xbox.

Hicken3751d ago

It's not a "tiny positive." It's a flat out lie in the title.

ZUMBA helped millions, but as there haven't been even ONE million sold n Xbox One, how could the console have done what's been claimed?

windblowsagain3752d ago

If you want a six pack.

Do this.

30-60mins excercise - 3 times a week.

Eat healthy meals(protein) greens and water etc.

Excercise muscles the other 2 days and have 2 days off.


mcstorm3752d ago

Its not always as easy as that though. some people don't get that long to do excuses and can't always eat healthy. I had this issue and ended up the start od my weight loss by using nike+ on the 360 which got me started and now I have more time to make healthy food and also so me time I play hockey and bike to work but if it was not for me doing Nike + at the beginning I would of not got this far.

Its not for everyone but using a console for fitness can work well for some people also a good way to start off getting fitter.

Gamer6663752d ago

But you can't earn achievements on your console using any of these solutions!

MRMagoo1233752d ago

"If you want a six pack.

Do this.

30-60mins excercise - 3 times a week.

Eat healthy meals(protein) greens and water etc.

Excercise muscles the other 2 days and have 2 days off.

*Keep doing that for 2 years straight* Done.

Fixed it for you

Along the lines of eat healthy meals, you do realise that pretty much anything healthy costs more than pretty much anything thats not, if countries want to lower the obesity levels they should start by making healthy food cheaper than the fatty crap like takeaway. If you where to eat only junkfood on a low budget in Australia you could easily get a fortnights food for $200 for healthy stuff only it would be around $400 to $500 range.

windblowsagain3751d ago

Yep i know it's easier said then done.

Sugar and fat is in most foods/drinks. And is most worse for people together, cakes etc.

Money wise, keep it simple, smaller meals. But healthy.

Justindark3751d ago

I disagree as a personal trainer. Everyone is different and has different needs. In order for your ab muscles to show you need to bring your body fat down by eating clean and lean, drinking plenty of water; roughly a gallon a day. As well as the recomended 60min of pysical activity a day. Thats the minimum, for great results do 3 to 6 days of planed pysical activity weekly. All other activty should come from daily tasks. If you cant, which you can, space out your planed workouts into smaller sessions. For example, 20 min morning walk, 20 min night walk. You have 40 min right there for your cardio. You can use the remainder for strength training.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3751d ago
FlyingFoxy3752d ago

I'm already losing weight.. it's called not eating too much crap and having a balanced diet.

I've already lost like a bit over 4 pounds in 3 weeks by just limiting stuff with a lot of calories and sugar, like chocolate and cake type foods to just 0 or 1-2 small snacks a day with other healthy stuff like salad with jacket potatoes, a bowl of baked beans is very filling and very low fat too.

Still, can't hurt to exercise a little either!

JohnS13133752d ago

Xbox One helps millions lose weight? How dumb is that? For that to be true everyone who owns an Xbox One would have to be using it to lose weight.

cyguration3752d ago

Yeah that headline is clickbait all the way around.

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